Reality Views by sm –
Maharashtras Minister of State for Home, Siddharam Mhetre, described the performances of the cheerleaders as obscene.
BJP president Nitin Gadkari, said that the dance was vulgar, degrading to women and not fit to be seen by Indian families, and hence should be banned.
After Dance Bar girls, now this time Cheer Girls of IPL teams are accused of spreading the Obscenity in India.
Does cheer girls are character less or prostitutes?
Who are cheer girls?
Cheerleading is a serious sport, which involves lot of hard work, practice, discipline.
But in India, many Indians think and see that cheer girls as the easy pray, compare them with the prostitutes.
What can I say about the Country where Minister says that if females will use the small dresses, it is invitation for the rape?
When farmers are dying, committing suicides, everyday the rape cases are increasing, will not be surprised if politicians and law enforcement agencies say that one of the reasons for the increase in the rape cases in India, is the dance and dress of cheerleader girls.
If Cheer girls are vulgar then every movie made in India is vulgar.
Very Proudly Maharashtra Government banned the dance bar girls with the promise of Job, but reality is that no bar girl was given a job and today all those bar girls are living and earning their livelihood by becoming prostitutes , selling their bodies , or are working for the mafia gangs.
When mind and thoughts are dirty, if you are sex starved, I am sure you will surely feel the heat and feel to rape that cheer girls.
For this cheer girls are not responsible, their dress and skin showing is not responsible, responsible is your thoughts and dirty mind. Such people should be sending to mental hospitals.
What is vulgar?
Who will decide it?
If Sari and Punjabi dress is not vulgar, then what is reason everyday we read and hear about the gang rapes?
Definition of Vulgar and Obscene changes with the person.
So who will decide what is vulgar and what is not vulgar,
If minority feels that sari is vulgar, will you ban it, as India is a Democracy.
Where is Democracy in India and fundamental rights?
If you are supporter of Indian dance, then do not go to watch IPL matches, ignore the cheerleaders dance.
But remember and try to find out what is Original in India. Does your own shirt and pant is Indian?
Why don’t you start to use the Indian Dresses?
The comedy of India is that the Indian Penal Code using which Cheer girls in Navi Mumbai are told not to use revealing clothes otherwise they may be arrested or their license may be canceled booked for spreading vulgarity , that Indian Penal code is made by the British kings for their slave colony called as India.
About which culture you are talking, never heard them talking about the female child murders, farmers suicides, marrying the daughter of prostitutes or bar dancers,
Upper class people killing the lower class people, about abolishing of caste system,
This is again one of the drama of Politicians or corrupt people so Citizens of India will forget about the IPL fraud about tax and match mixing.
The time has come to change the Indian Penal Code and IPC section 294.
Which gives power to the police to decide what is vulgar and what is not vulgar.
As well as Bombay Police Act which says that
Section 33A
(1)(a) Holding of a performance of dance of any kind or type in an eating-house, permit room or beer bar is prohibited
(1)(b) all performance licenses issued under the aforesaid rules by Commissioner of Police District Magistrate or any other officer, as the case may be (being the Licensing Authority) to hold dance performance of any kind or type in an eating house, permit room or beer bar shall stand cancelled
(2) Punishment for violation imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or with fine upto to Rs.2 lakhs or both. Not less than three months and fine not less than Rs.50,000/-
Section 33B
Nothing in section 33A shall apply to the holding of a dance performance in a drama theatre, cinema theatre and auditorium or sport club or gymkhana where entry is restricted to its members only or a three starred or above hotel or in any other establishment or class of establishment, which having regarding to (a) the tourism activities in the State or (b) cultural activities, the State Government may by special or general order, specify in this behalf.
Suggested Reading - Know about Cheerleading
Below is the Photo of IPL cheerleaders –

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