Friday, February 19, 2010

India - Know 50 Indian Asian ways, Traditions and Customs

India - Know 50 Indian Asian ways, Traditions and Customs –
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A Journey of our traditions and customs. A journey of our morals.
Which morals you talk about it. From what are we running from?

1. If male rapes a female she is responsible

2. Dog and animals are superior to females.

3. 1 male witness is equal to 4 female witnesses.

4. Female should not go outside of the home alone; females can not freely travel at night time. Many cities liberated families also request daughters please do not go outside as it’s not safe. Our morals and values are so high why do they fear?

5. Females are not allowed to study, read or hear mantras.

6. Females have to commit suicide if her husband dies.

7. Hairs of the females should be cut if husband dies

8. Human is not equal to human .Few humans are born from leg so they are not human and they being treated like animals. Even animals are superior to those humans.

9. Females should not enter the temples or mosque, worshipping places.

10. It’s right to beat the females.

11. When wife dies a husband should marry before the one year.

12. It’s ok to if an older male marries 8 or 9 year old girl.

13. If a barber says your wife has lost character immediately husband throws her out of home.

14. For property brother does not hesitate to kill the brother or father.

15. We need to make the laws so son will take care of his father and mother.

16. A female is not entitled to share in the property of father and mother.

17. A female is killed in the womb of mother.

18. When female child is born today also parents kill her.

19. If female is found talking with other boys, brothers and fathers do not hesitate to kill her.

20. A female is considered a curse on the family.

21. Even Male Gods rape the females.

22. When female are raped husbands also held her responsible she is responsible.

23. Females should always cover there body.

24. After marriage if there is no blood on first night she is considered as characterless female and she is thrown out of home.

25. A male can sex with n number of females, but she is not allowed to even glance. For a glance or thought after that she becomes and considered as characterless female.

26. When in a crowed bus, when males touch the private parts of females, all the males enjoy it.

27. Its tradition to parade the females naked for a petty offence, majority times no offence.

28. On the name of God, whole village has sex with her.

29. Female is considered as property of husband.

30. Female is considered and treated as a baby making machine, a cow producing human babies.

31. Its duty of the female to produce son for the family. If she does not give the son baby boy, immediately husband gets the right to marry 2nd time.

32. A sister is kept hungry and brother is given milk and sweets

33. A sister is kept uneducated and brother who keeps failing exams is provided unlimited money for his education.

34. To get admission in the school, we do not feel ashamed to pay bribe.

35. To purchase the flat we pay black money, we do not feel ashamed.

36. To get the job in government office we pay bribe.

37. To get the certificate we pay bribe.

38. Millions of Indians do not get food daily, we do not care.

39. Villages do not have electricity and water we do not care.

40. Villages do not have medical facilities we do not care.

41. Farmers commit suicide we do not care.

42. When girl is young she should obey father and brother, when she is married she should obey her husband. Husband is her God; he may kick her or abuse her.

43. If father of bride does not give money, a female, a wife is burned alive.

44. When female is paraded naked in the village, whole village enjoys the event.

45. Do not hesitate to throw the babies from the heights.

46. A female is considered characterless if she uses western clothes on the other hand all males already forgot traditional dress and still want female should be in saris.

47. Wearing a Jeans is considered as invitation for rape.

48.In Majority shops porn DVDs and movies are available and they say we do not watch porn.

49. This is a land where water and milk was given free of cost, where is culture.

50. Never read Vedas never learn our Sanskrit language, they say we know our culture. We know everything and Few even say we are protectors of Hindu Culture.

Today where are we standing?

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