Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Know the demands of Baba Ramdev and Analysis of demands of Baba Ramdev Baba Ramdev said he would go on a fast unto death in New Delhi from 4 June

Know the demands of Baba Ramdev and Analysis of demands of
Baba Ramdev Baba Ramdev said he would go on a fast unto death in New Delhi from 4 June

Ramdev Baba is planning to launch the nationwide protest against the issues of corruption and black money stashed in foreign banks from June 4 at Ramleela Maidan in Delhi.

Baba Ramdev said he would go on a fast unto death in New Delhi from 4 June over the issue of corruption and illicit money being stashed abroad.

Baba Ramdev has said that he would break his fast only if the government drafts a strong anti-corruption Bill with death sentence for the corrupt as its focal point.

Baba Ramdev also demanded that the 400 lakh cores which were stashed outside the country to be brought back to India.

Ramdev said, “My hunger strike will continue until the government retrieves the black money and draft a strict Lokpal Bill.”

Following are the demands of Baba Ramdev –

demand the death penalty for corrupt officials

A ban on high-denomination currency notes - Recall and abolish all highest currency denominations – 1000, 500, 100

recovery of black money - Immediately declare all wealth in foreign countries being held by Indians illegally , as National Property

strong Lokpal Bill - Enact a strong and effective Jan Lokpal bill by August 2011

Immediately sign and ratify the UNCAC – United Nations Convention against Corruption

putting an end to the ‘British rule’ in democratic India - Remove all English(British) based system from all parts of the country

Election Reform – Prime Minister should be directly elected by the Citizens of India.

Everyone should declare annually the income, not only at the time of elections.

Income Tax Details should be brought under the Right to information Act.

Analysis of Demands of Baba Ramdev –

Demand One - demand the death penalty for corrupt officials

Yes I agree with this demand. If we will demand death punishment then government will agree for life imprisonment for corruption.

Demand 2 of Baba Ramdev Baba –
A ban on high-denomination currency notes - Recall and abolish all highest currency denominations – 1000, 500, 100

Yes I totally agree with this demand of Baba Ramdev regarding ban on high-denomination currency notes - Recall and abolish all highest currency denominations – 1000, 500, 100

Demand No.3 of Baba Ramdev - Recovery of black money - Immediately declare all wealth in foreign countries being held by Indians illegally, as National Property

Yes I totally agree with this demand. Government should declare it as a national property immediately.

Demand NO.4 of Baba Ramdev – strong Lokpal Bill - Enact a strong and effective Jan Lokpal bill by August 2011

Yes I totally agree with this demand.

Demand No.5 of Baba Ramdev – Immediately sign and ratify the UNCAC – United Nations Convention against Corruption

Yes I agree with Baba Ramdev.

But now here is the problem that media has reported that Baba Ramdev says that Prime Minister and judiciary should not come under Lokpal.

Now if we sign the UNCAC convention ,it clearly says that a separate agency should be established which will investigate President and Prime Minister every one from top to bottom.

So here Baba Ramdev needs to think on this Issue.

Please tell me in India which agency separate independent we got in India to investigate
Corruption done by the Prime Minister or Judiciary.

Demand No.6 of Baba Ramdev – putting an end to the ‘British rule’ in democratic India - Remove all English (British) based system from all parts of the country

It is impossible to do this, we need to change and bring amendments to existing laws.

Election Reform – Prime Minister should be directly elected by the Citizens of India.

Yes I Agree with this demand Not Only Prime Minister but people should elect directly the chief minister also.

Everyone should declare annually the income, not only at the time of elections.

Yes I agree with this demand.

Income Tax Details should be brought under the Right to information Act.

Yes I agree with this demand

We do not want religious Hindu or Muslim India.
We want democratic India where Constitution of India will be supreme.
The constitution of India should be on top of every religious book.

Suggested Reading –
Short Biography of Baba Ramdev History of Swami Ramdev

Baba Ramdev got nothing through hunger strike –just a letter of assurance from government

Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Keyword Tag – Baba Ramdev demands 4th June Fast unto death Delhi

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