Know about Poland :
Country’s full name: The Republic of Poland
National flag: Color: top - white, bottom - red
Know about Poland :
Country’s full name: The Republic of Poland
National flag: Color: top - white, bottom - red

National banner: flag with national emblem - national symbol used by ships, civil air ports, diplomatic missions and consular posts
National emblem: White eagle in a crown against a red background

National anthem: "Mazurek Dabrowskiego
Capital: Warsaw
Language: Polish
Population: 38 million
Currency: 1 zloty = 100 groszy
Area: 312,685 km2 (120,727 sqm)
Political system: Parliamentary democracy
Nobel Prize Winners:
Maria Sklodowska-Curie1903 - with her husband Piotr Curie, in physics, for discovering polonium and radium;1911 - in chemistry, for her work on chemical and physical characteristics of polonium and radium. Henryk Sienkiewicz1905 - in literature Wladyslaw Reymont1924 - in literature, for his novel „Chlopi” Czeslaw Milosz1980 - in literature Lech Walesa1983 - Peace Nobel Prize Wislawa Szymborska1996 - Nobel Prize in Literature

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