Monday, April 27, 2009

Manu and His Laws And Views on Females

Manu and His Laws And Views on Females:

Know what rules Manu made for Females:

Manu says that:

It is the nature of women to seduce all males so good males never stay alone in the company of female’s .Females will seduce fool as well as intelligent males easily,
And make him the slave of desire and anger.

Males should not sit alone in the company of mother or sister also as senses are powerful and it can give him thoughts and desires.

Women do not think about male’s beauty or intelligent they will give themselves to any available man.

Because of passion for men’s, mutable temper and greed they become disloyal towards their husbands however they may be guarded by family.

When god created females he has given them love of their bed, status, ornament, impure desires, dishonesty and bad conduct.

Manu gives females’ lower or equal status to Shudras.

Manu says that day and night family males should keep watch on females, and should be kept under controls.

Her father should protect her in childhood, her husband protects her in her youth and her sons protect her in old age.

A female should never be given independence.

If females get independence they will bring sorrow to the families. Women should not have right to divorce.

Once a woman is married to husband, husband becomes her lord, her god forever. But Manu gives right to husband to Deseret his wife or sell her.

Manu gives right to husband to beat his wife, give her corporal punishments. The study of Veda was forbidden for females.

Manu says that care should be taken that females do not listen Veda mantra also. Females have no right to study or hear Veda mantras like shudras.

If any female tries to perform the Pujas, say mantras she will go to hell as her service and saying of mantras is not acceptable to god.

As a good girl she should obey her father, after her marriage she should obey her husband ,husband may not possess good qualities but she should obey him and treat him like her god until her death.

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