Monday, October 18, 2010

Tracking Common wealth games CWG Delhi 2010 – Investigation, Probe, Conduct, CAG Progress Report – Part 1

Tracking Common wealth games CWG Delhi 2010 – Investigation, Probe, Conduct, CAG Progress Report – Part 1

India’s Comptroller and Auditor General Vinod Rai said that an official audit of the accounts and financial activities related to the Commonwealth Games will be completed in 90 days and presented to Parliament.
CAG will audit 20 different institutions

CAG teams will probe 24 departments, 15 of them of the Delhi government.
About 80-100 CAG staffers have been employed for Games audit with leaves cancelled for many.

CAG - Vinod Rai said that audit has three goals -to establish "the physical outcome of expenditure, accountability, and whether it has been most optimal utilization of resources." Every contract will be scrutinized by a team of 80-100 CAG staffers, who've been asked to immediately cancel any vacation plans.

An interim report of the CAG submitted before the Games began found that consultants picked for sponsorship and broadcast rights deals had been selected despite not offering the best terms to the Organizing Committee.

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), another agency involved in the government's investigation, has reportedly discovered that at least 11 major contracts were so inflated that they caused a loss of 500 crores.

Emaar MGF, the builders of the Commonwealth Games Village said that
They have complied with all laws and regulations. They say the Games Village is a world class structure developed in record time.

Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit had blamed the builders for the poor state of the Village and reports suggest the CVC has sent them notice as part of a larger probe.

Why then the British players and others stayed in hotels?

Many teams delayed their arrivals because of poor conditions in the athletes' village. England chef de mission Craig Hunter also said it would be some days before they move in to the Games Village.
Wales Chief Anne Ellis "We're satisfied that everything is ready. A week ago it was like a building site, although most of it was cosmetic work, there were serious problems with plumbing and electricity.

Lets hope CAG chief and team will get success in this investigation , otherwise India is such a nation fake and new papers will be made overnight and we Indians will never know the original criminal.

Please do not mistake between the CAG investigation and the investigation team of Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Manohan Singh set up the high-level committee headed by former comptroller and auditor general V.K. Shunglu to look into all matters relating to the conduct and organization of the games.

Official sources said the committee would present its report to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh within three months.

Does conduct means corruption or fraud or cheating?

I do not know what Mr. V.K. Shunglu is doing now.

Do you know What Mr. Shunglu is doing regarding this investigation?

CAG will present report in a time of 3 months.

Conduct team headed by V.K. Shunglu will also give report in 3 months

From which date we should count the 3 months?

I think both should submit report before 1st February or 1st March

Even I will suggest both investigative teams should without any fear of official secrecy act should put the report on internet even before it is submitted to parliament.

I will try to up date the progress of both investigative teams as much as possible.

Continued –

Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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