Saturday, October 10, 2009

Does Barack Obama Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize 2009?

Does Barack Obama Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize 2009?
The thing which was not in my dreams has happened, Barack Obama was given the
Nobel Peace Prize 2009.
I do not know why he was given the award but whatever conditions they used if they are applied then I think Sonia Gandhi or Our Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh are better options than President Obama.

Reality Views by sm -
What President Obama has done is nothing but saying sorry to few peoples which I feel is one of the biggest mistakes done by the President Obama in American History. In future they will realize that it was the mistake. Before becoming the President of Usa, did you ever heard the name of Barack Obama.
In just nine months of time he has done so much for peace. Does he has really done anything for Peace?
Sorry I do not agree with this award and his policies, his policies may be good for few communities but on the American front he has failed every American.
CNN reports that the Norwegian Nobel Committee lauded Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
What is Extraordinary?
Now only Norwegian Nobel Committee can define this term.
Obama in his speeches clearly shown that he is ready to accept everything which Islam says and he has projected that Islam will be superior to American Constitution, is this, the cause of Nobel Peace Award.
It is said that Obama is working towards to make the world nuclear free.
Does Obama has destroyed American nuclear weapons or weapons which Pakistan has got , which will go into the hands of terror organizations anytime.
Obama has just shown the hope, he has not got any results, On my blog I always say, he is like Indian politician, law maker, who are masters of showing hope to the Indians, and last sixty years we Indians are living on that hope one day our India will be free from electricity problem, drinking water problems and so many more. Like this the dream of American people will not be fulfilled, a hope remains a hope will not give you fruits.

Other than this the other American who deserved the Nobel is Rush Limbaugh who is working towards world peace. For 18 years he has used his radio talk show to become the foremost advocate for freedom and democracy in the world today. Every day he gives voice to the values of democratic governance, individual opportunity and the just, equal application of the rule of law -- and it is fitting the Nobel Committee recognize the power of these ideals to build a truly peaceful world for future generations."

There are many such Individuals including Sonia Gandhi who deserve that award, just imagine, if Sonia Gandhi would have accepted the chair of Prime Minister of India, what would have happened in India.

Still Obama has not achieved anything he is just showing the sweet dreams to American people as well as world , when these dreams will be broken they will say it was mistake to give Nobel to President Obama.
We can not give Nobel award to the person who is showing hope, show the results and get the award.
Still he has not solved Palestine problem, Kashmir Problem, Tibet Problem, Maldives problem ,Taliban Problem , Global warming Problem, Pakistan Problem so many.
Not a single achievement and a Nobel Award.
So far, nothing changed. Obama was giving statements, promises and hopes, while on the ground nothing practical has been done,"
As the Nobel Award is already given to him for showing Hope,
We hope he will be successful in this mission to bring peace to the world , but doing this we hope he will see that human rights will stay supreme than any religious laws.

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