Wednesday, July 8, 2009

India : Gay Sex and Reality of Society

Reality Views by sm :

In olden times what was legal or illegal does not matter.

In olden times sati system was legal. In olden times Untouchability was legal.
But today both systems are illegal in India.

India is a democratic country; India is not a religious country.

So religion has to stay below our Indian Constitution. Religious books will get equal status, but whenever there is a conflict between both, India should take the side of truth and Constitution. About Gay problem our friend Dhiman has posted his views, I am happy that he has posted his views on my post:

Dhiman says that and asked me the question that

1- With gays joining the fray, India (rape capital of the world, second only to South Africa) will see more rapes I guess. Same sex rapes."

2- How many "Gays" have you dealt with in real life sir pls. let me know...or your idea of "Gay" is what media including boll wood movies have been portraying ...

3- Gay humiliation is but sporadic and let’s looks at the other side of the coin...

4- In his support he has said about Pritish Nandy does not support it.

5- What will happen when your son gets "raped" by a "Gay" and its branded as "Gay Sex" ... think about it...

6- Reality is I am telling from personal experience that India is not ready to be so "modern" and "progressive" so sir lets hope for the best...

Step by step I will answer every question which our friend Dhiman has asked me.

When European people came to India, they were backward regarding sexual knowledge.
So when British People came to power, they made gay sex unlawful as it was unlawful in the kingdom of British Queen.

In ancient India, sex was so liberal that even people without any fear made designs of people having sex.
E.g. Khajuraho and Konarak

India is a nation where the Kamasutra was written.

If you will read Indian old books, there is a story how the God Ayyapa born?

God Ayyappa was born of intercourse between the Gods Shiva and Vishnu when later temporarily took a female form.

River Ganga was brought by Bhagiratha to the earth from heaven. It said that Bhagiratha was born out of love of two co-widows, who made love together.

Kamsutra also mentions about oral sex, anal sex.

India is a country which saw a Yuga in ancient times where there were no marriage laws and females were free to enjoy sex with anyone.

You can find this written in many old Indian texts.

In India ,they say we are making movies on gay but honestly if you will check there is no real gay movie or story , to make money these boll wood people make the use of gay idea.
Read what Shatrughan Sinha and other boll wood stars said on gay problem.

Shatrughan Sinha: Old rusty laws are like useless politicians. They should be thrown out. I'm glad Section 377 has been repealed. It was long due. What two people do in the privacy of their bedroom is nobody's business

John Abraham: I think the right to a personal choice is a very fundamental right and, thank god, the law against homosexuals has been repealed.

Sushmita Sen: I always salute decisions that celebrate an individual’s right to choose. I could never understand any form of love or any kind of relationship being 'criminal'. Cheers to all those human beings who have won the freedom of choice.

Mugdha Godse: I welcome this decision with open arms. I'm happy man now has as much right to love a man as he has the right to love a woman. Gays no longer need to hide their feelings. I'm happy for many of my friends.

Manisha Koirala: Some of my closest friends are gay and they are among the best human beings I know. I think such an ancient law needed to be repealed long ago. We live in contemporary times when people of all genders and sexual preferences must be looked at in the same line of vision.

Irrfan Khan: It's a sign of a system adopting a viewpoint that indicates openness. This will rid the guilt that gays live with and stop police exploitation of the community. I played a gay character in Mira Nair's short film directed by Zoya Akhtar. I researched on their anguish. It was terrifying.

Riya Sen: Most of my closest friends are homosexuals. I'm very happy for the gay community. We're a democracy; so why curb anyone’s freedom?"

Subhash Ghai: I'm always receptive to the changing world and the truth about human nature being revealed. Since the inner truth is always more real than the social truth, the reality within takes time to come out and be accepted by society.

Other celebrities also said on this problem but I have quoted only few.
About abortion right, right to use birth pill and many other laws were opposed by the religious people. But state has to move on with the reality.

Its nature of society to oppose the new things and inventions .

Everything said by the religion is not true and not perfect and its nature to keep changing what is right today will be wrong tomorrow, who is today young will be old tomorrow..

No one can or no law can encourage the people to make the rapes on the boys and girls.
It’s a situation, and mental condition in which these crimes are done by the people.

If u read the newspapers you will find that a 1 year female child is raped and next day you will read that 90 year old lady is raped in the bus.

Changing a law will not encourage any one to make a rape , when any man wants to rape he will rape a female or male ,depends on the situation and his mental condition.

Today also religious people oppose the use of condom , but does it stop the people from using it .Does this act is not against the nature. If one says the sex is done for the creation of child ,then there is no need to use birth control pills or condoms and they should be banned.

The truth is that sex is done for pleasure.

It’s a gift of nature to humans to enjoy different types of sex in different positions and different ways .Its like someone like sandwich and someone likes pizza .

One can not compare human sex with the animals .If you will compare the sex with animals, then my question is did you ever heard that any animal has a marriage or is the father or mother of that xyz animal

Animals when feel they want sex , they enjoy sex without any restriction or thinking about the partner.

So the point is that if you are comparing human sex with animal sex please does not compare it .
But if you still insist on comparing human sex with animal sex I want to tell you that
There are few animal species that have gay sex also.

India is a country where 60 year old male married six year old girl in the past.
Muslim religion permits marriage with four girls , they permit divorce without hearing the side of a female.

The point is that no religion is perfect and good . Religion is not made by god ,Religious laws are made by the humans and they can be changed by the humans .

Society does not change automatically , the laws are made and slowly society learns to accept them .

If gay people decide to wait for society to change , they will find themselves waiting forever.
Which law you remember society accepted ,without opposition there is no law which was accepted by society which was against the present rules of society .

E.G. Sati law , dowry law , child marriage law etc.

I have not seen any gay man raping a man or read about that. But I have heard and read that a married male has raped his maid or co worker , I have read that a father has raped his daughter.
So to say that if gay enjoy the freedom they will start to rape young boys is not correct.

The laws allow or not allow the rapes will keep happening ,it all depends on the persons situation, his mental condition ,his thoughts .Male and female sex is legal still we see that there are rapes happening in India.

Its nature ,if someone is gay he will enjoy the gay sex and will stay gay forever.
If someone tries gay sex and he do not like gay sex he will not become gay.

It’s just like tasting a food. Some people enjoy sweet foods and some people do not enjoy sweet foods. Sex is like a food, what other person will like one can not predict.
First I thought to put the pictures from Kamsutra or From Temples ,but as blog is not adult blog ,I am not posting it .

I do not want to hurt the feeling of anyone .Dhiman has said do you know any gays, I wanted to say as a human if you do not understand the pain of other human , I think one should be ashamed to call himself a human. If you will see carefully even animals also understand our master human is in pain and they also cry or they try to lick the human master and say that he is with him.

I have seen 2 dogs ,who died as soon as there master died .I have heard from friends that when dog was dying he was also crying in the hands of his master.

To understand the person and know his feeling one should not need to be friend with him or know him closely. I do not have any gay friend , but as a human I can see and understand there pain , I can see that how the majority humans are ill treating minority gays.

Just imagine for a few second you are a gay , and you are staying in India, you will understand the pain of gay people .

One can not become gay by experience.
Let them stay happily in there homes , Please do not worry about the world , world will not be destroyed by making gay sex legal nor the religion of country will die.

As people say god has made the human, so god has given the feeling ,then how the feelings of male towards a male or a female towards a female can be bad in the eyes of god.

Quote by Sm:
The true democracy is one where the minority will be protected and given freedom by the majority for going against the religion of majority.

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