Sunday, January 25, 2009

Again it proves in india mob rules case study : Karachi Sweets in Mulund

Again it proves in india mob rules case study : Karachi Sweets in Mulund
After receiving notice from the MNS letterhead by local activist Rajendra Deshmukh, asking him to change the name of the shop or face the consequences.
the owner of the shop has changed his shop name as law officers also suggestd to the shop owner that change the shop name.
Karachi Sweets was as old as three decades and a "known brand'' in the area, 
Threats by goons seem to have prevailed over assurances given by the state 
home minister and the city's commissioner of police. Mohan Sachdev, owner of 
Mulund's Karachi Sweet Mart, has bowed to the MNS diktat to remove the city's name from the signboard and decided to rename his shop Jai Shri Krishna.

Now the question is that in india do we have democracy ?
do we got the freedom of speech and expression ?
do you think there is any diffrence between Taliban order and Mns order.

we need to change the laws ,make such strict laws that mob will fear the law and everyone will go through the rule law .
Today in india ,do you find respect for freedom of speech and expression,
any mob demands anything and from rich to poor everyone is compel to obey them.
Is the indication that there is no faith in police department and judiciary?

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