Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LTTE Finished in Sri Lanka what Minority Tamils Of Sri Lanka Should Do?

LTTE Finished in Sri Lanka what Minority Tamils Of Sri Lanka Should Do? -
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To know more about LTTE please read the following article –

In the year 2005 Mahindra Rajapaka was elected as a president of Sri Lanka for next six years. The Constitution of Sri Lanka allows the president to ask for a fresh election after four years into his first term of office

After Defeating LTTE, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa decided to hold the fresh elections before expiry of his term in the year 2011.
And the election was held on 26 January 2010 and Mahindra Rajapaksa won the election defeating General Sarath Fonseka, a former commander of the Sri Lankan Army.
Sri Lanka is known as Ceylon and is 31 kilometers of the southern coast of India.
Division of Sri Lankan population 2001 ratio –
1. 73.9% Sinhalese,
2. 12.6% Tamil,
3. 7.4% Moors
4. 5.2% Indian Tamil
5. 0.5% Others
Population of Tamil people in Sri Lanka is in minority and LTTE was fighting for Tamil people.
As LTTE is finished now
What will happen to Tamils in Sri Lanka?
What Indian Government should do?
What Tamils in Sri Lanka should do?

President Mahindra Rajapaksa defeated LTTE Successfully with international support.
Now this is very good opportunity for India to renew the friendship with Sri Lanka.
We hope before china, India will forward friendship and helpful hand towards Sri Lanka to safe guard India.

Today in Sri Lanka Tamil people do not have any strong leader who can lead them politically ,for them situation is very bad , this is not the time to find the past mistakes of LTTE, Now there is no LTTE,
What ever happened happened in the past.
It’s the duty of Sri Lanka government as well as Indian government to see that there is no rebirth of LTTE.
They need our love, support, technology and financial loans with zero interest.
Sri Lanka follows proportional representation for the parliament.
This means Tamil population will also get the representation in the government.
India should not interfere in the internal matters of Sri Lanka but we can help Tamil people of Sri Lanka by giving them support, education, technology and India sponsored scholarships for the Tamil people of Sri Lanka.
But India should not help the revival of LTTE which is dead now.
After many years Sri Lankan people have hope to stay in peace and its duty of India to see that the peace is not destroyed by anyone and for this reason India needs to renew the friendship with Sri Lanka and share the Intel with each other regarding the terror organizations.

Tamils in Lanka should not forget the past and everyone should only say lanka for all
United Sri Lanka for the benefit of all.
The Tamil people should accept the democracy and should fight for the rights as a citizen of Sri Lanka and should see that the people who try to give rebirth to LTTE should not get support.
Human Life is For Peace not war.

Civil war does not happen from one side it is the result of the failure of both sides.
We hope this time Sri Lanka government will not ignore Tamil and other minority population, but they will move forward together peacefully in a democratic way towards progress.

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