Friday, April 3, 2009

How we Indians Can achieve change Be the change ?

Reality Views: By sm
How we Indians Can achieve change?
Individual Change Do not change society
Now and then, I always here this change yourself and society will change. Be the change which you want to see.
Sorry I do not agree with this statement. .Here we are talking about our nation .Our Society. Suppose you clean your house will it make your neighbors home clean?

Suppose you keep your dog pets and garden clean and in good condition.
Will this your action improve your neighbors habits? Will they start to keep there home and place clean?
It is always said that a rotten fruit destroys all good fruits.
Now let’s go to Ramayana and Mahabharata, in both stories you can find Ravana and Kourava both represent bad people.
Ram, Pandavas and Krishna represent good people.
So as per your theory which says change your self and society will change is correct,
Why then Ravana and Kourava didn’t change.
Krishna told to them that it is duty of Pandavas to go and try to convince kouravas and get yours what is yours rightfully otherwise do a war with them and get what is rightfully yours.
If Krishna and Ram can not change bad humans, how a common man can change his neighbors, his society in which few gonads and criminals live.
we can give them many chances to improve but as our politicians and few educated people say individual change will change country and society, But in reality this will not happen, we want individual change as well as we want change in our nation But today situation is that honest person is fearful of law as well as gonads and criminals. on the other hand in India criminals don’t fear law or police but you may find many people saying that law and police fear gonads and criminals.
Here we are talking about social change, how the social change can be achieved
Only through strict, simple laws and very strict implementation of law, if lawmaker is found law braking then punishment should be 100 times more. And in this cases justice should be given in 1 week which is possible .Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

We have to amend our constitution making such provisions like accountability for lawmakers, politicians, judiciary, and police department as well as state .Duties of State should be clearly mentioned with fines and punishments for them who are in charge of state.Eg. It is the duty of state to keep stray dogs away from roads, if stray dog is found on road ,or any accident happens on road the collector of the city or police commissioner of the city be suspended immediately and he should be made to pay fines. Like this very simple and effective laws.
Retirement age for politician’s .Next is provisions. laws which will stop mob rule ,provisions which will give more importance to our freedom of speech and profession, and give us security from mob rule so no one will dare to brake your home or shop for name change, or no one will stop you enjoying valentines day with your wife or mom or full family, no one will dare to beat females or males without reason., even if there is reason there are peaceful ways and laws even we need policies where every police action will be recorded , and reviewed by senior citizens and scientists, doctors and lawyers.
Yes we can, yes together we Indians can change our lives, we can change
“Sometimes I wonder if we shall ever grow up in our politics and say definite things which mean something, or whether we shall always go on using generalities to which everyone can subscribe, and which mean very little.”

If today I clean my home my home will become clean , may be after that my friends will clean there home , but our Society will not change for this we need implementation of laws.
To end I will again give one example I do not drink and smoke but I know many friends who drink and smoke
They didn’t change I told them not to smoke and drink, they told me I should drink and smoke neither I change nor they changed
So will it change them?
Gandhi said change yourself and he followed non violence but Gandhi himself got killed by violence, a gun...
No human can change society; society can be changed with laws and implementation of laws.
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive and unrealistic”

“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.”

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