Sunday, August 20, 2006

INDIA -Anna Hajjray RIT act

Indian policians tried to make ineffective or you can say cancel the law of right to information to its citizens.
But becase of efforts of social worker Anna Hajjray from Maharashtra Govt of india has postponed this decesion.
thx to Anna

Yesterday the kings owners of India passed the office of profit bill to secure there permanant sits to secure there thron permanantly
again its proven that policians are kings and indian population uneducated and intellligent working slaves.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

why to visit pune reasons -------- india

This is a good news for the drivers who like to ride there bikes on road with path holes .

If you are such a bike ride please visit Pune city India as here PMC that is local body has developed such a roads in the city that you will have to find the road.

If you find the road pleas quickly take the photo as it is rare thing as still majority Pune citizens are trying to find a road in vein.

2nd is if u are company who is making vehicles which will travel walk on the moon you can come with your vehicles to test on pune city roads if they travel successfully on these roads
i am sure your vehicle will work 100% on moon and you will not need to get insurance.

Also by testing your vehicle on pune roads you will save money for creating environment like moon.

we hope soon NASA or other space agency takes note of this and publish the pics of pune city roads and moon taken from space for comparison .

i am sure they will be surprised to see that moon and pune city are same in one condition of path holes 100% matching .

if you got such pics let me know in comments and i will put them on blog

India -- Right to information Act , RIT act and govt of india

Recently in India citizens got the right to information with limitations from our king politicians who are actually servants of Indian people but they have become kings ruling India generation after generation like kings.

Anyway so point is Indian people got right to information with limits

About this law majority Indians are not aware or do not know what this law is or how the law will be useful for Indian citizens.

But people who know this law started to use it
and result is that our corrupt or lazy politicians as well as IPS and IAS officers started to feel the heat of law which made them reveal their laziness or corrupt documents to public .

so now these politicians are planning to change the law so like other laws this law will also become useless ineffective.

this is nothing but cancellation of Right to information law which mistakly they have given to there slave owners.

i hope these politicians do not do this as India is silently running towards 2nd revolution

what will happen that time no one knows But this revolution will make India religion free,caste free and lead India towards economic reservation etc.