Updated on Friday, September 02, 2011 -
Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi fears flying over water, prefers staying on the ground floor and almost never travels without his Ukrainian nurse, a "voluptuous blond," according to US documents released on by WikiLeaks.
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is always surrounded by his female bodyguards, also known as his Amazonian guard. Or, sometimes, his revolutionary nuns.
Since the early 1970s, an eye-popping cadre of 30 women is protecting the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
In 1998, one died and two were injured when Gaddafi was attacked.
The bodyguards, who allegedly number over 200, are all trained in firearms and the martial arts.
Few Reports mention 200 bodyguards, few mention 30 and few sites mention 40 bodyguards protect the Arab, Islamic Leader Gaddafi.
But it is fact that females protect him in a Arab Islamic world.
Religious books say that female is a weak gender and they should be given protection by the male.
So who is wrong in this case?
According to reports the women pledge oaths of loyalty to Gaddafi, including a vow of virginity
About this vow of virginity I can not confirm, but reports mention that.
One of the website has mentioned that
These lovely ladies, trained in combat, accompany Colonel Qaddafi, Libya’s head of state, everywhere he goes and are credited to helping him endure 39 years of power, making him the longest serving Arab leader.
These women, many of them married with children, wear their hair long and sport matching camouflage military uniforms, high leather boots and gigantic guns.
They’ve been sensationalized as Bond girls, dubbed “Laura Croft badasses,” and “Revolutionary Nuns” who “wear Kalashnikovs like Gucci fashion accessories.” They have and are expected to step into the line of fire
He may have female body guards but Libyan females do not enjoy rights,
So do not be fooled that by looking at these beautiful and strong body guards.
That Libyan female must be free, must be enjoying rights.
Libya is same like other Arab nations, same like other corrupt nation.
Religions books give many examples and reasons why not to give rights to females?
How it is good that female should stay inside home without rights?
How come now Females are protecting a male?

The Libyan government continues to imprison individuals for criticizing the country's political system or its leader, Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi, and maintains harsh restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly.
Libya has no independent nongovernmental organizations. Law 19, "On Associations," requires a political body to approve all such organizations and does not allow appeals against negative decisions. The government has refused to allow independent journalists' and lawyers' organizations.
The government's position on violence against women remains one of denial, leaving victims unprotected and without remedies
The government prosecutes only the most violent rape cases, and judges have the authority to propose marriage between the rapist and the victim as a "social remedy" to the crime.
Rape victims themselves risk prosecution for adultery or fornication if they attempt to press charges.
Police officers are not trained to handle cases of violence against women, and there are no women's or girls' shelters.
Instead, the government detains dozens of victims, particularly rape victims, in "social rehabilitation" facilities. Many are denied the opportunity to challenge the legality of their detention.
The authorities subject them to forced virginity examinations and punitive treatment, including solitary confinement.
The only way out of these facilities is if a male relative takes custody of the woman or girl, or if she consents to marriage.
In February 2006 the government said it had established a committee to study the facilities; the committee's work, if any, is unknown.
Watch the video Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi Escorted by Female Bodyguards, Gaddafi Visits Kyiv -
In fact, a documentary was even made about them back in 2004 by titled as
Shadows of a Leader: Qaddafi's Female Bodyguards, written, directed by Rania Ajami.
The documentary investigates the phenomenon of Qaddafi's elite female bodyguard corps and the tensions these women embody: tensions between Islam, modernization in a nomadic society, militarist feminism and an urban dictatorship.
Updated on Friday, September 02, 2011
Muammar Gaddafi female bodyguards speak Now to Benghazi-based psychologist Seham Sergewa –
Timesofmalta reports that Five women who formed part of Muammar Gaddafi’s select unit of female bodyguards they were raped and abused by the now hunted dictator.
The women have told Benghazi-based psychologist Seham Sergewa they were sexually abused by Col. Gaddafi and his sons before being discarded once they were “bored” with them.
The women would be first raped by the dictator and then passed on, like used objects, to one of his sons and eventually to high-ranking officials for more abuse before eventually being let go.
Military men raped Libyan females –
Benghazi-based psychologist Seham Sergewa had been preparing a study on the psychological stresses associated with the ordeal of war among displaced Libyan families who sought shelter in the refugee camps that were set up in Tunisia and elsewhere
In June Dr Sergewa’s work received approval from the International Criminal Court when chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, announced he would be looking into charging the regime with ordering the systematic rape of civilians.
Dr Sergewa said she believes that there might be as many as 6,000 victims of rape cases
by militiamen.
The females were raped in front of family members by military men.
Reality Views by sm –
Friday, March 18, 2011
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