Thursday, February 26, 2009
India :Bloggers will be held guilty and responsible for content in blog. :
19-year-old IT student, D. Ajit from Kerala, has been slapped with a criminal case for initiating an Orkut community criticising Shiv Sena, for its “moral policing.”
The case was registered after complaint by a Shiv Sena official by Thane police in 2008.
as per new supreme court decesion,Bloggers may no longer express their uninhibited views on everything under the sun, for the Supreme Court said they may face libel and even prosecution for the blog content.
It will no longer be safe to start a blog and invite others to register their raunchy, caustic and even abusive comments on an issue while seeking protection behind the disclaimer — views expressed on the blog are that of the writers.
The Bench is reported to have remarked:
We cannot quash criminal proceedings.
You are a computer student and you know how many people access internet portals.
Hence, if someone files a criminal action on the basis of the content, then you will have to face the case. You have to go before the court and explain your conduct.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
India :Laws outdated case study : Ex-union minister Sukhram
- India : Laws outdated case study : Ex-union minister Sukhram:
Justice delayed is justice denied
now you can see how slow our government machinery works.
The agency had conducted a raid at the former minister's residences here and in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, in 1996 and recovered Rs 3.62 crore.
Aug 27, 1996: CBI registers FIR against him under the Prevention of Corruption Act.
Sep 18, 1996: CBI arrests Sukhram in the case.
Oct 16, 1996: Sukhram gets bail.
Jun 9, 1997: Chargesheet filed.
Jul 10, 2001: Court frames corruption charges.
Oct 30, 2001: Court starts recording evidence.
Nov 6, 2004: Former PM Narsimha Rao records his testimony as a witness in the case.
Apr 13, 2007: Recording of testimony of prosecution witnesses concludes with examination of 64 witnesses.
May 18, 2007: Sukhram answers court queries based on evidence against him.
Jul 20, 2007: Defence starts recording statements of witnesses.
Nov 7, 2008: Sukhram gets 16 witnesses examined in his favour.
Dec 2, 2008: Final arguments start.
Feb 17, 2009: Special CBI Judge V K Maheshwari reserves the verdict on conclusion of final arguments, which were advanced during 11 hearings.
Feb 25,2009 sukhram is convicted and punished for 3 years
and immidiately sukhram gets bail and he dont go to jail. but gets time to file appeal in highcourt and after that he will get time to file appeal in supreme court of india if he is convicted by the highcourt.
This trial went on for 13 years and now this case will go to highcourt and will take 13 years or more or less to be decided by High court and then again sukharm will be given bail
After that Sukhram will go to supreme court of india where this will take
5 years or 13 years again.
justice delyed is justice denied.
we hope sukhram will go to jail for 3 years before he dies because of old age, as one day everyone has to die because of old age or other reasons. - our prevention of corruption act really need drastic changes, changes like that whenever there is political courruption ,it should be treated as courruption against whole of india,
- the trial should be and compulsorily must be finished in a year by trial court and in 2 months by high court and 2 months by supreme court, while in a bail period the accused should be debarred ,not allowed to hold any public as well as private office of profit or non profit.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Jai ho Slum a different view: should we be proud of our slums ?

Today here in india, everyone is happy that slum won the oscars,
its great achivement.
how can you forget that slum is real story of india, a sad story,
how can you enjoy it without feeling,thinking talking about removeal
of this slums.
may be you dont realise this.
what is slum movie ?
it shows india is not shining ,the mirror image of india, and you are happy ?
is it not you are smileing on your own country ,your own brothers and sisters poverty.
what you think about those slums
i am very proud of danny boyal and the write who wrote this book,script showing the reality of india.
what is reason you are not asking the politicians, how can they say its great movie.
does it mean we should be proud of our slums,poverty.
is not the time to think what is the reason last 60 years slums are increasing ?
jai ho slums
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Peaches & herb - Reunited lyrics and Video
Watch the video Reunited below lyrics.
Lyrics of the song Reunited –
I was a fool to ever leave your side
Me minus you is such a lonely ride
That breakup we had
Has made me lonesome and sad
I realize I love you
'Cause I want you back
Hey, hey
I spent the evening with the radio
Regret the moment that I let you go
Our quarrel was such
A way of learning so much
I know now that I love you
'Cause I need your touch
Hey, hey
Reunited, and it feels so good
Reunited, 'cause we understood
There's one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited
'Cause we're reunited
Hey, hey
brief instrumental interlude
I sat here, staring at the same old wall
Came back to life just when I got your call
I wished I could climb
Right through the telephone line
And give you what you want
So you would still be mine
Hey, hey
I can't go cheatin', honey; I can't play
I found it very hard to stay away
As we reminisce
On precious moments like this
I'm glad we're back together
'Cause I missed your kiss
Hey, hey
Reunited, and it feels so good
Reunited, 'cause we understood
There's one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited
'Cause we're reunited
Hey, hey
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Lover, lover, this is solid love
And you're exactly what I'm dreamin' of
All through the day
And all through the night
I'll give you all the love I have with all my might, hey, hey
Reunited, and it feels so good
Reunited, 'cause we understood
There's one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited
'Cause we're reunited
Hey, hey
Watch Reunited (Peaches & Herbs) Video with lyrics –
Peaches & Herb – Reunited Video song - updated version –
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
India :Mayawati Gets one more jet a Hawker 900 XP for the UP government
Currently up governement has has over two dozen aircraft at its disposal. The price of a super business jet Hawker 900 XP is about Rs15 crore.
UP govt is spending whose money, does up got the best roads in the world.
does utter pradesh got the best water and drainage system?
does utter pradesh got the best schools and collages in india ?
do you think from this jet ever common utter pradesh man will be able to travel?
This is great example of indian democracy,
indian poor farmers and others are struggling to arrange for one meal daily.
and our goverment of utter pradesh has money to spend on luxury life.
The versatile cabin of the Hawker 900XP allows a large variety of layouts with each aircraft interior being designed to satisfy the requirements and tastes of the individual customer.
is it not the wastage of govts money, currently in all countries honest policitians are reducing there jets,trying to save but as per our democracy if common indian man has no roads ,no electrictiy is ok but our gods,kings and queens must enjoy the best of best luxry avaialble in this world.
- a small poem
- hame nahi mili roti to kya gam hai
- harama neta to khata hai doodh ki roti
- hame nahi mili cycle to kya gam hai
- haram neta to ghomata hai hawa may
- translated in english now
- i dont get the pizza so what
- i am not unhappy
- my leader eats pizza
- i dont get bycycle so what
- i am not unhappy
- my leader has jet to fly and travel
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Rss and English Language : a view
RSS is against English language.
Its very sad thing that still RSS opposes English language.
It is said that RSS has done nothing in our freedom fight.
First question is how many members of RSS send there sons and daughters to the English language schools.
2nd is how many RSS members send there daughters and sons to USA and other European countries for studies or they settled there permanently. Do you think such parents have any right to tell the Indian people that please study in Mother tongue.
Let’s understand the importance of English language.
Before arrival of British people, India was controlled by Muslims and Arabs
all the times, that time no one thought about India as a one country or about
After arrival of British people and British raj, British people taught us the English language for there own benefits.
After studying English language, our educated people started to think, why India cannot become independent.
Our majority freedom fighters learned the English language.
From Gandhi, Nehru, Subhashchandra Bose and many others list is unlimited.
So we become independent country because we learned English language
and it has told the meaning of what is freedom , a democratic freedom, a democratic nation, one and united nation.
English language has given freedom To Indian females.
Before arrival of British and English language no one in India tried to teach the females, but when our educated Indian males saw white females educated.
They also felt our Indian females should also study.
So here also English language has indirectly help the intelligent Indian home makers by giving them opportunity to fly in the sky.
Now today you say India is Information technology superpower?
What is reason; only reason is we Indians know English language?
We have created param computer, we have Infosis in India , what is reason
we know English language.
We got outsourcing jobs from Uk and USA , why because we know English language.
Today more than 30 million boys and girls are working in the Bpo industry which uses English language.
If we sit and start to write the benefits which English language has given us we will become old.
From space technology, science, computers everything is in English language.
Every language is good. Even china and Japan has started to teach English to there population.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Travel with aim conditions and save plannet as well as help towards social change
Are you an international traveler?
Do you wish you should be able to do something for this planet earth?
Do you want or feel you should be part of some humanitarian work?
Then please read this after reading this you can surely feel you are doing some type of social service or trying to help this planet when you are traveling.
So when you plan to travel, travel with some conditions.
Following are the examples.
1 - I will not travel to country which is religious country. Eg. Is Saudi Arabia, Dubai etc?
2- I will not travel to country where child labour laws are not strict.
3- I will not visit to country where prostitution is illegal.
4- I will not visit to country where education is not fundamental right.
5- I will not visit to country where govt. dont pay attention to human rights.
6- if you are American you can think this way also if I travel in usa only, it will generate and save the jobs in usa hotel / motel industry, just your condition aim that you wont travel outside usa will give work in every industry in usa so while you plan traveling learn to think about society ,global society.
7- I will only travel to the country which is not democratic.
Like this make your own list of principles, conditions and only then travel.
So after traveling this you will get satisfaction that you don’t visit to the country which does not have good things which u want or feel.
Tourism is a big industry for every country, so as the tourism will decrease those govt have to think why there tourism is less.
So it will encourage those countries to improve.
So if you like this way of traveling then please tell your friends and achieve social change in this globe and decide that we will not visit such countries etc. for such reasons
“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”
Reality views by sm –
Tags – Green Traveling
India: Hindu Taliban Pics what you say ?

Rising of hindu taliban in india do you agree with it ?
What you think about it ?
what is your opinion about a female begging to hindu taliban organisation ?
All this is happening because we dont have law to proctect our fundamental rights ?
you got right to protest but no one has right to beat others , and make them your moral slaves ?
do you want your kids also suffer this type moral slavery ?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
know about the indian govt. online grievance cell, a website

know about the indian govt. online grievance cell, a website
this is a Government of India Portal,website aimed at providing the citizens with a platform for redress of their grievances. If you have any grievance against any Government organization in the country, you may lodge your grievance on this website which will go to the Ministry/Department/State Government concerned for immediate redress.
Following are the govt departments against which if you have complaint
you can file compalaint online using this website.
1) Railways
2) Posts
3) Telecom (incl. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) & Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)
4) Urban Development (Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Land & Development Office (L&DO), Central Public Works Department (CPWD), etc)
5) Petroleum & Natural Gas
6) Civil Aviation (Air India, Airports Authority of India, etc)
7) Shipping, Road Transport & Highways
8) Tourism
9) Public Sector Banks
10) Public Sector Insurance Companies
11) National Saving Scheme of Ministry of Finance
12) Employees' Provident Fund Organization
13) Regional Passport Authorities
14) Central Government Health Scheme
15) Central Board of Secondary Education
16) Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
17) National Institute of Open Schooling
18) Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
19) Central Universities
20) ESI Hospitals and Dispensaries directly controlled by ESI Corporation under Ministry of Labour
In case the grievance is not redressed within the prescribed time frame, citizens may lodge their grievance online with Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances and monitor its status on this website at http//: , or send grievance manually giving details in the following format :
(a) Name of the petitioner/complainant
(b) Postal Address with phone no./email if any
(c) Name of the government department approached earlier for grievance redress.
(d Indicate details of earlier references /letter no. and date of government depepartment concerned.
(e) Signature of the petitioner/complainant with date
Note 1 Complaints pertaining to disciplinary matters covered by statutory rules, bilateral disputes and matters pending in courts/tribunals or without complete details / illegible//not specific/not signed by the petitioner may not be taken up . No action will be taken on the copy of complaint addressed to other departments/public authorities.
Please tell all your friends, about this govt.of indias positive step, spread this knowledge, educate each other .
education and unity will only solve our problems. it is easy to blame on govt. but what you are doing , are you trying to get knowledge ,are you spreading the knowledge if you know it.
share the knowledge . if you like this information digg it, email it to your friends. spread the knowledge.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Michael Learns To Rock - Eternity lyrics

Michael Learns To Rock - Eternity lyrics
Track list :
01. When Tomorrow Comes
02. It's Gonna Make Sense
03. Shadow Side of Me
04. You Want More
05. Sweetest Surprise
06. Family Tree
07. I Do
08. Look Around
09. The War is Not Over
10. Lonely Satellite
11. Walk with Me
12. Eternity
When Tomorrow Comes : lyrics BY MLTR ETERNITY
I, I’m Lying Oh So Quiet By Your Side
Afraid That You Will Open Up Your Eyes
Cos When The Morning Comes You’ll Say Goodbye
And Now I See A Ray Of Sunlight On Your Bed
I Try To Move The Curtain Once Again
It Doesn’t Really Matter Anyway -- I Know It
It’s All Over
Cos When Tomorrow Comes, You’ll Be Gone
Slow Down, Sunrise
I’m Holding On To You All Night Through
Until Tomorrow Comes
Don’t Let Nobody Wake My Baby
Oh, Let This Moment Stay Forever Just For Us
No, A Garbage Can Is Falling In The Street
You’re Crying And You’re Talking In Your Sleep
I Take Your Hand And Listen To Your Breath
So It Won’t Be Long Before The Night Is Through
Then Emptiness And Loneliness Will Rule
And Memories Are All That’s Left Of You
I Know It It’s All Over
Cos When Tomorrow Comes, You’ll Be Gone
Slow Down, Sunrise
I’m Holding On To You All Night Through
Until Tomorrow Comes
Don’t Let Nobody Wake My Baby
Oh, Let This Moment Stay Forever Just For Us
Hush (Hush, Hush), Hush (Hush)
I Whisper In Your Ear
Hush (Hush, Hush), Hush (Hush)
Just Go Back To Sleep, Baby
Cos When Tomorrow Comes, You’ll Be Gone
Slow Down, Sunrise
I’m Holding On To You All Night Through
Until Tomorrow Comes
Cos When Tomorrow Comes, You’ll Be Gone
Slow Down, Sunrise
I’m Holding On To You All Night Through
Until Tomorrow Comes
Don’t Let Nobody Wake My Baby
Oh, Let This Moment Stay Forever
Forver Cannot Never Be Enough For Us
I'm gonna be the owner of the world for a little while,
and it feels like I am flying.
Everybody's waving in the crowd to get a smile,
but they never saw me crying.
Chorus 1:
Even when we danced across the floor
and everyone is calling out for more.
Somewhere in your heart you feel alone.
Chorus 2:
Hold my hand tonight and show me what is right.
Make my life complete below the family tree.
Take away my fear and tell me you'll be there.
We will always stay together, I will always know you care
Everybody's talking right behind my back,
and I don't care what people are thinking.
But in a little corner of my mind, it is getting tough
when the moving lights are tinkling.
Chorus 1:
Even when we danced across the floor
and everyone is calling out for more.
Somewhere in your heart you feel alone.
Chorus 2:
Hold my hand tonight and show me what is right.
Make my life complete below the family tree.
Take away my fear and tell me you'll be there.
We will always stay together, I will always know you care
When the ___ I know where I belong
I could never walk away from you
When the everyday life ____
Chorus 2.
We will always stay together, I will always know you care
I do
I promised to love and cherish you
For as long as we both shall live
I live with an echo of “I do”
It doesn’t seem so far away
I remember the promise you made
I still hear an echo of “I do”
Cause you will always be
A part of me
I keep you in my heart
And a piece of me
Will always be
Right there by your side
Now that you’ve found somebody new
And God knows I am happy for you
Don’t you hear an echo of “I do”
I’ve tried to erase you from my mind
But it keeps me awake at night
Haunted by echoes of “I do”
[Cause you will always be
A part of me
I keep you in my heart
And a piece of me
Will always be
Right there by your side] (2)
Who do you turn to when you’re sad
Who can replace the love we had
How you do make it through the night
When I’m no longer by your side
If you ever need me I’ll be there
Cause you will always be …
[Cause you will always be
A part of me
I keep you in my heart
And a piece of me
Will always be
Right there by your side] (2)
It's Gonna Make Sense
Life comes in many shapes
You think you know what you got until it changes
And life will take you high and low
You got a little to walk and then which way to go
Every choice you make when you’re lost
Every step you take has its cause
After you clear your eyes you’ll see the light
Somewhere in the darkness
After the rain has gone you’ll feel the sun comes
And though it seems that sorrow never ends
Someday it’s gonna make sense
Tears you shed all the same
When you left it and cried, all broken down in pain
All the hours you have spent in the past
Worrying about a thing that didn’t last
Everything you saw played a part
And everything you are in your heart
After you clear your eyes you’ll see the light
Somewhere in the darkness
After the rain has gone you’ll feel the sun comes
And though it seems that sorrow never ends
Someday you’re gonna find the answers
To all the things you’ve become
And all be gone at your expense
Someday it’s gonna make sense
After the rain has gone you’ll feel the sun comes
And though it seems that sorrow never ends
After the rain has gone you’ll feel the sun comes
And though it seems that sorrow never ends
Someday it’s gonna make sense
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Know about Neverforget site, to keep watch on politicians
How to use site and get details about your elected politician
When you visit to the site
there you can see the PROMISE TRACKER on the top .
click on the promise tracker.
it will open a window it uses javascript so your browser must be enabled
to use javascript.
you will see welcome message click on ok
then a you will see the map of india with a red ballon or pushpin
red ballon or pushpin is the location or your city,
it is your city so click on the red ballon or pushpin
on left hand side there is zoom feature you can use it
if you have ever used google earth you will find this tool very easy.
to use.
Once you click on the red ballon or pushpin it will open the small window showing you that cities member of parliament name and below that you will see clickhere to see his promises and click it.
and it will show the promises made by that candidate
and evalution.
If you do not see red ballon or red pushpin you should refresh the page.
if you find that red ballon or red pushpin is placed at the wrong place on the indian map , on top you can see last message a question about this only.
click on let us know and it will open new windwo like a comment form fill it
and the team will solve the your detected problem.
Ty for reading this all .
do visit site and help build new india , we are living with american dream,
dont you want our ,your indian dream a indian dream for next generation.
or you want to still live the dream life of once a india was a country full of gold.
Wake up my friends from this golden dream, come to reality and see dream for our next generation.
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
India :Support Pink Chaddi Campaign: Send Chaddi To Sri Ram sena [ hindu talibani org.]
Support Pink Chaddi Campaign: Send Chaddi To Sri Ram sena [ hindu talibani org.]
we congrulate the brave females of india for starting this wonderful,innovative capaign
to tackle the hindu talibani Sri ram sena.
Pleae join and support this brave indian females who are fighting for there
as well as our fundamental right of freedom of expression.
What is the Pink Chaddi Campaign?
in this campign you just choose any old pink chaddi from your closet or purchase the pink chaddi and send to Sri ram sena a hindu talibani org.
The address to send the pink chaddi package is:
The Pink Chaddi Campaign,
Pramod Muthali, Sri Rama Sene Office # 11, Behind new bus stand, Gokhul road, Lakshmi park, Hubli - Karnataka
If you want to visit there site this is the address.
Monday, February 9, 2009
India valentines day best gifts stay united
What you should give gift to this valentines day.
Form the groups, be together and when moral gundas come to beat you
beat them like they will never try again.
caught them and hand them to police.
Gift chilli sprays and other such sprays ,keep them with you. and use them.
on moral gundas ,teach them a lesson.
Remember if you are in group,they will run away,just show courage,
let them know you are united.
Best gift for valentines day will be to stay united and teach lesson to moral gundas.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
india : satyam : Raju is king
Last year people of india said,singh is king,but 2009
we have to say and agree Raju is king.
Raju has been granted speical status in jail. Now he is a vip prisioner
Granted special class prisoner status on Friday, the brothers will now get cots, pillows, mattresses, sheets, mosquito nets, a separate kitchen and toilet, jail sources said.
Like king now raju can daily eat and live life like a 7star hotel inside
a jail. Daily he can have meat,fish whatever he likes,Raju can smoke cigars,cigarettes anytime he wish.
Now king Raju can demand a television set and he will be provided by jail
authorites immidiately.
Raju is king.
But again it has been proven that indian law treats differently to rich people of india and poor people of india.
we suggest that why state goverment is spending tax payers money on king raju
give him bail and release him. This will save lot of state
everybody knows now that Raju is king so he wont run away from law.
Nobody is as clean as king raju.
Be ready to see king raju as next member of parliament or cabinet minister
what you think ?
do you think our law will ever punish king raju.
how many years you think our judiciary will need to give final judgement on Satyam Fraud.
10 years or 25 years. a good debate question .
Friday, February 6, 2009
India valentines day and Freedom of expression.
They say india is democratic country secular country.
they say indian constituion has given us fundamental right of, freedom of expression.
as per constitution . every indian has a right to celerbate any day as he wish without hurting others physically.
But indian hindu and muslim talibani organisations has openly challenged the conistitution of india ,by declaring that on 14th feburary if any indian dares to celebrate valentines day,he will be beaten.They have told shop keepers that if they sell valentine products there shops may be damaged by there party workers.
Do you think this valentines days, you can enjoy peacefully without fear.
Do you think you can peacefully sell valentine day products in your shops ?
We hope police department will make arrest on 13th Feb ,persons who have openly threated to hesistate violently.
If you dont like valentines day, you can oppose it peacefully its your right.
If you beat ,use force, violence to disturb the joy of people who celebrate valentines day , it will show that you dont belive in constitution of india
you do not belive in our indian constitution and law, this clearly shows that you do not love india and you do not respect indian constitution.
if you dont love india then why you are staying in india ?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
know about :Right to information act 2005
Centre Opposes Negative Vote concept
Centre tells SC no scope for bringing in negative,none of the above vote concept
Centre says will not allow people of india to say all candidates are useless or criminal by using vote: none of the above
Peoples Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) had filed a PIL in 2004 seeking separate slots in electronic voting machines (EVMs) to give a voter the option of "none of the above", if he or she does not want to vote for any of the candidates standing in an election.
This matter is so important but still pending in supreme court of india since
Though the Centre has opposed the suggestion, the Election Commission in a separate affidavit has stated that it had written to the Union Government as early as in December 12, 2001 recommending such a provision.
Under the existing provisions of Sections 49(O) and 128 of the Representation of Peoples Act, a voter who after coming to a polling booth does not want to cast his vote has to inform the presiding officer of his intention not to vote, who in turn would make an entry in the relevant rule book after taking the signature of the said voter.
our question is what is use of this information and registering,
its better the voter goes and enjoy his holidays.
but this is also wrong. we have to vote whatever happpens.
The Centre submitted that the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution had earlier examined the issue of introducing negative votes slots in EVMs but decided not to press for the same as it was not practical.
EVERYONE TODAY KNOWS THAT who is getting elected, gundas and criminals.
be ready to see the people like Sanjay dutt,Abu salem be sitting in our parliament and laughing at us.
SURE Bapu is crying in heaven why he fought for freedom fight,as rightfully
churchill has said, india is not ready for the concept of democracy.
do you agree with this above statement,just think and let me know.
Still we request to supremecourt of india, order the goverment to introduce negative concept.
“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny”
Electoral Reform – Right to reject or none of the above option on the ballot paper
I think this is the fundamental right of every voter to choose and not to choose openly and easily.
Negative vote concept that is right to reject will give power to Indian citizens to declare and show that all the candidate who received election tickets are not eligible to rule us or become our law makers but they are law breakers.
Because of this political parties will not give election tickets to rich and bad people.
Many times rich people do not have any social background and they are given tickets because in an election that rich candidate can spend Rs.One Crore or more in election.
Is it not possible that rich person spends black money in election to win the election?
But I do not think easily our law makers will agree with this because of all the candidates get rejected then each one who has spent Rs.1 one crore or more in an election he will not get again election ticket from that party.
I do not think our politicians will easily agree with the idea and concept of Right to reject or none of the above option on the ballot paper.
Today majority educated people who do not vote in a argument they say that I do not have option to reject them so I do not go to vote, some say every candidate is ineligible or all the candidates are bad thus he do not go to vote.
Right to reject will give them an option to vote in the elections.
Right to reject will encourage political parties to give election tickets to good citizens of India who can win the election by spending minimum money.
Always support the person and individual who says that we want right to reject the candidate or we want option none of the above on ballot paper.
“Justice is never given; it is exacted and the struggle must be continuous for freedom is never a final fact, but a continuing evolving process to higher and higher levels of human, social, economic, political and religious relationship.”
Reality views by sm
Tags- Right to reject none of the above election India News