Monday, November 1, 2010

Epic Mahabharata - Do you think Yudhishtra the husband of Draupadi was a Dharmaraj or Most Righteous Person?

Epic Mahabharata - Do you think Yudhishtra the husband of Draupadi was a Dharmaraj or Most Righteous Person?

Dharmaraj means - Most Righteous Person, Eldest of Pandavas

Who was Yudhishtra?

Yudhishtra was the eldest son of King Pandu and Queen Kunti.
For his piety, he was known as Dharmaraja, which means righteous king' or 'king of dharma'

Pandu was unable to become father and Queen Kunti using her powers with the help of Yama, the god of judgment gave birth to the Yudhishtra.

Yudhisthira was trained in religion, science, administration

He married Panchali princess Draupadi along with his four brothers

One wife five husbands.

He became king of the Indraprastha

He was not master of gambling or dice.

Duryodhana's maternal uncle Shakuni, challenged Yudhisthira to a game of dice, which is gambling.

Gambling is also art, and considered as a sin by religious people, so how can a religious person accept the invitation to play the game of gambling?

Thus because of ego or to show manly powers Yudhisthira accepted the challenge to play game of gambling, dice.

Everyone knew that the Shakuni is the champion of playing dice. He was expert in that game.

Yudhisthira lost all the games of gambling.
He lost kingdom
He lost all wealth

Even uneducated person also knows the difference between a living thing and property.

But He forgot this he lost his brothers in gambling.

Still the king of religion does not realize his mistake and
He played again and

He lost himself and thus all the 5 Pandavas became the servants of Kauravas.

But again he played the game and

Lost his wife Draupadi also in the game of dice, gambling.

What happened after losing Draupadi?

Duryodhana ordered his younger brother Dushasana to forcefully bring her into the forum.
Dushasana forcefully brings Draupadi in the forum or court where every male was sitting and enjoying the game of dice and gambling.

In that period Dasa, servants were forbidden to wear clothes or upper clothes.
So all 5 brothers removed their clothes or say upper clothes.

Now Draupadi was also a Dasi, so what should be her dress code?

But legally speaking how can a servant das who has no right to keep property can put his wife as property?

Then Kauravas demand the same from Draupadi who refuses.
Then to the horror of everybody present, Dushasana tries to strip Draupadi of her sari.

Now Draupadi calls her friend Krishna and he appears and using magic or maya saves her from the Kauravas.

Why Krishna did not stopped the husband of Draupadi from putting her on bet?

Who is more responsible, unreligious person in this story?

The husband of wife or the owner of Dasi, servant?

Both are guilty

As per religious books a king can not put his wife as bet as she was also the queen.
Not his servant or dasi.
In reality she was.

Indirectly this shows the position of Hindu female also.

Do you think any religious person will do this as per the standards of religious books?

People say that he was Kshatriya so he has to accept the challenge?

So why he did not follow the duty of husband towards his wife?

What is important for a husband - duty towards his wife or the religious books?
Or customs?

So if the Kshatriya is challenged to kidnap a female will it be religious?

This is the time when he put his brother on gamble, why Krishna did not appeared and stopped him from doing unlawful act.

When Yudhisthira put Draupadi on the gamble, why the best friend of Draupadi, that is Krishna did not appear and stopped the game of gambling?

After losing Draupadi in the game of gambling.

Everyone said Shakuni cheated and won all the games of gambling

If shakuni was cheating in the gambling, then why Yudhisthira did not stopped playing the game of gambling, dice?

What is the duty of Kshatriya when he finds about cheating?

After losing everything why to shout he cheated?

What is the reason Yudhisthira did not stop the game of dice as soon as he got knowledge
Shakuni is cheating?

As per religion what is the duty of Husband towards his wife?

It is the duty of good people to show new good ways of living to society , good people always change the society for the benefit of society , they do not drink and smoke by saying that it is their family custom and because religion says so they have to drink or smoke or play the game of gambling

So the point is
In this story no one is wrong, no one is good
Everyone is human
Everyone is human
One is more evil than other.
One is better than other
Nothing is important, important is to be rich and show the power of being Male

Thus No one is Dharmaraj
Dharam changes as per the wishes of king and rich people and as per the wishes of final winner of the war. What he projects is considered correct always.

This complete story is very important and one understands lot from this.

Know About The Mahabharata Few Important Facts:

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

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