Reality Views by sm -
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
July 2010, Indian Currency got the symbol.
Let’s start to use the Indian currency Symbol using font developed by the fordian Technology, an Indian internet engineering company.
I myself tested it, and font is working fine for me.
Please note that we can use the rupee symbol globally only after Unicode approves it.
But no one is going to stop us from using it in our personal mails and local use and our own documents.
Steps to start using the Indian Currency font.
Download the font from the foradian website
Download version 2.0 Rupee_Foradian.ttf
[ right click and open download window in a new tab, please read full article for full details.]
The version 2.0 of the Rupee font contains all the glyphs (letters) and is based on BitstreamVera
Now install this font.
How to install downloaded rupee foradian font?
It is very easy, copy the downloaded font and then go to control panel,
Find the folder named as font, and paste this font into font folder.
Font folder contains all the fonts which we use in our documents.
Linux users, please copy the file to
This font works fine in open office, word as well as Ubuntu.
Now open Microsoft word, choose font Rupee Foradian and press the keyboard key
The grave acent symbol - `
Normally we use times new roman and other fonts while typing in office or word
Now we have to just select the font rupee foradian and press the button above tab and it will generate symbol.
Please first time you may press tab button so be careful and press correct button.
Once the Rupee symbol is generated do not forget to change the font selection to times roman or whichever you are using.
This key or button is situated above the Tab button on our keyboard.
Normally we do not use this button. So it’s good choice.
But changing font will reduce the typing speed, and little bit ignorance and formatting of complete text may get changed.
This is the great opportunity for Keyboard makers in India, if they wish they can start selling the key board with this font within a month.
If you will delay, I am sure china will send the Rupee Keyboard for Indian citizens.
Just have to add one more button on keyboard its very easy task.
It was the duty of government of India to release this font using services of CDAC but now more and more companies will use this type of idea and produce the font or with each keyboard , every company will put the rupee sign at different location on keyboard.
Currently it seems that we have to wait 1 or 2 years for this as.
Now government of India has to fix the rules regarding Indian rupee symbol, keyboard placement of symbol, everything should be same on every keyboard then it may be Logitech or Microsoft keyboard.
Don’t forget to tell your friends to install foradian rupee font.
If you will use this font in your document and mails it is necessary that your friend should also install this font.
Only then he will be able to see the Rupee symbol otherwise your friend will only see a colen symbol & not the rupee symbol
No one cared or thought to ask the question
Why it took sixty years to get the symbol for Indian Rupee?
Was it very difficult?
Now few people say that we have to wait for six months, to get this symbol on keyboards we have to wait for 1 or 2 years.
Why we can not do it in one year or one month .
One month is enough.
Do you think made in china keyboard will first show the Rupee Sign on keyboard or Indian made keyboard ?
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