Thursday, April 9, 2009

Whom To Vote How To Vote a poem

Reality Views by sm
Whom To Vote How To Vote a poem
how to vote ? whom to vote
these few lines will be give us idea how to vote ?

vote for whom
who eats with you
vote for whom
who never travelled
with criminals
vote for whom
whose education is
more than you
vote for whom
who is not older
than your father
vote for whom
who travels with
you in bus
vote for whom
whose children
study with your kids
vote for whom
whose brothers study
in a collage where your
younger brothers study
vote for whom
who support economic reservation
vote for whom
who is not relative
of political leader
vote for whom
who belives in India
vote for whom
who do not mix dharma and religion
with progress of india
vote for whom
whom you never see on television
vote for whom
who is like you

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