Saturday, May 28, 2011

Is it international plan to destroy fertile agriculture land in India

Is it international plan to destroy fertile
agriculture land in India?

Every day we read and hear that new factory or manufacturing unit is opening in xyz city but did you ever observed in which area and on which type of land the factory or manufacturing unit is opening?

To start a new company or factory a land is required.
To start a new company or manufacturing unit or factory any type of land is ok and good.

But for agriculture and farming a fertile land is required and must it is the necessity.

India is agriculture country.

Now did you observe that now a days from private companies to government of India
Everyone is behind agriculture land.

We want to build a Road, for that need a fertile agricultural land.
No attempt to make plan which will save fertile land of poor farmers.

We want to start a car making unit for that need a fertile agricultural land.
No attempt to make plan which will save fertile land of poor farmers.

We want to start a nuclear plant for that need a fertile agricultural land.
No attempt to make plan which will save fertile land of poor farmers.

Like this private and public sector everyone is behind fertile land which is destroying and reducing our food production capacity.

One can not make a non fertile land into fertile land.

So what is the reason public and private sector everyone
when makes a plan to start new company
they do not think about not to use fertile agriculture land and make an attempt that
We will not use fertile agriculture land for our nuclear plant or car making unit.

Why government is not making a law that will forbid use of farming land for any purpose other than farming.

100% land in India is not fertile.

When India will lose all the fertile land we will become a country where there is everything but no basic necessities of life
India will become dependent nation on Pakistan, China and Europe, USA everyone

India got everything but no food why no food as no fertile land is in India.
and Reason is India destroyed its fertile land by starting manufacturing units and factories on the agriculture fertile land.

Why government is allowing this?

Is this international plan to make and keep India a beggar nation forever?

Just think for the future

Reality views by sm –
May 28, 2011

Keyword – Fertile land Agriculture Nuclear Plant Land

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