India: Come May 31 and we will see pictorial warning on Cigarette Packages:
One more time, Supreme Court of India has given good judgment by directing to the government that cigarette packages must have pictorial warning like skull and cross bones on cigarette packs.
The sad part is that for this good cause also NGO has to file a case to get this order from Supreme Court of India.
Did you hear about this that any media channel has reported that this type of case is going on in supreme court of India .When there is case like Aarushi rape and murder this media shows it for 24 hours daily but when such a cause arise our media do not give more than few minutes . "Since the 2006 act (mandating pictorial warnings) was passed, the issue was being diluted or delayed for one reason or another by government of India
Even now, had the Supreme Court not stepped in, there would have been further delay."
P.C. Gupta, director of the Healis Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health, said: "It is most unfortunate that the GoM, since its constitution in early 2007, had delayed the implementation of the law for two whole years, not to mention having diluted the stronger warning for a milder one."
In this order supreme court has added very good note that no other court is permitted to give injunction ,stop, or modify or inconsistent order ,conflicting order with this order this order of supreme court of India ..
Health warning labels on cigarette packages were introduced in the United States in 1965 to inform consumers about the health risks associated with tobacco use. The 1965 Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act required that the statement, Caution: Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health.
In 1984, Usa ,Congress enacted the Comprehensive Smoking Education Act, which required rotation of the following four black and white text messages on the side of cigarette packages:
Surgeon General’s warning: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy.
Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health.
Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight.
Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide.
Canada has already method of warning through pictures on the cigarette packages .
Pictures warnings are effective and they really work .Just think when 14 year old boy or 20 year old boy first time will take the cigarette packet in his hands and he sees dangerous and real pictures what cigarette can cause him he may put down the cigarette packet forever.
Just think if Cola bottle has such labels or your sweet box has such labels like showing
Lizards will you eat them or drink them, will you enjoy them.
Twelve countries have laws requiring picture-based health warnings, according to the Canadian Cancer Society, including:
• Australia
• Belgium
• Brazil
• Canada
• Chile •
• Jordan
• New Zealand
• Singapore
• Thailand
• Uruguay
• Venezuela
In UK , people choose 15 pictures which should be used on cigarette packets. We hope in India the chosen pictures will be effective in nature showing like Canada .

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