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In the lower house of federal parliament ,136 members voted for a nationwide ban on clothes or veils that do not allow the wearer to be fully identified including the full face niqab and burqa.
No one voted against the bill and 2 members did not attend the voting.
"We're the first country to spring the locks that have made a good number of women slaves, and we hope to be followed by France, Switzerland, Italy, and the Netherlands; countries that think,'' Said liberal deputy Denis Ducarme.
The ban will be imposed in streets, public gardens and sports grounds, public buildings.
In festivals, carnivals only municipal authorities can relax this rule.
People who will not follow this rule and law will face a fine of 15 to 25 Euros and or a jail sentence of up to seven days.
Regarding this law all political parties supported the bill.
Upper house of Belgium got the 2 weeks of time to raise any objections to this law.
If the Senate approves it, Belgium would become the first country in Europe to ban the burqa.
One town Maaseik in Belgium banned the burqa six years ago. And no one wears Burqa in this town today.
France banned Muslim head scarves as well as Jewish skullcaps and Christian crosses from schools in 2004.
President Nicolas Sarkozy has declared that the burqa is not welcome in France, but still France is in the process of making this law.
France's National Assembly will begin debate in early July on a bill banning Muslim women from wearing the full Islamic veil.
A final draft of the legislation outlawing the face-covering veil from all public spaces as well as state institutions is set to be approved by the cabinet on 19 May.
Staunchly secular France passed a law in 2004 banning the wearing of headscarves or any other "conspicuous" religious symbols in state schools.
Belgium has done it now lets see can the France, Italy and Other European nations do it and ban the Burqa, a piece of cloth which is against freedom of females and against the dignity.
Suggested Reading –
President Sarkozy dares to talk against Hijab or Burqa:

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