Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Arrested in London – may be kept in jail until extradition – lets see London bows before big bulls or not

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Arrested in London –
may be kept in jail until extradition –
lets see London bows before big bulls or not

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange surrendered before the British Police.

After receiving an arrest warrant for sex crimes issued by Sweden, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested by British police and is being held in London. A statement from Metropolitan police read:

Officers from the Metropolitan police extradition unit arrested Julian Assange on behalf of the Swedish authorities on suspicion of rape.

Julian Assange, 39, was arrested on a European arrest warrant by appointment at a London police station at 9.30am.

He is accused by the Swedish authorities of one count of unlawful coercion,
Two counts of sexual molestation and one count of rape all alleged to have been committed in August 2010.

Assange is due to appear at City of Westminster magistrate’s court.

Sky News' foreign affairs editor Tim Marshall said: "Mr. Assange had sex with the two women on August the 15th and 17th but two days later they went to a police station and claimed rape and sexual molestation.

"Mr. Assange admits he had consensual sex with the women but he absolutely denies the charges.

"One of the women involved in the claims is a radical feminist in Sweden who is known to have a theory that men dominate their social positions through sex and she's also been known to write a blog called 'seven steps to legal revenge'."

It's important to remember that Mr. Assange has not been charged with anything, he only wants to be interviewed as a witness, so magistrates may decide they're not happy with sending him to Sweden.

WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange has told a London court he will fight extradition to Sweden.

Switzerland Post Finance, the bank that froze Assange's assets, has been brought down by hackers.

Regarding Rape charges the Sweden law is very different from other nations.

Example I will give you here,
even if while intercourse is going on and female says that stop and male does not stop doing sex with her
It will amount to rape.

As per law male must stop as soon as female demands he should stop.

Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Updated on Wednesday, December 08, 2010

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange denied bail, remanded to custody

Attorney Gemma Lindfield, acting on behalf of the Swedish authorities, outlined one allegation of rape, two allegations of molestation and one of unlawful coercion stemming from Assange's separate sexual encounters in August with two women in Sweden.

Lindfield said one woman accused Assange of pinning her down and refusing to use a condom on the night of Aug. 14 in Stockholm.
That woman also accused of Assange of molesting her in a way "designed to violate her sexual integrity" several days later.

A second woman accused Assange of having sex with her without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home.

Assange's lawyers have claimed the accusations stem from a "dispute over consensual but unprotected sex" and say the women only made the claims after finding out about each other's relationships with Assange. WikiLeaks lawyer Mark Stephens says the case has taken on political overtones — claim Swedish officials have rejected.

Assange appeared at before City of Westminster Magistrates' Court in London after turning himself in to Scotland Yard

Judge Howard Riddle told Assange that he had "substantial grounds" to believe the 39-year-old Australian wouldn't turn up for subsequent proceedings. He then put Assange into UK custody ahead of an extradition hearing

He showed no reaction as Judge Howard Riddle denied him bail and sent him to jail until his next extradition hearing on Dec. 14.

Assange denies the allegations, which stem from a visit to Sweden in August. Assange and his lawyers claim the accusations stem from a "dispute over consensual but unprotected sex.

Extradition process in UK may take from one week to 2 months.

In which jail Assange will be kept?
It was not publicly known where Assange was being held, since British police never reveal that for privacy and security reasons.
Some prisoners occasionally get Internet access, although only under close monitoring.

Does any one offered bail to the Assange so he can get free ?

Several prominent Britons including socialite Jemima Khan and filmmaker Ken Loach had each offered to pay 20,000 pounds ($31,500) as surety so Assange could go free.

Support Freedom of speech, freedom of profession

Updated on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 -

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange granted bail by British Judge –

A British judge agreed to set bail at £200,000 ($315,000) for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
However, Sweden immediately appealed the judge's decision to set bail, so at this time, Assange remains behind bars while the case continues to play itself out.

Among the people who helped Assange was filmmaker Michael Moore, who donated $20,000.

Assange must appear again in court on January 11.

Until then, he is under virtual house arrest at Ellingham Hall,
Where he will be electronically tagged and monitored.
He must also adhere to curfew rules and has been barred from foreign travel.

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