Friday, April 22, 2011

Read the complete Affidavit of IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt implicating Gujarat CM Narendra Modi and SIT

Read the complete Affidavit of IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt
implicating Gujarat CM Narendra Modi and SIT

IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt in Gujarat has implicated Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the communal riots in 2002.

"The chief minister Shri. Narendra Modi said ...This time the situation warranted that the Muslims be taught a lesson to ensure that such incidents do not recur ever again... that the emotions were running very high amongst the Hindus and it was imperative that they be allowed to vent out their anger."
Sanjiv Bhatt

Sanjiv Bhatt was posted in the Intelligence Department when communal riots happened in 2002.

He was posted as the Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence, State Intelligence Bureau, Gandhinagar, from December 1999 to September 2002. In this affidavit Bhatt says that he was 'present at the meeting called by the Chief Minister on the late night of 27.2.2002 and was personally aware about the instructions given thereat and the events that transpired thereafter'.

Below is the full text of Affidavit of IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt implicating Gujarat CM Narendra Modi and SIT
In this affidavit IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatt alleges that Narendra Modi categorically issued instructions that Hindus should be allowed to express their anger and Muslims should be taught a befitting lesson so that incidents like the burning of Sabarmati Express never happen again in Gujarat.

Sanjiv Bhatt s Affidavit Filed Before the Supreme Court 20110422

Reality Views by sm –
Friday, April 22, 2011

Tag Keywords – Sanjiv Bhatt IPS officer original Affidavit copy against Narendra Modi

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