Friday, August 20, 2010

No Accountability No Liability - Indian Member of Parliament Increase their own salaries – the 300% increase in salary – Know Ten Important Benefits

No Accountability No Liability - Indian Member of Parliament Increase their own salaries – the 300 percent increase in salary – Know Ten Important Benefits of Indian MP

Reality Views by sm –
Friday, August 20, 2010

In India a Member of Parliament may go to jail, he may face the life imprisonment but he can keep his minister post, this is Indian democracy.
Indian democracy system is developed by British to run their slave nation India.
Today also we are using this same system.

Now what benefits Member of Parliament will get –

1.The basic salary of the MPs will be hiked from Rs 16,000 to Rs 50,000 per month.

2.The Cabinet also approved increase in office expenses of parliamentarians from Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000 per month.

3.The constituency allowance has also been doubled from Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000 per month

4.The limit for interest-free loan for MPs for buying a personal vehicle has been hiked four-fold to Rs 4 lakh from the present Rs 1 lakh.

5.The government also approved a hike in road mileage rate for vehicles used by MPs from Rs 13 per km to Rs 16 per km.

6.Spouse of a parliamentarian can now travel any number of times in first class or executive class.

7.Pension benefits have also been increased from Rs 8,000 to Rs 20,000 per month.

8.An MP also gets a daily allowance of Rs.1, 000 for each day when parliament is in session or taking part in house committee meetings. This has also been doubled.

9.Spouses of MPs are entitled to free train travel from their place of residence to Delhi. They also get up to eight free plane tickets from their place of residence to Delhi.

10.He is also entitled to a certain number of air journeys, AC first class train travel; rent free flat or hostel accommodation through out the term of his house.

MPs can also use up to
50,000 units of free power worth Rs 1,80,000 a month
and 4,000 kilolitres or Rs 40,000 of water free.

MPs get such as 34 free air journeys to any place in India and unlimited free rail travel. They get free housing if they live in flats and pay a nominal fee for bungalows in Lutyens zone.
MPs stay in a posh and rich area and they pay only nominal fee.
Flat monthly rent Rs 2.5 lakh a month
Bungalows real value or say rent is Rs 75, 00,000

The increase will be given with retrospective effect since the beginning of the current Lok Sabha, the 15th. That means MPs will get arrears from May 2009.

Does our Indian Politicians get less salary compared to other countries politicians ?
The answer is no.
Indian politicians earn more with no work.
Get the calculator and try it , i am sure you will agree with me.

If carefully we will calculate the overall compensation given to Indian MP, you will find that Indian Member of Parliament members get more pay than Singapore, Japan, Italy, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh etc.
Just add
Basic Salary, various perks and allowances. (Constituency allowance, office, telephone, internet, furniture, electricity, daily allowances)
2nd is compare the purchasing power parity and GDP.
Our politicians get more pays without any work and liability.

Which is the job you know where just working for five years and then you can get pension forever?

"Stop the insult of MPs" and "implement report of the parliamentary committee" were slogans chanted by SP, BSP, JD (U), RJD, Shiv Sena and Akali Dal members, forcing Speaker Meira Kumar to adjourn the House twice.
The politicians want their salary be raised to Rs 80,001.
"Hamara vetan waapas lo, waapas lo, waapas lo!" (Take our salary back), the protesting MPs shouted as they walked towards Speaker Meira Kumar's podium.
Lalu Prasad alleged that the government had "insulted MPs with minimal hike"

Supreme Court said and given many guidelines to these politicians regarding police reform, judiciary reform and salary fund,
Latest is distribute free food to poor which is getting rotten , but political parties say we will not give them free food.
This clearly means that we will throw food into gutter but won’t distribute food free to poor Indians otherwise the business community will not give us under table money.
Politicians think about rich and rich think about politicians.

Poor may die, we won’t care.
God and Religion will save them it is not our duty to save them.

I am not against the salary hike, who will bring the accountability and liability for the Member of Parliament.
No one is talking about this.

These same politicians removed the subsidy of Indian common man saying we do not have money.
These same politicians delay the scholarships of children - saying no funds.
No funds to build schools , Indian village schools are held under tree.
No funds for free medicals for poor.
No funds for common man
And unlimited funds for Member of Parliament.

Remember name of political parties are different but their aim and desire is same.
They have all united.

Now they will do the drama and fight with each other do not be fooled, understand they are same. What they wanted they got already.

We have no right to recall them, we have no right of negative voting, and no qualification is required to become the Member of Parliament.

India needs new political party now.

Indian Mps again got united and made a drama of fight and they will get 10,000 Rs. More or may end up getting more than 80.000 Rs. Now it is 50,000 Rs.
Congress government is doing anything without any thinking to just stay in power and to keep their chairs.
All political parties got united to --------- India.

Yes Corruption is our real religion.
Jai Ho.

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