Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Facebook thinks brestfeeding obscne what you think ?
Hey, Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!
Every mother has the right to decide how her infant will be fed. When asked, most breastfeeding women say they chose to breastfeed because of the health benefits for their babies. Yet, despite overwhelming evidence that breastfed babies are healthier,
Facebook is continuing to remove breastfeeding photos from the albums and profiles of its users. Facebook think they are porn they are obscne.
nothing is porn or vulgar of obscne everything is in the mind of human and his eyes and thought.
everychild everyhuman being borns naked, no one comes here with clothes.
By declaring brestfeeding as obscne porn facebook has insulted every female and every mother .
I requrest all the mothers ,females to boycott stop using facebook service unless and until facebook says sorry openly and publicly.
there is nothing wrong in the pics of brestfeeding .
It is obscene to THINK breast feeding is obscene no matter where it occures.
It takes a very little and corrupted mind to think that something as natural and beautiful as breastfeeding is obscene! Grow up! A woman is not exposing herself by any stretch of the imagination, she is simply feeding her hungry baby.
Eleven Benefits of Brestfeeding to society
1-The cost of artificial baby milk has increased 150% since the 1980's.
2-If no California infants were breastfed, the cost of artificial baby milk alone would exceed $1000 million per year.
3-Breastfeeding reduces healthcare costs for infants with less gastrointestinal, respiratory and other infant illnesses and less hospital admissions.
4-Breastfeeding may reduce healthcare costs long-term via a healthier child, adolescent and adult population.
5-Employers benefit from breastfeeding via healthier infants and children and less parent absenteeism from work.
6-Unlike artificial baby milk, breastfeeding requires no fossil fuels for its manufacture or preparation.
7-Breastfeeding reduces pollutants created as byproducts during the manufacture of plastics and artificial baby milk.
8-Breastfeeding reduces the burden on our landfills.
9-Breastfeeding represents the most efficient conversion of plant material into an ideal high-protein, high-energy food for infants.
10-Breastfeeding performs a critical global ecological function by averting nearly as many births as all other modern contraceptive methods combined.
11-Is Environment-friendly. Breastfeeding does not waste scarce resources or create pollution. Breastmilk is a naturally-renewable resource that requires no packaging, shipping, or disposal.Breastfeeding is better for our environment because there is less waste compared to that produced by formula cans and bottle supplies.
Sixteen Benefits of Brestfeeding to Mothers
Why is Breastfeeding so Important to Mothers?
1-Breastfeeding helps the uterus to shrink to its pre-pregnancy state and reduces the amount of blood lost after delivery.
2-Breastfeeding mothers return to their prepregnant weight more rapidly than bottle-feeding mothers.
3-Breastfeeding mothers usually resume their menstrual cycles 20 to 30 weeks later than bottle-feeding women.
4-Breastfeeding can be an important factor in child spacing among women who do not use contraceptives.
5-Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
6-Women who breastfeed their infants are less likely to develop multiple sclerosis.
7-Breastfeeding reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
8-During lactation, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels decline while the beneficial HDL level remains high. Carbohydrate metabolism is also improved.
Breastfeeding promotes maternal confidence.
9-The amount of iron a mother's body uses in milk production is much less than the amount she would lose from menstrual bleeding. The net effect is a decreased risk of iron-deficiency anemia in the breastfeeding mother as compared with her formula-feeding counterpart. The longer the mother nurses and keeps her periods at bay, the stronger this effect (Institute of Medicine
10-A number of studies have shown other potential health advantages that mothers can enjoy through breastfeeding. These include optimal metabolic profiles, reduced risk of various cancers, and psychological benefits.
11-Production of milk is an active metabolic process, requiring the use of 200 to 500 calories per day, on average. To use up this many calories, a bottlefeeding mother would have to swim at least 30 laps in a pool or bicycle uphill for an hour daily. Clearly, breastfeeding mothers have an edge on losing weight gained during pregnancy. Studies have confirmed that nonbreastfeeding mothers lose less weight and don't keep it off as well as breastfeeding mothers (Brewer 1989).
The above finding is particularly important for mothers who have had diabetes during their pregnancies. After birth, mothers with a history of gestational diabetes who breastfeed have lower blood sugars than nonbreastfeeding mothers (Kjos 1993). For these women who are already at increased risk of developing diabetes, the optimal weight loss from breastfeeding may translate into a decreased risk of diabetes in later life.
12-current studies show that after weaning their children, breastfeeding mothers' bone density returns to prepregnancy or even higher levels (Sowers 1995). In the longterm, lactation may actually result in stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis. In fact, recent studies have confirmed that women who did not breastfeed have a higher risk of hip fractures after menopause (Cummings 1993).
13-There is much more to breastfeeding than the provision of optimal nutrition and protection from disease through mother's milk. Breastfeeding provides a unique interaction between mother and child, an automatic, skin-to-skin closeness and nurturing that bottle-feeding mothers have to work to replicate. The child's suckling at the breast produces a special hormonal milieu for the mother. Prolactin, the milk-making hormone, appears to produce a special calmness in mothers. Breastfeeding mothers have been shown to have a less intense response to adrenaline (Altemus 1995).
14-Bonds Mother and Child. Breastfeeding provides physiological and psychological benefits for both mother and child. It creates emotional bonds, and has been known to reduce rates of infant abandonment.
15-Helps Birth Spacing. In developing countries, exclusive breastfeeding reduces total potential fertility as much as all other modern contraceptive methods combined.
16-Saves Money. Breastfeeding is among the most cost-effective of child survival interventions. Households save money; and institutions economize by reducing the need for bottles and formulas. By shortening mothers' hospital stay, nations save foreign exchange.
Ten Benefits of Brestfeeding to Babies.
Once thought to be "no longer worth the bother"1, breastfeeding has been rediscovered by modern science as a means to save lives, reduce illness, and protect the environment.
Breastfeeding promotion and support has been recognized as a healthcare priority by the World Health Organization .
Why is Breastfeeding so Important for Infants?
1-Human milk is easy to digest and contains all the nutrients that babies need in the early months of life.
2-Human milk contains special enzymes to optimally digest and absorb the nutrients in the milk before infants are capable of producing these enzymes themselves.
3-Breastmilk contains multiple growth and maturation factors.
4-Factors in breastmilk protect infants from a wide variety of illnesses.
Breastmilk contains antibodies specific to illnesses encountered by each mother and baby.
5-Research suggests that fatty acids, unique to human milk, play a role in optimal infant brain and visual development.
In several large studies, children who had been breastfed had a small advantage over those who had been artificially fed when given a variety of cognitive and neurologic tests, including measures of IQ.
6-Lack of breastfeeding is a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Human milk seems to protect the premature infants from life-threatening gastrointestinaldisease and other illnesses.
7-Infants who are exclusively breastfed for at least four months are half as likely as artificially fed infants to have ear infections in the first year of life.
Breastfeeding reduces the incidence and lessens the severity of bacterial infections such as meningitis, lower respiratory infections, bacteremia and urinary tract infections in infants.
8-Breastfeeding is protective against infant botulism. 59
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of "baby-bottle tooth decay" in infants.
Breastfed infants are less likely to have diarrhea.
Evidence suggests that exclusive breastfeeding for at least two months protects susceptible children from Type I insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).
9-Breastfeeding may reduce the risk of subsequent inflammatory bowel disease and childhood lymphoma.
10-Breastfeeding confers some protection against allergy.
New research suggests that older children and adults who were breastfed as infants, arelikely to have less adult illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension and auto-immune diseases.
Read more / Relted post :
- http://realityviews.blogspot.com/2008/12/eleven-benefits-of-brestfeeding-to.html
- http://realityviews.blogspot.com/2008/12/sixteen-benefits-of-brestfeeding-to.html
Saturday, December 20, 2008
India got funds for usa and uk universites when land of son is dying and uneducated.

Above is a one of the pic of indian village schools.
It is about the Government of India gifting $4.5 million (nearly Rs 23 crore) for Harvard University to establish a fund in honour of Prof Amartya Sen
The government had earlier given £3.2 million (nearly Rs 26 crore) to the Cambridge University’s Judges Business school to celebrate Nehru’s entry as a student of Trinity College
Do you think when our farmers are comminting suicide,our village schools are held under tree, millions of young boys work but dont go to schools,
a country where education is not fundamental right, in this courty our so called talented politicians are giving such big dontations to usa and uk universites
why you think our govt is giving them donations ?
Few guess , may be this universited in future will give the admissions to this ministers sons and dauthers or give them scholorship etc.
may be they want to get honorary degrees
something is fishy there ?
our IIM and IITs are not getting funds properly,our schools dont have playgrounds and this our goverment is giving them crores
what is reason son of india is uneducated and starved
are we indepedent or are we still ruled by some king .
Friday, December 19, 2008
LETTER TO PRIME MINISTER written by Prakash Bajaj
Dear Mr. Prime minister I am a typical mouse from Mumbai. In the local train compartment which has capacity of 100 persons, I travel with 500 more mouse. Mouse at least squeak but we don't even do that. Today I heard your speech. In which you said 'NO BODY WOULD BE SPARED'. I would like to remind you that fourteen years has passed since serial bomb blast in Mumbai took place. Dawood was the main conspirator. Till today he is not caught. All our bolywood actors, our builders, our Gutka king meets him but your Government can not catch him. Reason is simple; all your ministers are hand in glove with him. If any attempt is made to catch him everybody will be exposed. Your statement 'NOBODY WOULD BE SPARED' is nothing but a cruel joke on this unfortunate people of India. Enough is enough. As such after seeing terrorist attack carried out by about a dozen young boys I realize that if same thing continues days are not away when terrorist will attack by air, destroy our nuclear reactor and there will be one more Hiroshima. We the people are left with only one mantra. Womb to Bomb to Tomb. You promised Mumbaikar Shanghai what you have given us is Jalianwala Baug. Today only your home minister resigned. What took you so long to kick out this joker? Only reason was that he was loyal to Gandhi family. Loyalty to Gandhi family is more important than blood of innocent people, isn't it? I am born and bought up in Mumbai for last fifty eight years. Believe me corruption in Maharashtra is worse than that in Bihar. Look at all the politician, Sharad Pawar, Chagan Bhujbal, Narayan Rane, Bal Thackray , Gopinath Munde, Raj Thackray, Vilasrao Deshmukh all are rolling in money. Vilasrao Deshmukh is one of the worst Chief minister I have seen. His only business is to increase the FSI every other day, make money and send it to Delhi so Congress can fight next election. Now the clown has found new way and will increase FSI for fisherman so they can build concrete house right on sea shore. Next time terrorist can comfortably live in those house , enjoy the beauty of sea and then attack the Mumbai at their will. Recently I had to purchase house in Mumbai. I met about two dozen builders. Everybody wanted about 30% in black. A common person like me knows this and with all your intelligent agency & CBI you and your finance minister are not aware of it. Where all the black money goes? To the underworld isn't it? Our politicians take help of these goondas to vacate people by force. I myself was victim of it. If you have time please come to me, I will tell you everything. If this has been land of fools, idiots then I would not have ever cared to write you this letter. Just see the tragedy, on one side we are reaching moon, people are so intelligent and on other side you politician has converted nectar into deadly poison. I am everything Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Schedule caste, OBC, Muslim OBC, Christian Schedule caste, Creamy Schedule caste only what I am not is INDIAN. You politician have raped every part of mother India by your policy of divide and rule. Take example of former president Abdul Kalam. Such a intelligent person, such a fine human being. You politician didn't even spare him. Your party along with opposition joined the hands, because politician feels they are supreme and there is no place for good person. Dear Mr Prime minister you are one of the most intelligent person, most learned person. Just wake up, be a real SARDAR. First and foremost expose all selfish politician. Ask Swiss bank to give name of all Indian account holder. Give reins of CBI to independent agency. Let them find wolf among us. There will be political upheaval but that will better than dance of death which we are witnessing every day. Just give us ambient where we can work honestly and without fear. Let there be rule of law. Everything else will be taken care of. Choice is yours Mr. Prime Minister. Do you want to be lead by one person or you want to lead the nation of 100 Crore people?
Prakash B. Bajaj
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
a poem after mumbai 26/11 terror,word and bullets
Few lines after mumbai 26/11 terror,word and bullets
words and bullets
words and bullets
listend and saw both
words divided us
bullets united us
words of politicans divided us
bullets of terrorist united us
pakistani terroists attacts us
bullets killed us
bullets united us
showing new path
is it only way to stay united
words taught us
you are hindu, you are muslim
words taught us
you are sikh, you are christian
words taught us
hatred divided us
bullets killed us
bullets taught us
we are indians
bullets make us forget
our religion
remind is we are
is the price to pay
to know we are indians
losing our innocent
brothers and sisters
what we should ask
to nature now
peaceful words
which divide us
or bullets which
united us
Monday, December 8, 2008
After 26/11 mumbai terror Now what ?
After 26/11 mumbai terror Now what ?
We will hear now promises, and will see more fights among politicians, on fromwhere to purchase military arms, our politicians wont ask our arm makers to manufacture arms, they will purchase from other countries.
what is a reason they will do this, do you think they get paid ,commission from those companies for purchasing arms from that company.
After how many years we will get Nsg, we want Nsg for every city.do you think metro cities will have nsg in next 1 year or next 25 years or we will have to wait untill some big policians kin is killed or another big terror attack destroying thousands of poor people.Do you ever thought if you go outside Metros you wont be safe, as there will not be Nsg.this will increase more and more migration to metro cities like Bombay,mumbai,calcutta,madras,chennai, banglore etc.we are sure we will get nothing only words words words.after mumbai terror what will happen is that, these five star hotels will get Nsg or they will pay and hire the services of Nsg.but what about our CST ,VT we the common man when our brave police brothers will get latest arms, or they have to give security using sticks or pistols only.
we need one week to choose one minister dont know how much time we will need to proctect our sea, and provide security to our people ,hope in our life time we can see the nsg in mumbai .atlease in all metro cities .Fear is that the process of Nsg will start but on courruption charges on grounds of purchase of arms,clothes,dress code,language ,reservation etc it will never be implimented fully.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Aamir Khan talks on Mumbai Terror 26/11
Aamir Khan talks on Mumbai Terror 26/11we agree with him on mejority points ,but we do not agree with him on the following terms
.First lets know in this paragraph what Aamir khan has to say in this paragraph.he writes that ''The other important thing we need to remind ourselves in this time of anger and hurt is to
stay calm and take sensible steps, and not give in to thoughtless knee jerk reactions. I heard
someone say on television that we should all stop paying our taxes as a show of protest.
Haven’t heard of a more silly idea than that. If we stop paying our taxes then we won’t have
an army and NSG to save us next time around!!! Instead we should all START PAYING
OUR TAXES. We demand so much of our leaders but are we fulfilling our basic
responsibility? Can we say with honesty that as citizens of our country we are all honestly
paying our taxes? If we are not paying our taxes can we blame the government for being
inefficient? If we are corrupt then how can we expect our politicians to be honest? ''
Point no.1 one he opposes when common man said in his anger ,frustration please do not
pay taxes, he says if we do not pay taxes we will not have NSG or Army to save us.and he goes on to say that common man dont pay taxes honestly ,common man is
dishonest he dont pay taxes. he goes on to say that as we ,the common man of india is
courrupt so why expect our politicians to be honest ? they got full right to be
Aamir khan is great actor we like him we respect him,but still we do not agree with him on
this paragraph when talks about taxes ,courruption of indian common man.
Analysis on Aamir khans this paragraph.
Today in india as per sources 70% indians per day not earn more than 1 doller,more than
rupees 20. so if you count per month salary it will be below the tax paying rules so he do not
need to pay taxes . also there is indirect taxes where he pays taxes, indirectly. So common indian man do not pay taxes,he is dishonest is totally wrong aamir si
About NSG and army 60% nsg is always occupied to give securtiy to the politicians.as per sources.
as per sources for 500 common indian citizens there is only 1 policeman with pistol and
sticks. for Each politician they have 25 commandoes to secure them. the common man pays for this luxry of politicians. Politicians got aeroplanes ,helicopters
they travel in luxry,but Nsg who came to save us travels in best buses .Nsg do not have
there own planes. there salaries are less that IPS and IAS .
We dont need NSG or army if that same money we spend on our own nsg creating area
wise, citi wise, which give full time service to city.
From where does politicians get so much money to enjoy so much luxry study about there
luxuries life style. as per sources per month our politicians use 100 thousand units of
electricity which we pay through our taxes.
the problem is that our system has rotten ,and we need new laws,accountability of
politicians, laws which help them punish for courruption.
The common man do not really meant to say we do not pay taxes,he in his frustration ,he
was saying that . if common man do not pay his telephone bill or electricity bill immidiatly his loses his connection, but can you check situation about rich people how much money they have to pay to the goverment or electricity boards.