Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jagannath temple – Non Hindus are not allowed to enter – Police Arrest American Female student -

Jagannath temple – Non Hindus are not allowed to enter –
Police Arrest American Female student -

Katie Leonard, a 23-year-old American woman student and her classmate Gourab Sarangi of Sambalpur, doing PhD in Physics in the USA, entered the 12th century to have a glimpse of the presiding deities.

As the woman student was dressed in a traditional salwar-kameez and covered her head, she was not recognised as a foreigner at the high-security Singhadwar.

After a glimpse of the 'parswadevatas', they entered the sanctom sanctorum for a darshan of the presiding deities - Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra - where they
were spotted by the priests.

The rituals at the temple came to a standstill after the priests and temple police took the two to the Sinhadwar police station for questioning.

After interrogation they would be handed over to the temple administration which would, in all probability, let them off with a nominal fine for violating temple rules, police sources said.

Temple rituals were affected as the deities were given a 'Mahasnan', a ritual for purification as non-Hindus are not allowed entry into the temple, Panda said.

Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I never understand how can a human begin destroy the purity of God.
Don’t you say all are brothers and sisters, there is only one God?
Here comes the reality where is the implementation of Constitution of India and Preamble.

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