Saturday, November 1, 2008

Does word Hindu is Sanskirt ? How the word Hindu came to the land of king Bharat.?

Does word Hindu is Sanskirt ? How the word Hindu came to the land of king Bharat.?
As a hindu did you ever ask this question to your parents or teacher or did you face this
question in your studies ?
Interestingly you will find it very difficult to answer and may be answer is No.
so start to find out the roots of word Hindu . From where does came from word hindu ?
The word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word. It is not found in any of the thousands of native
dialects and languages of India. Neither it is a religious word.
So try to find about this .
It is said that the Persians who were familiar with the Indian subcontinent, used to refer to the Indus river as Sindhu, a major river that still flows in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, partly in India and partly in Pakistan. However due to linguistic barriers, they could not pronounce the letter correctly in their native tongue and mispronounced it as Hindu . Thus, for the ancient Persians, the word Sindhu became Hindu.Dont know is true or not ? But i am trying to find about the word Hindu where does it came
to land of Bhart .

For a long time for the native Indians, the Indian subcontinent was Bharata, the land founded by the famous King Bharata.
It is interesting to note that the word is neither Sanskrit nor Dravidian and did not originate in
India. It was not used by Indians in their descriptions or writings till the 17th century. If we go
by the original definition of the word Hindu, any one who lives in the subcontinent is a Hindu
and whatever religion he or she practices is Hinduism. The word Hindu is a secular word and
literally translated it means Indian and the word Hinduism denotes any religion or religions
that are practiced by the multitude of people living in the land beyond the river Indus.
today's India, the word Hindu is most misunderstood and misused. Many people have no idea how the word came into existence. The Indus river, with which the word is associated, now flows mostly in Pakistan although it originates in India. It is no more part of the native pride. It is almost forgotten or overlooked and its place is being taken over by the river Ganga.

I hope you wil also start to find the origin of word Hindu ?

Hindu word is given to people of Bhart by western nations ,like persians,arabs, and british people also followed it .
I hope you wil also start to find the origin of word Hindu ?

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