On the name of saving children, Barbie makers are introducing Muslim Barbie, Hijab wearing Barbie into the market.
On the front this looks very good start, but its consequences in the future are not good.
This step is not good for any children.
Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover, make over for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby's for Save the Children.
Eliana Lorena is putting Barbie undercover for an auction to celebrate the doll's 50th anniversary.
The company director of Laird Assessors from The Wirral, Cheshire, said: 'Bring it on Burkha Barbie, I think this is a great idea. 'I think this is really important for girls, wherever they are from they should have the opportunity to play with a Barbie that they feel represents them.
Photo of Hijab Muslim Barbie –

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You can introduce the Barbie with cover there is no need to call it a Hijab and to get popularity and make money.
This is nothing but setting the mind of young girls that when they grow up they have to put on Hijab.
Indirectly it will encourage among girls to put on Hijab, It will support extreme Muslim peoples thinking.
In the year 2003, Saudi Arabia banned Barbie saying that, the dolls revealing clothes and shameful postures, accessories and tools are a symbol of decadence to the perverted West.
Last year in 2008, Iranian prosecutor Ghorban Ali Dori Najafabadi warned that Barbie dolls are destructive culturally and a social danger. They also singled out Batman, Spiderman, and Harry Potter toys.
Barbie in Hijab – This is not the first Barbie,
In the year 2002, Iran tried to sell the Sara and Dara dolls to compete with Barbie doll with the help of moral police But Sara and Dara did not sell well.
In the year 2003 United Arab Emirates company, Newboy started to sell doll named as Fulla a dark eyed more realistically proportioned doll with Muslim values.
Photo of The Fulla Doll –

Because of good marketing they found the market across the Middle East.
Currently Fulla and Indonesian Muslim doll, Arrosa are sold in the Islamic world.
In Islam it is not mentioned about putting Hijab, this is very conflicting issue in Islam,
As mother is in Hijab automatically it sets the mind set of young girls in Muslim community and we can see that educated Muslim girls also support the Hijab.
Because of fear of community and social status or any other reasons.
Barbie was first launched in March 1959 by American businesswoman Ruth Handler. The doll was joined by her long-term boyfriend Ken in 1961.
Do not glorify the Hijab, if you support the Hijab and if you are male I will just request please you start to put the Hijab for 1 year for 24 hours and then say the world its benefits.
Every child should be kept away from this type of religious symbols or any symbol which ever religion it belongs. Let them enjoy there childhood religion free.
Let the child grow naturally.
I am not against any type of dolls; it’s your business do it as you want it. But every action makes impact on the future of kids.
So do not bring Hijab and religion among the young kids while playing.
Do not destroy there innocence and do not divide them.
Image Sources - Google Image and Dailymail UK
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