Saturday, September 27, 2008

India -Rajya sabha Mp -Hema 'caught' for ticketless travel

Hema 'caught' for ticketless travel

Difference Between uk prime minister and indian mp, minister hema malini.
Both have same story travel without ticket. In uk tony blair got the ticket his copassenger
help him out .

But india no one dare to ask the minister, please madam pay the fines and get the tickets .

Hema Malini travelled from Kurduwadi in Solapur to Dadar by the Siddeshwar Express
yesterday – without a ticket. She, however, managed to escape any penalty, as the
organisers had booked the tickets, but failed to give her the printed ticket?

Did they acutally got the tickets ? does anyone saw the tickets ?

The Rajya Sabha MP had travelled to Pandharpur for the inauguration of a branch of the
Sawarkar Vichar Manch on Thursday. Hema decided to take the overnight train back, as she
wanted to reach Mumbai in the morning

If this happens with a indian common man, he honestly forgets his tickets at home what
would have happend ?

Just think this happens with you and you forgot tickets ?

answer : humiliation,fine,jail ,thorowing you out of train,what will happen ?
Quote " Todays, ministers are the kings and owners of india "

If the ticket checker would have dared to ask hema malini to pay fines and get the ticket
what would have happend ?
Just think the ticket checker would have lost his job or he would have been rewarded for honesty and duty .

so my indian friends what you think ?
Food for thought ?

I guarantee you that in India you will find many people supporting hema malini for free travel
and not charging her fines.they will say whats wrong in that its not her fault .its ok let her travel free .

this shows the lack of knowledge towards rule of law,honesty.
the tendency is " HUM NAHI SUDHRENGEY "

Rules for MPs
BJP MP Jual Oram said that the identity card of an MP was treated like a railway ticket.
"Even if we enter a train without a ticket and if seats are available, the TTE can allot us the
seat against our MP Identity Card number. But an MP must keep his I-Card with him, as that
is the only proof that the person is an MP," Oram said. It wasn't known if Malini was travelling
with her identity card.
However, Chief PRO, Northern Railway, Rajeev Saxena, said that MPs travelling without a
ticket can be penalised. "Be it a railway employee or an MP, they have to inform the authority
to reserve a berth in the train," he said.

J P Aggarwal, Rajya Sabha MP and Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president, said,
"Even for MPs, the formalities are the same as that of a common man. We just have the
privilege that we don't have to pay for our ticket. We are issued tickets with Rs 0 in the fare

same incidenet happend with tony blairs wife ,In 2001, Blair's wife Cherie was forced to pay
a ten-pound fine plus a 7.90-pound fare when she was caught travelling to Luton from
London Blackfriars without a ticket.
for tonyblair article read

Friday, September 26, 2008

song by willie nelson : shelter of your arms : lyrics

song by willie nelson : shelter of your arms : lyrics

Now I lay me down to sleep
And if I sleep, perhaps I'll dream.
If I dream, I'll be with you,In the shelter of your arms.
I pray that god will lengthen night,And grant me time before the light.
For the light of day will take me
From the shelter of your arms.
And though I know it's just a dream,
A dream that soon must end,
The arms I feel,
I know are real,And I'm happy, once again.
If I die, while I am asleep,
I pray my dreams he'll let me keep,
And carry me through eternity
In the shelter of your arms.
And though I know it's just a dream,
A dream that soon must end,
The arms I feel,
I know are realAnd I'm happy,
once again.
And if I die while I am asleep,
I pray my dreams he'll let me keep,
And carry me through eternity
In the shelter of your arms

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dolly Parton Album - Joshua - Lyrics

Joshua was a 1971 album by  Dolly Parton that included her first song to top the U.S. country charts  The album reached # 16 on the country albums charts, and #198 on the pop albums chart.
Artist: Parton Dolly
Song: Letter To Heaven -Lyrics
Album: Joshua

An old man was sitting at his table one day
Writing a letter to pass time away
His little granddaughter climbed up on his knee
Saying won't you please write a letter for me
Oh what must I say in this letter
I pray Tell mommy I miss her
since she went away I coming to see her real soon I hope
He choked back a big lump that rose in his throat
He sealed it and wrote on that big envelope
To God up in heaven you'll get it I hope
He stamped it and handed it to her to mail
Her big eyes were shining her little face pale
She was crossing the street to the box o'er the way
And when she stepped out never looked either way
A big auto hit her and sped away fast
The little girls prayers had been answered at last
The postman was passing and picked up the note
Addressed to the Master and these words he spoke
Straight up into heaven this letter did go
She's happy up there with her mommy I know
Artist: Parton Dolly

Song: The Last One To Touch Me -Lyrics

Album: Joshua

If there ever was an angel, then surely you must be one
If there ever was a perfect love when I look at you I see one
If there's heaven on earth, then this must surely be
And I want you to be the last one to touch me
The last thing I remember before I go to sleep
Is the touch of your sweet lips softly kissing me
And I go to sleep athinking how happy you make me
And I want you to be the last one to touch me
And when it's time to lay me down for my eternal sleep
Once more let your fingers softly touch my cheek
If I know that you have touched me, then I can sleep in peace
And I want you to be the last one to touch me
And when the night is over and time will be no more
They say that we shall meet again upon the golden shore
And so when I awaken from my eternal sleep
I want you to be the first one to touch me
I want you to be the first, the last, the only one to touch me
Artist: Parton Dolly

Song: Joshua- lyrics

Album: Joshua

Well a good ways down the railroad track There was this little old rundown shack
And in it lived a man I'd never seen Folks said he was a mean and a vicious man
And you better not set foot on his land I didn't think nobody could be that mean
So I took me out walking down the railroad track I was a-gonna go down to that little old shack And just find out if all them things I'd heard was true
There was a big black dog laying out in the yard
And it growled at me and I swallowed hard
And I heard somebody say well who are you Oh and there he stood in the door of that shack
His beard and his hair was long and black
And he was the biggest man I'd ever seen When he spoke his voice was low and deep
But he just didn't frighten me 'Cause somehow I just knew he wasn't mean
He said what you doing snooping 'round my place And I saw a smile come across his face
So I smiled back and I told him who I was He said come on in and pull you up a chair
You might as well since you already here And he said you can call me Joshua
Joshua Joshua Whatcha doing living here all alone
Joshua Joshua Ain't you got nobody to call your own No no no no
We talked 'til the sun was clean out of sight And we still talking when it come daylight
And there was just so much we had to say hey I'd spent my life in an orphan's home
And just like him I was all alone So I said yeah when he asked if I'd stay
Oh we grew closer as time went on
And that little old shack it was a happy home
And we just couldn't help but fall in love That big black dog and that little old shack
Sitting down by the railroad track It's plenty good enough for me and Joshua
Joshua Joshua Why you're just what I've been looking for
Joshua Joshua You ain't gonna be lonesome anymore
No no
Me and Joshua Me and Joshua Me and Joshua yeah yeah Me and Joshua ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Top Ten Careers for Aquarius

Top Ten Careers for Aquarius -

Quirky Aquarius likes to stand apart and to champion the underdog. Find out the top careers
for the unique Water Bearer!

Read more »

Top Ten Careers for Capricorn

Top Ten Careers for Capricorn : Find out which careers are best suited for the ambitious, reliable, and hardworking


Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Capricorn is probably the most stable and reliable employee.
Capricorns are well suited to any career in which organizational skill, patience and
consistency are of the utmost importance.

The grounded Sea Goat is not temperamentally suited to life as a starving artist or
unemployed actor. They tend to choose careers that provide a steady source of income
and that have a long shelf life. One of the most ambitious signs, Capricorns are slow to
achieve success, but once the mountaintop is reached, it's the real thing. Small, deliberate
steps help them fulfill their lofty ambition.

Capricorns need to have a detailed career plan, concrete goals and the assurance of a
decent paycheck. They are incapable of flying by the seat of their pants. This is the sign to
watch as they grow in confidence and experience, and steadily reach their goals.

Here are the Top 10 Careers for hardworking Capricorn:

1. Accountant:If you need your taxes done, a financial statement prepared or a treasurer for your
organization, this is the person to call. Natural bean counters, Capricorns are compulsive
about making sure all the "I’s" are dotted and the "T’s" are crossed. They will not let you
cheat nor misrepresent funds due to a strict sense of duty. As children they probably used
their recess money to buy mutual funds.

2. Managerial Consultant:If someone shows up in your office wearing a dark suit, carrying a briefcase, and conducting
“interviews” with staff, you may be dealing with a Capricorn. They will easily recognize what
is dysfunctional and what changes they should recommend. Slackers better beware when
Capricorn is looking for holes in the system. To make things worse, staff may not even
notice them lurking in their midst. Waste not, want not is their motto.

3. Professional Organizer:Capricorns love to flex their organizational muscles by finding a place for everything and
being a model for others in getting rid of clutter. When they run out of things to rearrange
and sort in their own homes, they feel compelled to move on to unsuspecting relatives and
friends. After being told to back off enough times, they have a mission to use their talents by
getting paid for it, and then a career is born.

4. Financial Planner:Capricorn is obsessed with building wealth and funding retirement plans. They grow up
learning the ins and outs of compound interest and the joys of asset management. After
they’ve figured out how to retire at 40, they spend the ensuing years helping other people to
retire at 60. The poor souls didn’t start saving early enough, so while Capricorn retires and
begins a new career, these people are still slogging away at the old one.

5. Real Estate Developer:This career is perfect for Capricorn. It allows them to put their heart and soul into a project
and return a big profit in a very short time. Independent wealth won’t happen overnight, but
eventually they will climb the property ladder until they have a view beyond compare. You
won’t find them putting high-end materials into a basic condo. They are too practical for that.
These smarty pants will find good materials at a bargain price that will make the place only
appear more valuable to the unsuspecting buyer - and it’s all perfectly legal.

6. Antiques Dealer:Capricorn has a love of history and provenance, as well as a keen sense of business. They
get all worked up over period and style and seek to collect almost anything. This makes
them especially cut out for the world of buying and selling antiques. They would love to set
up a little shop, high on a hill in the country. It could even be in a century old barn or a little
place downtown stuffed to the gills. These days it might be a virtual store on e-bay, with the
headiness of no overhead.

7. Cashier:In any retail outlet, movie theater, fast food restaurant or casino, there are probably a high
percentage of Capricorns taking and counting your cash. When they get home, they hesitate
before washing the smell of money from their hands. They love to stack the bills with heads
facing toward them, sorted into denominations. Counting back change to a customer brings
sheer joy and satisfaction, and the absolute best part of the day is balancing the till.

8. Appraiser:This career will suit the discerning Capricorn because they can revel in contact with an
abundance of material goods and property. Whether they are evaluating a gemstone or a
piece of real estate, they will enjoy the process of figuring out what something is worth.
Because they are the most materialistic sign of the Zodiac, they are best suited to
establishing value and keeping track of what the market will bear.

9. General Laborer:Capricorns have a keen work ethic and will do anything for money. Rarely do they forego a
formal education, but when they do, they are able to make the most of it. Savvy Capricorn
will find a way to get paid big bucks for emptying garbage cans, working on assembly lines
or gutting fish if they have to. They’ve figured out the golden formula for security - get
unionized or work for the government and all will fall into place.

10. Computer Programmer:Many people would cringe at the thought of spending 12-hour days staring at a bunch of
code. Just bring up the words Java or Linux and the eyes of some Capricorns light up like
candles. They are tenacious and dedicated, and possess a deep well of patience to find a
missing tag or the reason why the script won’t run. If asked to pick out some colors for a
webpage though, they will adopt the look of a caged animal and mumble something about
an important appointment they've got to get to.

Top Ten Careers for Sagittarius

Top Ten Careers for Sagittarius - Sagittarius is the explorer of the Zodiac and needs a career with a great degree of freedom.
A travel expense account wouldn't hurt.

Sagittarius is well-suited to any career in which communication skills, knowledge, and
inspiration are important. This is an employee who will be versatile, adventurous, and
knowledgeable. They tend to be easygoing and good-natured and able to adapt easily to

The Archer enjoys a workplace that is lively and stimulating. They are not temperamentally
suited to a job that is boring or with no opportunity for growth and learning. Sagittarius
prefers a career that allows them the opportunity to expand their horizons, travel, and

Sagittarius natives do not like to be constricted in their daily routine or have to adhere to a lot
of rules. Motivated by challenges and the chance to prove their abilities, this sign will
become a life-long learner and will always be looking for new avenues to pursue. They may
change careers several times in their life.

The following careers are ideal for high-aiming Archers:

Sagittarius has a love of books and knowledge, and this career would be very aligned with
the goals of this sign. Whether through books, magazines or the Internet, the Archer is
capable of reaching many people and enjoys disseminating ideas, storytelling, and opening
issues for discussion. Whether this information ends up being meaningful depends on the

Dog Walker/Pet Sitter
:This job appeals to Sagittarius's love of animals and their welfare. It allows a great deal of
freedom, good companionship, and the chance to get some exercise in the fresh air.
Sagittarius will not only make sure your beloved pet has enough food, water, and exercise,
but will also take the time to interact with them. Sometimes natives of this sign prefer the
company of pets to people anyway, because they are much more sensible.

The life of a religious person is perfect for Sagittarius. There are many avenues to pursue,
from being cloistered and austere to leading a congregation or being a lay minister. All
aspects appeal to Sagittarius on some level, but each individual must choose the right path.
Focusing on spiritual matters, exploring, counseling, facilitating, and learning are all ways in
which the Archer can live authentically and help others.

With this path in life, Sagittarius will be able to follow a religious calling, but in a foreign
country. The combination of those two elements would certainly make up for the lack of a
good income or, in some cases, running water. Sagittarius is usually very dedicated to their
cause and can really make a difference when they are committed. Some people feel they
should be committed, but that's another story.

Animal Trainer:
Sagittarius understands animals on a very deep level and is able to communicate naturally
with them. This makes them the perfect person to work with all types of creatures. Trainers
can be hired to improve animal behavior, as well as to teach them to do certain jobs. Guide
dogs and racehorses have probably had a lot of trainers that were Sagittarius. The Archer is
able to bring out the best in their students, and they get a lot of satisfaction from this type of
career. That might explain why Sagittarius natives often keep a pocket full of treats that
confuse people who don't know what they do for a living.

The Sagittarius native often has done extensive traveling or lived in a foreign country. They
can easily make contacts that will allow them to source products to import. In some cases, it
may be a way to include travel with business, which is an attractive concept to Sagittarius.
The Archer will be adept at negotiating, arranging contracts, and identifying legalities.
Hopefully, the goods are legal.

Because of their love of foreign countries, culture, and language, this career would be ideal.
Sagittarius can either work in another country, or in their own. This career requires an agile
mind, facility for languages, good communication skills, and the ability to express concepts
readily. This job would be full of variety and new experiences and mentally stimulating. It
may require the ability to quickly edit content for suitability.

College Professor:
Sagittarius is always seeking knowledge and can be an inspirational teacher. They love to
keep their students interested with stories of adventure and motivate them with
encouragement. The native of this sign is perfectly suited to a life in an academic setting, in
front of a roomful of eager minds. As long as they remain interested and stimulated by a
subject, they are able to be great teachers. If they are not, the sabbaticals become more
frequent over time.

There is also a talent for promotion and sales within Sagittarius. They are able to conceive
of special events and programs and then take the steps to pull everything together and
make it work. They are wonderful facilitators and are able to multitask easily. This is the sign
that loves the art of making a deal and putting all the elements in place. They risk big and
most of the time it pays off, but sometimes the fall can be spectacular.

Another job that allows them to break away from the confines of corporate life is that of a
tutor. Sagittarius is an excellent choice to nurture and develop a student who is having
problems with a subject. They can easily work to improve literacy, math skills, languages, or
any subject that involves foreign content. Working with another person to develop their skill
and mastery is a dream job indeed. They may, however, get easily distracted and miss

Top 10 Careers for Scorpio

Top 10 Careers for Scorpio - Finding an outlet for all that intensity isn't easy, but there are some highly unusual

specialities sure to appeal to this mysterious sign

Scorpio is well-suited to any career in which ambition, insight, and intelligence are important.
This is an employee who will be brilliant, perceptive, and hard working. They tend to be
difficult, but only when they perceive a situation to be superficial or when dealing with silly
people. They enjoy a quiet workplace that is away from distractions. They are not
temperamentally suited to a job that is highly visible and in front of the public, unless they
are totally in charge. Scorpios prefer a career that allows them the opportunity to work hard
and to be passionate about what they do.

Scorpios do not like to be interrupted when they are working and need to be able to do
things on their own terms. The Scorpion is motivated by being able to do good work and
gaining a stellar reputation. This sign will wholeheartedly engage in all that they do, provided
that they are able to do things their way.

Scorpio may naturally gravitate toward any of the following careers:

Coroner:Scorpio is perfectly suited for this work, which could horrify others. They are not bothered by
working with a dead body and will investigate tirelessly to determine the cause of death and
other pertinent details. Scorpio has a surgeon's eye and a penchant for detective work that
matches the qualities needed in a Coroner. There is usually no need to comfort grieving
families or get into the emotional side of the case, because it is strictly science, but they
could easily handle it if necessary.

Private Investigator:The natives of this sign are naturally nosy individuals who love to discover secrets but value
highly their own privacy. All of this adds up to someone who is good at uncovering the crazy
stuff that others want to hide. The Scorpion is also great at working undercover and quietly
observing people and their activities. They are excellent researchers and won't give up until
they have all the facts. A penchant for revenge sometimes comes in handy.

Psychiatrist:The chance to hear the dirty laundry of countless clients and figure out their issues is the
kind of life that Scorpio lives for. Better to do it in a formal setting than become a voyeur or
creepy friend. Of course, there are also control issues involved and a healthy dose of
transference. Scorpio psychiatrists may be quick to blame everything on sexual problems
and may have to examine themselves first before pointing the finger.

Embalmer:With this career, Scorpios excel, not only because they are fascinated with the dead, but
also because they are ambitious and hard working. This is a lifetime career that is
demanding and stressful, but well suited to a Scorpio with endurance and fortitude. As with
being a coroner, they are able to marry science and anatomy with work that takes a lot of
dedication and a lack of squeamishness. This job also gives them the opportunity to work

Researcher:The Scorpion can be found in scientific labs, whether working for pharmaceutical
companies or doing research for private industry or government agencies. They have the
kind of mind that is able to penetrate the problem and come up with criteria to evaluate it that
will show results. There is a certain aspect of the Scorpion character that wants to be the
best, and when applied properly, will find a cure for a disease, the ultimate weight loss
solution, or a new form of birth control. Whatever the problem, they will find the answer or
improve on the solution.

Surgeon:The Scorpio native is intense and driven. They have a lot of endurance and a strong desire
to excel. These qualities allow them to be outstanding surgeons who eventually achieve an
impeccable reputation in the operating room. Inner strength and tenacity allow them to
persevere when it seems like all is lost. During medical school, they most likely have high
marks, a lot of pressure, and a huge number of one-night stands.

Sex Therapist:Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Scorpio is the obvious choice to work with people who have
hang-ups and dysfunction in the bedroom. The airing of dirty little secrets, sexual fantasies,
and embarrassing details does not deter dear Scorpio. In fact nothing is too shocking for
this personality. They have the ability to get to the root of the matter and help their clients to
make adjustments and work through problems.

Dominatrix:This career is not for everyone, but for those Scorpios with a strong personality and lots of
need for control, this job could be very lucrative and satisfying. There is the opportunity to
work from home, wear an interesting uniform, and work out some aggression. This is not for
the faint of heart or the passive, but can be a way to access the dark side without causing
too much harm.

Bill Collector:Another job that allows the nasty side of Scorpio to emerge is in collections. They can get
paid to abuse and cajole deadbeats and debtors eight hours a day and then go home to
relax in front of the fire. Empty threats and daily harassment are the tools of the trade,
requiring a lot of dogged determination and a will to succeed. They are not daunted at all by
people who don't answer the phone or open their mail, and will find a way to get to them.
Hypnotist:Scorpio loves being in control and is fascinated by the unconscious. When acting
responsibly, this career could be perfect for them. Working with clients who want to shake
bad habits, they are able to make hypnotic suggestions, which are effective in dealing with
these problems. Some people are looking to remember past lives or hidden memories. The
Scorpion is the master of secrets and hidden things.

Top Ten Careers for Libra

Top Ten Careers for Libra - Whether in the hair salon or the courtroom, Libra's job is to make the world a more beautiful
and peaceful place.

Libra is well-suited to any career in which taste, interpersonal skill, and analytical ability are
Libras are cooperative, diplomatic, and willing to please. Well-liked and popular, they can be
somewhat lazy. A peaceful and beautiful environment is important, and they will work toward
creating harmony. They are not temperamentally suited to a job that is full of risks or safety
hazards or that is messy. Libras prefer a career that allows them the opportunity to create
and to bring opposing things into balance. Libra is known for elegance, refinement, and
diplomacy in the workplace.

Libra needs to have a calm atmosphere, music playing, and a lack of disruption in his or her
everyday work environment. This sign doesn't like conflict or overbearing coworkers. A
Libran can be motivated by money or by the use of good manners. Libra usually is able to
pull everyone together socially and is a good team player. People with this sign should not
be forced to work alone or be isolated.

Libra will gravitate toward the following careers:

Guidance Counselor:In this role, Libras will shine. The career involves using their wonderful people skills,
capacity for considering all the options, and exploration of different talents and abilities. It’s
a good thing, though, that the Libra counselor is not the one who ultimately has to make the
decision. Great at interviewing and analyzing information, Libra is well-suited to identifying
the best options to make a perfect match.

Art Dealer:The Libran affinity for art and culture makes this an excellent choice for someone with good
taste and business sense. They know quality and beauty when they see it and are able to
understand what the buyers want. An innate sense of style and current trends also help
Librans to do well in this career. A Libra dealer probably won’t represent an uncouth, cutting
-edge artist, though. They would prefer to deal in art that is aesthetically pleasing and
fashionable and to have rich, snobbish clients.

Beautician:Librans of both sexes are obsessed with image and aspects of beauty such as makeup,
hair, and style. Cosmo Girl is akin to the Bible for a Libra teen. A natural transition is into the
world of esthetics, hair coloring, spa treatments, or makeup consulting. Libras will do a lot of
research and experimentation, passing on their extensive knowledge to clients. Their own
appearance shows that they can walk the talk, because they are elegant and tasteful.

Graphic Designer:Librans get warm and fuzzy when they are able to create a design piece that is well-
proportioned and full of lovely white space. When type is kerned perfectly or the spot color
prints the way it should, Libra will do the happy dance. Designers delight in creating harmony
with color or communicating a feeling or message with images. Libra designers will live and
breathe it in all areas of their life. Bored Libra designers with a mastery of Photoshop are
responsible for many of the visual jokes circulating through e-mail.

Interior Decorator:Librans are always rearranging and decorating their own homes, making this a natural choice
for a career. Creating style and harmony is something they strive for in a many areas of their
life. The only drawback is that with all the choices of paint, fabric, and furniture, they must
force themselves to be decisive and create restraints. After that initial heartache, they are
able to pull a look together fabulously.

Human Resources:The Libra native has highly developed people skills and is quite good at problem-solving.
Libras have the unique ability to fire someone while making them feel like they’ve just
received a bonus. Much of this career is spent interviewing candidates, negotiating salary,
and resolving issues with staff. Their natural empathy for others and skill in achieving
cooperation and job satisfaction is second to none.

Lawyer:Another career that allows Libra an avenue for working with people is the law. An added
benefit is working within the justice system or fighting for what is right and fair. Libra lawyers
are not as aggressive as some of their counterparts. Rather, they are able to win cases by
careful manipulation and by using their charm and wit. Libras will disarm by any means that
will work for them, and the other side won’t even know what hit them. Analytical ability, a
sense of fair play, and persuasiveness draw Librans to this profession.

Referee:Librans are excellent choices to step in and make a fair call. They may have to learn to be
decisive, but when there are clear rules, they are able to do the right thing. Natural
peacemakers, they may even have to break up a few fights and disagreements. This job
puts them in the middle of the action without having to actually get dirty or sweaty. They love
being at the center of a dispute and are able to calmly resolve whatever the issue is. If the
uniform is nice, then that’s an added bonus.

Mediator:Professional mediators must look at all the issues and facts and help people to come to an
agreement. This is what Libra does within their family, with friends, and at work. Why not
make it official and do it for a living? This is an excellent arena to dissect issues into all their
components and then come to an informed decision and mutual compromise. Libras love to
discuss and analyze and will make a great mediator by using their diplomatic skills.
Architect:Architecture involves using analytical as well as aesthetic skill. Architects must have an
understanding of proportion and scale and be able to translate creative ideas into reality.
Libra is an excellent candidate, because of good visual ability and intellectual capacity. They
conceptualize, plan, and consider every angle. This career is a good mix of technical ability,
visual sense, and the interaction with clients, contractors, and suppliers.

Top Ten Careers for Virgo

Top Ten Careers for Virgo - Eyes glazing over with mind-numbing details? It's time to call a Virgo!
Virgo is well-suited to any career in which thoroughness, attention to detail, and efficiency
are required.

This is an employee who will get things done right, even if he or she drives everyone crazy
in the process. Virgo is very particular and neat, keeping a well-organized and spotless work
area. Excellent records are kept, and everything has a place.

Virgos are not temperamentally suited to a job where constant chaos and changing priorities
are an everyday reality. They prefer a career that allows them complete control over their
work and environment. Virgo usually gains a solid reputation for quality and an untarnished

Virgo needs to have clear direction and expectations. This sign will get easily stressed if
instructions are vague or there are last-minute changes. He or she is motivated to work
within established standards and to follow company policy.
If you hire a Virgo, you can expect that this person will remain with your company for years.
The only drawback is that they can become terribly set in their ways, making it difficult to
implement change or get them to work with new team members.

For Virgo, good career bets are:

Tax Auditor:Virgos are known far and wide for their eye for detail, critical nature, and head for figures. In
this career, they can indulge their need to go over financial matters with a fine-tooth comb.
Taking on this challenge will not win them a popularity contest. They can, however, get a lot
of satisfaction by being thorough and feeling highly superior. The tax auditor lives to find
mistakes and fraud.

Nutritionist:A life-long interest in health and nutrition may lead some Virgos to pursue this avenue as a
career. One way to help make the world a better place is to teach people how to take care
of themselves with good eating habits. Virgos practice what they preach and can speak
from experience. There is the tendency, though, for Virgo to recommend a program that is
too austere. Not everyone has such a virtuous attitude toward food.

Naturopath:An interest in health and natural healing could become a satisfying avenue for Virgos to
explore. They are always experimenting with herbs, vitamins, and health foods, and some
may decide to study the science in depth. This choice could be lucrative and would appeal
to Virgo’s need for security. Virgos are always striving for perfection, in themselves and in
others. This way, they can safely suggest lifestyle changes in a professional capacity and
not come across as control freaks.

Professional Housecleaner:Life at home for Virgo is a non-stop whirl of housework, laundry, and straightening up. Why
not get paid to indulge this sense of order and cleanliness by becoming a professional
housecleaner? Virgo’s sense of perfection will come in handy when working to certain
standards. Virgo will do the job by the book and then give everything a second white-glove
test. No speck of dust, fingerprint, or scuff mark is safe from the discerning eye of Virgo.
Executive Assistant:This sign is very organized and efficient and has great attention to detail. These are ideal
traits for organizing someone else’s time and stuff - especially if that someone is super
busy or terribly important. Virgo expertly organizes functions, schedules, meetings, and
travel, and he or she won't complain if the boss delegates secondary tasks such as house-
sitting, personal shopping, typing term papers, and running miscellaneous errands. Since
they really have two jobs, their own and babysitting the boss, Virgo assistants must be very
good at multitasking.

Statistician:This is a great job for detail-obsessed Virgo. Collecting and analyzing statistics for
government, industry, and business would be a dream. Percentages and numbers collected
in massive databases are the tools of the trade. Virgo would be thrilled knowing that he or
she had a hand in determining the rate of divorce or the chances of winning the lotto.

Archivist:Another career that allows Virgo the luxury of sorting and categorizing is that of archivist.
Many Virgos had lots of practice as kids by collating and creating inventories of their comic
book collections. Numbers are assigned and manuscripts are sent for digital scanning by
trembling Virgo hands. They don’t pursue this career for money, but for love of order.
Unfortunately, working with dusty old papers means that allergies are a common threat to
staying in this profession.

Systems Analyst:When there is a problem with information output or systems workflow, then Virgo is the
person to call. Virgo will doctor the databases and clean up the dirty data. No one else in the
universe would have the patience to find and delete all the duplicate entries and stale
information. With persistence and dedication, Virgo will step in and make the computer
systems run smoothly and the corporate headaches disappear.

Technician:Whether in the field or the lab, Virgo is the person you want collecting the data, recording
findings, collating the information and creating reports. Their legendary thoroughness and
attention to detail creates rock-solid results. They might drive coworkers insane with the
length of time it takes or the occasional need to revisit the material, but the job will be done
correctly. Don’t send them for lunch orders, though, because they will have to make a
spreadsheet first and won’t be back until 3 p.m.

Welder:This career requires a high level of accuracy and skill and a steady hand. One false move,
and a structure could develop cracks or equipment could fail. Virgo makes sure that each
weld is of the utmost quality and that it meets all industry standards. He or she never wants
to be at fault and will do everything possible to make the weld perfect. Plus, they get to wear
a lot of cool safety equipment, get paid a lot to be fussy, and will never get sued.

Top Ten Careers for Leo

Top Ten Careers for Leo - Ruled by the Sun, Leo needs a job in which he or she can shine. Being in the spotlight
doesn't hurt, either!

Leo is well-suited to any career in which assertiveness, charm, and warmth are important for

The Lion is the most outgoing - or at least the most confident - employee on staff. Some
Leos are quiet and unassuming, but possess an inner strength that is magnificent. They are
not temperamentally suited to a job where there is no personal interaction. They need to be
on the go and busy, or they will become easily bored. Leos prefer a career that allows them
to look and feel important, and a good paycheck doesn't hurt! Goal-oriented and
competitive, they usually are well-known and liked within their chosen field.
Leos need to have goals to meet, an expense account or perks, and the opportunity to
shine. They are motivated by flattery and recognition and will do anything to get it. Lions
aren't known for staying in one place too long and will tend to change careers or move
around a lot. They are very good at manipulating others to achieve their goals, in both
positive and negative ways.

The following careers are well suited to engaging Leo:

Actor:Always grabbing attention, Leo loves to be center stage. Whether in the public eye or the
life of the party, the Lion will entertain and engage everyone around him or her. Leos can
easily express themselves and take on other personalities. Naturally dramatic, they seek to
grab the spotlight, sometimes even to the point of making others virtually invisible.

Cardiologist:Leo has a lot of heart, but can also specialize in working with patients who have cardiac
trouble. They have a talent for understanding this major vital organ and its supporting cast of
arteries and the circulatory system. It's no accident that the operating room is sometimes
called a theatre and that the heart surgeon becomes the star player. It takes guts and
confidence to specialize in this area.
Goldsmith:Gold is the metal of the Sun, and by extension, Leo has an affinity for working with and
owning it. This craft requires an understanding of the properties of the metal and an eye
toward bringing out the beauty inherent in it. Sometimes Leo can be all about flash and trying
to impress others, but when Leo people turn their hand to this art form, they are able to
express their inner truth.

Publicist:No one can roar like the Lion, and so this career makes good sense for an outgoing big
mouth like Leo. Whether they are sending out press releases or maintaining rumor control,
Leo is just the person to make sure the right people get informed. This is a great career,
because they get to work in the public eye without actually becoming a celebrity. This works
well for shyer Leos who prefer to maintain a private life.

Spokesmodel:Being sexy, charming, and vocal is right up Leo's alley. As long as she's attractive and takes
care of herself, this position could be available to her and would suit perfectly her excessive
vanity and need for attention. Having her hair and makeup done and having a stylist is a
dream come true. Depending on the product or service, this could be positive or negative
attention. All types of products are not only acceptable to Leo, but needed as much as
clean air or nourishing food.

Theatrical Agent:This is a perfect career for outgoing Leo. The Lion has a unique understanding of the acting
profession and loves to facilitate and organize. Just being a part of the entertainment
industry makes Leo quiver with delight. Negotiating with casting agents and interacting with
actors would be an exciting prospect to a Leo. This career allows them to use their skill in
representing the interests of artists and identifying which person on the roster is the best for
the audition.

Reality-Show Personality:This is not really a career, but if you ask someone who has participated, you might get a
different take on it. There is potential, however, to do endorsements and end up on game
shows and other entertainment venues. Whether these people actually have any talent for
acting is on a case-by-case basis. The main skill needed here is the ability to take 15
minutes of fame and make it last a year.

Hairdresser:The Lion has a weird fascination with hair. They are excessively vain about their own
tresses, but would happily work with others. Leo hairdressers win a lot of hair competitions,
where the most dramatic look is the ultimate winner. Leos do well in the salon, because they
are able to cultivate a look and a persona that gets attention. They keep their clients
entertained and flattered, as well as beautifully coiffed.

Sales Consultant:Leo loves change and variety, as well as the opportunity to work with the public. This makes
him or her an excellent sales person, whether behind the retail counter, doing business
development, or on the road with a product line. Lions will maximize their commissions by
charming the pants off their customers. Using a unique mix of body language and fast
talking, they are able to dance around the most serious reservations and arrive at "yes."

Motivational Speaker:If inspiration or a little kick in the rear is needed for motivation, then Leo is a godsend. They
have a natural talent for getting people all fired up and ready for action. Some may see this
as bossy and overbearing, but not in this context. Channeling that effusive energy in into
something positive is a dream job for our roaring Lion. Leo has no problem being on a
platform or telling anyone what to and where to go for success.

Top Ten Careers for Cancer

Top Ten Careers for Cancer - Which jobs are best suited for the sensitive, home-and-family oriented water sign of the
Cancers are suited to careers in which nurturing ability, sensitivity, and empathy are
important. Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Cancer is probably the most emotional and caring
employee. They take care of other staff members and are always willing to listen to
concerns. They are not temperamentally suited to life in sales or in the public eye because
of shyness.
Cancers often choose careers that provide encouragement and a sense of family. One of
the most sensitive signs, they are self-conscious and can be insecure, hindering their
success. Comfort and the ability to help others will bring them to their goals.
Cancer natives need to have a lot of praise and feedback, lack of conflict, and the
assurance of job security. They are often unsuited to careers that require being harsh or
ruthless. This is the sign to watch as they become self-confident and eventually reach their
Read on to see which careers are best suited to Cancer:
Nurse:Taking care of others and making things better is a perfect role for Cancer. They've been
kissing boo-boos and playing nurse since childhood. Count on a well-stocked First Aid kit at
their house. This job involves having empathy, a way with people, and concern for the
welfare of their patients. Cancerians are passionate about serving others and doing good
work. They are generally tentative at first but will grow into very capable employees.
Maid/Cleaner:Priding themselves on keeping a clean and orderly house, sometimes they end up doing
this job for a living. They tend to treat every situation carefully and with respect to the people
in that environment. Their standards at work are similar to those in their own home. This is
the person to call if you want to remove a tenacious stain, find mold or attack years of
nicotine buildup on the ceiling. Not an inch will be left unnoticed because of their keen
powers of observation.
Day Care Worker:Cancer loves working with children, and they have a great concern for their welfare. This
career path requires a lot of dedication and patience, which Cancer provides. Generally the
pay is not great, but they persevere because they are doing something they love. Cancer
natives probably had a lot of babysitting jobs as teenagers and honed their skills with
younger siblings. They have a soothing and motherly approach when dealing with young
Surrogate Mother:Cancer is the classic mother figure and if they are female can get pregnant in a heartbeat.
Female Cancerians are perfectly suited to acting as a surrogate, by carrying a child for
someone else. Their bodies are designed for motherhood with fabulous hips and curves.
They love being pregnant and usually thrive on it. It may be emotionally difficult to separate
from the baby after birth, but that is part of the deal. In the old days, they would have
volunteered to be a wet nurse.
Children's Entertainer:Cancer natives can easily relate to and understand children. They make great clowns, enjoy
storytelling, sing children's songs, and paint faces. Kids trust and gravitate toward this
gentle, nurturing person. When they do take this path, Cancer will try to add an educational
element to the performance. This takes a bit of the fun out of it, but that is why they are also
good parents. Fun is secondary to learning and being healthy, but kids might have a
different perspective on that.
Cook:Cancers are known as good cooks. They may not always be gourmet chefs but they have a
large repertoire of recipes and much of it is comfort food. They take great pride in using
fresh ingredients and cooking and baking from scratch. It may not be fancy fare, but it sure
tastes great. Cancer can be found working in restaurants of all kinds, as caterers, in
institutions and in private homes. They have to sample everything they make which invariably
adds a few extra pounds.
Family Therapist:The family is extremely important to Cancer, and they have a strong interest in improving
relationships. Specializing in family counseling and issues would be a great field for them to
pursue. Their caring and empathetic nature and sensitive attitude would put both parents
and children at ease. They are the stable influence and calm presence that will help to heal
problems and restore harmony for others. However, Cancers are usually the blubbering
crybabies in their own family unit.
Marine Biologist:Cancer has a fascination for the sea and the creatures in it. In this career they can use their
excellent memories to remember the Latin names. They must detail habitats and survey
conditions to compile their data and reports. Often this job will entail going out to sea in a
vessel to do sampling or observation. They will feel at home pitching and rolling on the
supply ship, when everyone else is turning green and running to the rails. It's lucky Cancer
has a likeable personality because it's not advisable to get the crew ticked off at sea.
Collector:A unique career can be born from Cancer's need to collect and compile. These are the
people rummaging at yard sales and thrift shops for things that others would overlook. They
usually buy because they love it or feel the need to have it, not for the prospect of selling.
However, after the house is brimming to the eaves with Barbie lunchboxes and Star Wars
figurines, they may have to unload some of it. To their surprise, they may be stashing a
small fortune in Fiesta Ware or Retro furniture.
Genealogist:Many Cancer natives combine their love of history with family and become a professional
genealogist. They love a mystery and are challenged by missing information and broken
links. Since the advent of the Internet, they can even do most of their research from the
comfort of home. This career is not for someone who is motivated by money alone. Cancer
can tell you in detail about your ninth cousin thrice removed.

Top Ten Careers for Gemini :

Top Ten Careers for Gemini : 
Find out which jobs are best suited to quick, versatile, chatty Gemini!
Gemini natives are well suited to any career in which verbal skill, writing ability, research, and
communication are highlighted. 

Read more »

Top 10 Careers for Taurus :

Top 10 Careers for Taurus :

Find out which jobs are ideal for dependable, easygoing, patient Taurus!

Taurus is well suited to any career in which patience, consistency, and values are important.
Read more »

Friday, September 19, 2008

Astrology Zodiac Sign Libra :

Astrology Zodiac Sign Libra :
LibraLibra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animalsLibra is ruled by Venus. The seventh sign, lasts from September 24th to October 23rd.
About Libra

People born under this sign are more diplomatic than any other sign. Librans always seek balance and harmony. They like pleasing others. They can spend hours debating each side of an argument and this is one reason that they are often seen as lawyers.
Librans are sociable, cheerful and charming people. Librans are sensitive to the needs of others. They are highly understanding towards the emotional needs of their companions and they meet them with their own innate optimism. Indecision is a problem for Librans, who find it difficult to make up their minds and strongly dislike taking sides. Although they hate others being rude, they can themselves be be brash and blunt.

This sign rules the kidneys, the lumbar region of the spine, the skin, the ureters, and the vaso-motor system. The afflictions is most likely to lead to Bright's disease, lumbago, and disturbed urine.

Librans are successful as writers, composers, fashion designers, interior decorators, critics, administrators, lawyers, and in civil services.

Ideal Partner
Librans get along with most of the star signs. However, the peace-loving, gentle Taureans are most suitable for them.

Astrology Zodiac Sign Scorpio :

Astrology Zodiac Sign Scorpio :
ScorpioScorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac that stretches from October 24 to November 22.
Scorpio is a feminine negative fixed water sign.
About ScorpioScorpio is symbolized by the Scorpion. Intense and emotionally perceptive, they pick up on unspoken words and speak the language of gesture. Deep, mysterious and magnetically attractive, Scorpios yearn for emotional intimacy.
People born under this sign are the most intense and passionate of the signs. Though they appear calm and quite but their anger can burst anytime like a volcano. This ferocious anger often ends up making lifelong enemies. Scorpions are loyal as friend but a fanatic foe.They possess very strong intuitive power that helps them judge people. Scorpions also have immense degree of willpower and are highly tenacious, but are equally sensitive and therefore get easily moved by emotions of others.
Scorpions are the least understood signs of the entire twelve. Usually the Scorpio persons are of a secretive, timid, retiring nature, one who does not talk of his affairs. But there are also another type of Scorpions who are always ready to argue holding their point and during this they can become very cruel. They usually have an explosive temper. Such temper is often harmful for the health.
HealthThe greatest danger to the health of the Scorpio comes from the generative organs and the ducts through which the excretions of the body pass, such as the urethra and the colon. The bladder, the sigmoid flexure, prostate gland, pubic bone, the red coloring matter of the blood, and the nasal bones are also under the rule of Scorpio.
CareerScorpions often find fulfillment in many employments. The most appealing profession for them is one which involves analysis, investigation, research, dealing with practicalities, and the solving of mysteries. This is why they often choose career as police and detective work. The law, physics or psychology also attract them, and they can become masters of the written and spoken word.
Ideal PartnerScorpios get along well with Taureans. This sign gives them the material and emotional security they crave.

Astrology Zodiac Sign Sagittarius :

Astrology Zodiac Sign Sagittarius :
SagittariusRuled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is a masculine positive mutable fire sign. The ninth sign of zodiac Sagittarius, symbolized by the archer
About Sagittarius

Change is one thing Sagittarians can't do without and hence they are always in need of travel and constant exposure to new foods, people, landscapes and things to do. Sagittarians are highly impulsive and inquisitive. Change is one thing, Sagittarians can't do without and hence they are always in need of travel and constant exposure to new foods, people, landscapes and things to do. Sagittarians are highly impulsive and inquisitive.
Being the travelers of the zodiac, they enjoy travelling and exploration, more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice and truth. They balance loyalty with independence.
They do lack a bit of tact. They often open their mouths to change feet. They are focused intensely on learning about their lover and exploring them more deeply. However, they don't care for discipline or confined spaces and have a tendency to procrastinate.

Sagittarius rules the region of the body directly surrounding the hips, the sacral region of the spine, the coccygeal vertebrae, the femur, the ileum, the iliac arteries, and the sciatic nerves. The diseases Sagittarian suffer from are locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, and hip disease. As patients Sagittarians are most gentle and recover easily. With their frank and kind nature they are most trusting and ever ready to follow all the instructions of the healer, but they also respond equally to every negative suggestion.

Sagittarians are found successful in social administration, in public relations, as scientists, and musicians. They often show interest in sports especially racing and rallying.
Ideal Partner

Sagittarians need organized and tolerant people to spend their lives and hence they tie up best with Aquarians or Librans.

Top Ten Careers for Aries

Top Ten Careers for Aries
Aries are well suited to any career in which leadership, energy, and determination are important. Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Aries is probably the biggest go-getter and the most motivated employee.

Aries aren't known to be patient and tactful and aren't temperamentally suited to life in the secretarial pool or accounts payable. Rams tend to choose careers that are exciting and involve an element of risk. One of the most ambitious signs, they do not want to wait for success. Decisive, assertive steps bring them to their goals.
Aries need to have a lot of freedom, an outlet for their passions, and the assurance of a boost to their ego. Aries is opinionated and can easily overpower other staff. They are great at flying by the seat of their pants. Perservering Aries will not give up their goals and will see things through to the bitter end.
Read on to see which careers are best suited to fiery Aries!

Olympic Athlete:
This path requires dogged determination, vitality, and competitiveness of Herculean proportions. The ordinary person would not put in the hours, endure the stress, suffer the injuries and get up that early in the morning. This "win at all costs" attitude is what will make or break them. If they make it to the top they can expect great success, but if they don't it will be spectacular failure. Either way, they are most passionate and committed.

Personal Trainer:
Aries is the perfect individual to be on the case of an overweight, out-of-shape, gym newbie, just like a dog at dinner. As obnoxious as Aries is in real life, they can get paid big bucks to be pushy and bossy in this setting. Depending on the results of their client they can be a hero or a real pain in the rear (literally). The qualities that Aries bring to this job are a love of competitiveness, a penchant for pushing, and an enormous capacity to take control and inspire clients to success.

Aries love to fight, get in your face, and be in control. For those reasons, they are quite suited to breaking up fights, tossing people out on the street, and looking impenetrable. To train for the job, they must bulk up with weights, drink a lot of protein shakes and practice standing with their arms crossed, looking mean. If they work in a really nice place, they may have to have some fashion sense to screen out losers. Aries' affinity for really loud music and boisterous patrons will come in handy.

Prison Warden:
For this job, Aries has to be immune to the plight of others, have a God complex, and be capable of leading a diverse group of people. Aries is quite suited to this rough environment and a position of power within it. They are tough, feisty individuals who don't take any guff off anyone. When faced with a riot, they are not daunted and a rush of adrenaline takes over. They may have to watch their blood pressure and take anger management courses, but other than that they'll fit right in.

Drill Sergeant:
This career is perfect for outspoken, pushy Aries. They are drawn to be in a position of complete power and love the ability to make recruits grovel and obey their commands. They are well suited to the breaking of spirits and inspiring complete observance to orders and rules. They are not prone to daydreaming or being slack and abhor that in others. They have the influence of Mars to thank for the ability and interest in inflicting discipline and control.

Stunt Person:
This job requires a really crazy person to sign up. They must have absolutely no fear, a thirst for danger, and a strong independence, which describes the Ram completely. Aries would probably do stunts for free, just for the thrill, so a paycheck is icing on the cake. They have the endurance for long days on a movie set or the fearlessness to be a crash test dummy.

Prize Fighter:
The bloodshed and pain of this career appeal to warrior Aries and they are quite talented at fighting. Natural athletes, they are agile and powerful, but also very shrewd. The long hours of training are not a problem for Aries, and the smell of sweat spurs them on to greatness in this field. This job also requires a fierce sense of competition, which makes Aries well suited to be a champion.

Fire Chief:
This career takes a strong sense of leadership, a need to take risks, and good physical condition. Because of these attributes and their fascination with fire, Aries would stand out in this job. They may be called upon to light a fire under their staff or put out a forest fire. Either way, they have to be sharp, decisive, and able to respond to conditions quickly. Added bonus: the ability to whip up a batch of five-alarm chili will allow them to achieve great success amongst their peers.
Mercenary Soldier:For those Aries soldiers, the option of fighting for a foreign government might appeal. This career requires a certain toughness of mind, lack of need for personal safety, and the ability to stay unattached to personal ties. Aries would probably be able to cope with such lack of creature comforts and the highly disciplined life better than anyone.

High School Coach:
To be the most respected person in the school and the hardest taskmaster would be dream job for Aries. Forming young minds and bodies would be a great challenge and a tough job. Not for the faint of heart, someone in this position can't put up with any flack from the teenagers on the team. Aries loves the trill of the game, the rush of excitement, and the chance to yell at their team and fight with the other coaches. This is one job where they can truly wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

India Education Minister With No education

India should we laugh or cry ?
In India you do not need qualification to become Minister or politician
Do you think we need some law in this regard.
Do you think our politician need some basic graduation degree to become minister.
Currently we dont have a such a law and because of this what happens you can read now.
state : Goa
Education Minister : His name is Antanasio Babush Monserrate .
His education just 8 th standard dropout from St.Theresa High School Bandra west.
Do you think this person has right to become education minister
Further he has lied on affidavit oath that he is Syba and passed SSC that is standard 10.
our politicians say us and make us fool
India is next super power
do you think we can become superpower ?
For more details you can read pune mirror sunday sep 14 2008.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Around The World - The banned books

Banned Stuff

A Book banned is a book read ,they say the easiest way to achive fame is write something contraversial and get it banned.many banned writings later reached the must read hall of are some books or writings which became classics.

1- ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT - ERICH MARIA REMARQUEthe nazis had this book banned for its insulting matter towards the german forces.

2- ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN - MARK TWAINthe concord mass public library committe in the us called it a trash.

3-ANIMAL FARM - GEORGE ORWELLits anit stalin theme got it delayed in the uk and was banned in yougoslavia ,kenya and uae.

4-LETTERS FROM BURMA - DAW AUNG SAN SUU KYIthis series of 52 essays talked about her freedom fight for burmese demography.

5- UN UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTSthe cuban police gave the shipment of donated library books from spain a burial at the sea,as they had 8000 pamphlets of the above.

6- BIBLE - VARIOUS AUTHORSthe catholic church banned many translated bibles,while the erstwhile soviet union had it banned for obvious reasons.

7- BIKO - DONALD WOODSthis biograpahy about the prominent activist stevo biko was banned in south africa,for being critical of the aparthied system.

8- BLACK BEAUTY - ANNA SEWELLthis classic got banned in south africa for the word black in the title

9- THE BLUE LOTUS - HERGEthis tintin classic got itself banned in china for being pro- kuominatang.

10- THE BOOK OF ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS - this collection was banned in most muslim countries for its support for non muslim faiths.

11- THE CATCHER IN THE RYE - JD SALINGER this debated book was banned in us for its use of rather defile language and many other issues.

12 - CALL OF THE WILD - JACK LONDONit got prohibited in yugoslavia and italy.

13- CANDIDE - VOLTAIREthe book was banned for being anti everything.

14 - THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO - KARL MARX AND FRIEDRICH ENGELSthe book got banned in the usa for the nations anti-communist stand and is one of themost debated book of all times.

15 - THE COMPLETE MANUAL OF SUICIDE - WATARU TSURUMI :this japanese book was banned in hongkong for its content though japan has banned it.

16 - DAKAR - THE STORY OF THE ISRAELI SUBMARINE UNIT - MIKE ELDAR NAVY CAPTAIN :the israeli government thought it revealed official secrets.

17 - DID 6 MILLION REALLY DIE - RICHARD HARDWOOD :this book on whether holocaust did happen was banned in canada,australlia, newzealand,israel,most of europe.

18 - DR ZHIVAGO - BORIS PASTERNAK :erstwhile soviet union banned it for being critical of the bolshevik party.

19 - FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS - ERNEST HEMMINGWAY :this classic was published in spain,during france regime for being on the side of the republicans.

20 - THE GOD OF SMALL THINGS : ARUNDHATI ROY :the book was banned in india,for depicting inter religion sex scenes. the ban however was lifted over.

21 - THE GRAPES OF WRATH - JOHN STEINBECK :us,specially california, banned this book as the region was not shown in positive light.

22 - THE GULAG ARCHPELAGO - ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN :soviet union found it not complying with their belifefs.his one day in the life of ivan denisovich got him exiled.

23 - HARRY POTTER SERIES : J K ROWLING :few us schools and christian groups banned it for its theme of magic.

24 : LADY CHATTERLYS LOVER : D H LAWRENCE :the classic got banned in the uk and usa for its obscene content.

25 : THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST - NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS :it was banned for its blasphemous contents.

26 : LAJJA - TASLIMA NASREEN this book had bangladesh,few indian states and the muslim hardliners baying for her blood.

27 - MEIN KAMPF - ADOLF HITLER - this book was banned everywhere,but for its historical inference,germany,austria and netherlands allow it to be sold.

28 : THE MOUNTAIN WREATH - PETRA II PETROVICNJEGOS -this poem play was banned in bosnia ,for being based on the event on the extermination of the muslim converts.

29 : QUESTIONS FROM CHARIMAN MAO - MAO ZEDONG -the little red book was banned in south vietnam and non communist nations.

30 - RIGHTS OF MAN - THOMAS PAINE -its french reveloution supporting mater got it banned in uk and also in tsarist russia.

31 - SANANIC VERSES - SALMAN RUSHDIE -it was banned in india,iran and singapore for blashphemy.

32 - TROPIC OF CANCER - HENRY MILLER -the usa banned it for its vulgar content,they also banned his other works.

33 - ULYSSES - JAMES JOYCE -its rather sexual content got the novel banned in the usa but it was later lifted.

34 - UNCLE TOMS CABIN - HARRIET BEECHER STOWE -its racist depiction of the african-american people got it banned the the southern states of the usa and tsarist russia.

35 - UNITED STATES - VIETNAM RELATIONS 1945- 1967 BY ROBERT MCNAMARA AND THE UNITES STATES DEPT.OF DEFENCEthis classifed was kept down by president nixon but came out in the 70s as the pentagon papers.

36 - THE WEALTH OF NATIONS - ADAM SMITH -this pro capitalist book was banned in communist nations.

37 - INDED LIBRORUM PROHIBITUM :this list of prohibited books by the roman catholic church has writers like dante,casanova and many more . their writings were considered non conformist.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chief Minister Purchases Air Plane -- india





Think on it