Below is the list of top ten most wanted criminals – A top ten list by the Guardian
1 Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán Mexican drug lord
"El Chapo" or "Shorty" (he stands 5ft 6in tall) heads an international drug trafficking organization, the Sinaloa Cartel, and became Mexico's top drug kingpin in 2003
Appears simultaneously on Forbes's lists of the world's most powerful, most wealthy and most wanted men.
Sinaloa smuggles many tonnes of cocaine from Colombia through Mexico into the United States, and is also heavily involved in Mexican methamphetamine, marijuana and heroin.
Guzmán has succeeded in turning Ciudad Juárez, a strategic smuggling point that overlooks El Paso, Texas, into one of the murder capitals of the world through mind-numbingly brutal battles against both the Gulf and La Linea cartels, leaving thousands dead

2 Dawood Ibrahim Head of Indian crime network –
Dawood heads up a 5,000-strong organised crime network called the D-Company that is involved in everything from drugs trafficking to contract killing in Pakistan, India and the UAE. He is wanted by Interpol also.
He is associated with al-Qaida and has worked with it and its offshoot Lashkar-e-Taiba, responsible for the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. He is also suspected in the 1993 Mumbai bombings that killed 257 people and wounded 713. Like Bin Laden, Ibrahim is based in Pakistan

3 Semion Mogilevich Russian 'boss of bosses'
Arrested in Russia for tax evasion in 2008, Ukrainian-born Mogilevich was released in 2009. US and European law enforcement agencies think and believe that he is the "boss of bosses" of most Russian mafia syndicates in the world. Nicknames include "Don Semyon" and "The Brainy Don"; often described as "the most dangerous mobster in the world"

4 Matteo Messina Denaro Cosa Nostra kingpin
Sicilian mafioso who has effectively taken control of Italy's Cosa Nostra
Nicknamed "Diabolik", after an Italian comic-book character. Known for his fast lifestyle, Porsches and Rolex watches, he has been on the run since 1993.

5 Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov Uzbek mobster
Major Russian mobster originally from Uzbekistan and apparently known as "Taiwanchik" for his Asian appearance. Business - engaged in "drug distribution, illegal arms sales and trafficking in stolen vehicles." He is even alleged to have bribed the figure skating judges in the 2002 Winter Olympics.

6 Felicien Kabuga Mastermind of genocide
Kabuga is wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda for "serious offences under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, crimes against humanity and genocide" in connection with the massacre of more than 800,000 Rwandan men, women and children in 100 days of terror in 1994. Allegedly hiding in Kenya.

7 Joseph Kony Ugandan guerrilla leader
Head of the Lord's Resistance Army, a guerrilla group engaged in a violent campaign to establish theocratic government in Uganda
Accused of - abducting an estimated 66,000 children and displacing more than two million people since 1986. The International Criminal Court has indicted him on 33 charges including crimes against humanity and war crimes.

8 James 'Whitey' Bulger Old-school US mobster
The ever-so-slightly embarrassing older brother of William Michael Bulger, a former president of the Massachusetts state senate and the University of Massachusetts, Bulger was part of the Winter Hill Gang, a Boston-based Irish-American crime network that for many years ran illicit drugs and extortion rackets. Pursued by the FBI for more than a decade for racketeering, murder (his name has been linked to 19 killings from the early 70s up to the mid-80s), conspiracy to commit murder, extortion, conspiracy to commit extortion, money laundering and narcotics distribution. Bulger's wealth is estimated at between $30m and $50m (£18m-£30m), cash he is said to be using to evade arrest with his longtime girlfriend. Last confirmed sighting was in London in 2002. There is a reward of $2m for information leading to his arrest.

9 Omid 'Nino' Tahvili Head of Canadian crime group
Head of a Persian organised crime network in Canada linked to assorted Triads and other global criminal groups. Arrested on charges of torturing a relative of a man he suspected had stolen a chunk of his organisation's illicit drugs money, he walked out of a Canadian maximum security prison in a janitor's uniform in November 2007 after promising to pay a guard to let him out (he never forked up). US law enforcement wants to talk to him about a fraudulent telemarketing business that targeted people in the US, stealing some $3m from hundreds of victims, most of them elderly.

10 Ayman al-Zawahiri Al-Qaida number two
Born in June 1951 into a prominent upper-middle class family in Cairo, Zawahiri was the final "emir" of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which he merged into al-Qaida in 1998. Reportedly a qualified surgeon, he speaks Arabic, English and French. According to former al-Qaida members, Zawahiri has worked with al-Qaida since the organisation's earliest beginnings. He is often described as Bin Laden's right-hand man, and by some as the "real brains" of al-Qaida. The friendship between the two men supposedly began in the 80s when Zawahiri is said to have given medical treatment to Bin Laden in Afghanistan in the teeth of a Soviet attack. According to terrorism expert Bruce Hoffman, Bin Laden considered Zawahiri his mentor. Most experts believe 9/11 could not have happened without Zawahiri's controlling influence.

Suggested Reading –
List of Indians Top 50 Most wanted Criminals Fugitives Given to
Pakistan by India
Reality views by sm-
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Keyword Tag – Top Ten Most wanted List Guardian List Most wanted top ten
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