Thursday, April 14, 2011

Civil Society Members of joint drafting committee on Lokpal Bill to declare Properties – Anna Hazare

Civil Society Members of joint drafting committee on
Lokpal Bill to declare Properties – Anna Hazare

Five civil society members of the joint drafting committee on Lokpal Bill
Will declare their assets and liabilities - a day before the panel will sit for the first time.

Who are 5 civil society members of joint drafting committee on Lokpal Bill?

Anna Hazare

former law minister Shanti Bhushan

his son Supreme Court Advocate Prashant Bhushan

Karnataka Lokayukta Santosh Hegde

RTI Activist Arvind Kejriwal

Civil society group said that it has received
a total donation of Rs 82, 87,668
For all the payments receipts were given to donors who paid donations.
Receipts were issued on account of Public Cause Research Foundation (PCRF) which is acting as secretariat for the campaign and records are kept

Reality views by sm –
Friday, April 15, 2011

Suggested Reading –
Short Biography of Anna Hazare – Story of Army Driver becoming
the Father of Nation Bigger than Bharat Ratna

Keywords Tags – Anna Hazare Donation Rs 82, 87,668 and Anna Hazare

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