Friday, February 4, 2011

India Who Will decide the Retirement Age for Indian Politician and Law makers?

India Who Will decide the Retirement Age for
Indian Politician and Law makers?

In India our politician that is law makers decide the age of retirement of doctors, Supreme Court judges and all government employees.

After age 65 our politicians think that a person who is doctor by profession is not capable to run or be a head of government health organisation.

Do you think an 80 year old man can decide for 100 crore Indians
is he capable to do that?

If yes then why can not a 65 year old doctor can be a head of Medical Department?

Learn to demand Retirement Age for Law maker that is Indian politicians.

If you are religious person then you should know what Hindu Dharma says about 4 stages of human life.

Remember your father, grand father also got retired at the age of 60 or 65 and you will also get retire at the age of 60 or 65.

Even Bill gates got retired.

Then how come there is no retirement age for Indian politicians.

Reality views by sm –
Saturday, February 05, 2011

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