Tuesday, February 8, 2011

USA, Texas – MISD Schools will be making compulsory for students to learn Arabic Languages – is it waste of American tax payers money?

USA, Texas – MISD Schools will be making compulsory for students to
learn Arabic Languages – is it waste of American tax payers money?

The school district wants students at select schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a federally funded grant.
Mansfield ISD says in addition to language, the grant provides culture, government, art, traditions and history as part of the curriculum.

Project 21CL2: 21st Century - Languages for 21st Century Learners

What is the Arabic Foreign Language Assistance Program Grant?

This grant is a wonderful opportunity for the students in MISD.
We have been selected as one of only five districts across the country to participate in the grant that provides Arabic studies.
Arabic studies include language acquisition, culture, government, art, traditions and history.
MISD has been awarded a total of $1.3 million over a five year period to promote learning.
Mansfield ISD graduates will possess the language proficiency and cross cultural communication skills to compete in the 21st century.
Our students will be at an advantage in an increasingly diverse and economically global society.

Overview of Project 21CL2 -

1. 5 year grant award
2. Total federal funding approximately $1.3 million
3. Serving the following schools: K. Davis
4. Elementary, Cross Timbers Intermediate, T.A.
5. Howard Middle School and Ben Barber Career
6. Tech Academy

Project 21CL2 Goals

1. Promote the sequential study of Arabic for grades K-16
2. Establish standardized Arabic instruction through Social Studies content mapping in grades K-6, and Leveled Arabic in grades 7-12
3. Increase students’ proficiency in Arabic
4. Provide professional development training on language acquisition, foreign language methodology and distance education technology

Project Objectives

1. Develop K-6 Arabic Curriculum Maps aligned to National and State standards aimed to provide Arabic instruction to K-6 students through the Social Studies content
2. Provide sequential Arabic instruction to middle school students and Leveled Arabic to high school students Increase the number of certified foreign language teachers and native Arabic language staff through the hiring of 3 Arabic instructors/native language associates
3. Improve the quality of teaching for MISD staff through intensive professional development
4. Promote cross-cultural communication and two-way language learning through
5. parent/community partnership activities Build partnerships with local, state, national and international organizations with expertise in Arabic language and culture
6. Build partnerships with University of Texas and William Penn University as required by OELA (Office of English Language Acquisition) to provide support to MISD

After reading this news I started to think, what they will be teaching to kids as a part of Arabic language and culture?

1. Wearing Burkha, Naqab,
2. How it is good to have 4 wives
3. How it is good to murder a person with stones,
4. Triple divorce
5. Why it is necessary to give holiday on Friday

"Through learning language, we learn about culture. Through learning about culture,
We learn respect for others. Through learning respect for others, we can hope for
Peace. “

Who said Arabic is going to become world language, and students will need it.
Future language is English and only Chinese language can challenge this position of English in the future also.

I feel that the grant money is going to be wasted. Future will tell after learning Arabic how many male students what learned?
How many boys got the job in future for learning Arabic?

People will say Hindi is growing, but I do not think so Hindi can not replace the Status and position of English Langugage.

Updated on –
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Mansfield backs away from Arabic studies program

The Mansfield school district has backed off plans to implement an Arabic studies program after almost 200 people showed up with questions at a parents meeting at Cross Timbers Intermediate School on Monday night.
Superintendent Bob Morrison apologized for not communicating with parents and invited them to be part of developing the curriculum.
"Nothing will be taught in the classroom until the curriculum is rolled out," said Richie Escovedo, Mansfield district spokesperson.

A plan to make lessons in Arabic and Arab culture mandatory for students in some Texas schools has been put on hold, following feedback from parents.

Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Source –

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