Friday, October 3, 2008

India -My monthly salary is 36000 and i am backword give me reservation

My monthly salary is 36000 and i am backword give me reservation.

Again it is proven by our goverment and politicians that they are selfish .

we support reservation and reservation is neccesity .but it should be given to people who need it and not the people who are living life like king.

the income limit for determining ''creamy layer'' among Other Backward Castes(OBCs) from the existing Rs 2.5 lakh per annum to Rs 4.5 lakh per annum,

Briefing mediapersons about the Cabinet decision, Information and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi said sons and daughters of persons belonging to the Other Backward Castes and having an annual income below Rs 4.5 lakh will not come under the Creamy Layer and will get the benefits of reservation for OBCs in direct recruitment in civil posts and services and admission in Central Educational Institutions

ok so you got the point if not start reading and spreading the knowledge.

Remember in india 70% population do not earn more than 8000 rupees per month.So who will benefit from this resevation ,this reservation will help the goverment higher ranks officers and politicians sons,daughters who become part of competition but as limit is increased now they can again use this reservation and enjoy the benefits.

IF this way reservation is used i am sure after 50 or 75 years or may be early ,there will be another freedom fight made by obc against obc ,made by reservation class against reservation class.

hey I got 36 000 thousand salary in my home we are 10 people working all earning salariess
till i am backword give me reservation .

should we cry or laugh ?

how this reservation is destroying soceity lets understands.
Example :
In a year 1960 or 1950 Mr. India got the job using reservation. then mr India got 10 this children all 10 got the jobs using reservation .this 10 childen got each 5 to 10 kids and agian this kids got the reservation benefitsand this family is becoming richer and stronger.
Now in the same year Mr. Uneducated , he do not get reservation he was from obc, or any other reservation class, but did not get benefits and today after generation after generation his family is not getting benefits and not education he is still Mr. Uneducated.

He do not know he is cheated by his own people. But dont forget every sunset has a sunrise. After every darkness one day there is light .
britishers came and britshers were thrown out of by this people.Now he is looking for another Mahatma or Baba who will come from there own caste and that day india will see again 2nd freedom fight through bloodshed or through Non violence like Mahatm Gandhi started.

But as todays people are not as gentle as britishers it may be bloodshed fight.

But we are hopefull this goverment people will timely understand where there greed is taking india, and make good laws.

Dont make laws to win elections ,make laws so india benefits.

Which will start the real begining of india towards superpower. as india will be free ofcaste,religion. and humanity will survive ,spirutility will be there

If you know who do not need reservation ple inform me so i wil mention in blog.who is forward class in obc or any community.

God Save India.

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