Reality Views by SM –
1. To make Indian Rich class more Rich
2. Distribution of Black Money should be made easy
3. To correct the working of government system and machinery to further increase the scope of the corruption in Government Departments.
4. Find out the loopholes which expose the corruption , and give those loopholes the status of law, so the loophole is fixed and corruption becomes legal
5. Whatever may happen in India, Indian rich class should not be affected any way.
6. Let people do corruption in infrastructure , to further increase that start new schemes so that the big companies can hide their black side and common Indian will be easily fooled
7. To say we will reduce the price hike and same time increase the prices of oil, petrol and diesel when in International market there is no price hike.
8. A group should be formed which will see that the related companies will make more profits by increase the prices and reducing the prices as per their demands.
9. Private companies should be allowed to do banking business legally with subsidy and incentives to they can hide their business losses and continue to take the big salaries.
10. Rural and cooperative banks which are in losses because of political leaders and government officers should be given more capital so they can run their banks smoothly, will continue to rob the bank for few more years.
11. A new fund will started for clean energy, this fund will be given to the companies owned by the sons and daughters of politicians and government officers.
12. A new fund will be given to few states to preserve their culture of rape, corruption.
13. Ganga river clean fund - should be doubled, as all the money spends in the past years was wasted.
14. Flood management Fund - What happened to the past fund do not know, whenever flood comes poor people get nothing , if you lose your house you will get 2000 rupees to build the new house .
15. Social Sector Fund is increased which will be utilized by political parties to develop their political party workers, especially workers who are in jail.
16. Elementary school funds increased to more schools will be held under the tree.
17. A new fund will be started to check the health status of Indians .The amount will be in few crore rupees for each district .so political parties can spend it on their own political party workers.
18. Rural Development Fund increased so parties can show that fund and attract new workers for their political parties and preservation of vote for the next election.
19. Additional Drought Fund started as after so much corruption also babus are still hungry.
20. To increase the slums in cities more fund is given to reduce to poverty of cities so poor from villages can come to cities and settle their in cities.
21. More Funds increased for the housing schemes for the poor who settle in the cities illegally.
22. Social security fund is started so poor people can drink more wines and liquors and cigarettes and if they become sick they can visit to hospitals.
23. New Pension scheme which is not good for the common man so he rejected that, but as this scheme gives more profits, to keep this scheme alive a fund should be started which will give incentives to the common man who will join this scheme.
24. Funds for literacy increased, doubled, literacy means if you know how to sign you are considered literate.
25. Provision of 100 crore for farmers without any checks to see that farmer gets that money or not. This is a scheme for political workers not actual farmers.
26. New scholarships based on caste and religion to further divide the India, so they can keep enjoying kingdom of India forever, generations after generations.
27. A fund started to plan the ministry affairs, to plan how the corruption be done or should be hidden, how the voice of common man be silenced.
28. A fund should be started to combat with Indian poor people who has taken guns against government because government failed to give them food, shelter and water.
29. A new fund be started to speed up the legal system
30. Introduction of new policy if you earn more, pay less tax. If you earn less you are useless and you does not deserve anything.
31. Introduction of new policy if you are doing government project and if you do not complete it in a given period, you will get extensions with all the benefits, its not crime to delay the government projects.
32. Introduction of new audit system as because of corruption our profits increased and audits will open those frauds so the compulsory audit requirement amount is increased so our earned money is not audited.
33. Government will build all facilities and if company imports goods they will get many exemptions.
IS This Indian Budget for me ?

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