Friday, March 18, 2011

Understand No Fly Zone Territory? UN approved resolution authorizing a no-fly zone over Libya

Understand No Fly Zone Territory?
Meaning of No Fly zone Territory-
UN approved resolution authorizing a no-fly zone over Libya

A no fly zone or no flight zone is a territory over which aircrafts are not allowed to fly.
The purpose of the no fly zone is to prevent possible bombing and chemical attacks against the citizens of that particular area.

No Fly zone is a territory, an airspace in which aircraft, especially military aircraft, are forbidden to fly

The United Nations Security Council approved a resolution Thursday evening authorizing a no-fly zone over Libya and other military action against Libya.

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon told France-2 Television that France would support military action against Qaddafi within hours of the vote.

Regarding this Resolution also President Obama took time to take decision.
This puts a question mark does President Obama is capable of becoming Global Leader of democratic nations?

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters in Tunisia on Thursday that a U.N. no-fly zone over Libya would require action to protect the planes and pilots, "including bombing targets like the Libyan defense systems," but no ground intervention is considered.

The U.N. vote on Thursday night was 10-0 with five countries abstaining including Russia and China. India, Germany and Brazil

U.S Ambassador Susan Rice said the resolution "should send a strong message to Colonel Qaddafi and his regime that the violence must stop, the killing must stop, and the people of Libya must be protected and have the opportunity to express themselves freely."

The vote came five days after the Arab League called on the United Nations to "shoulder its responsibility" by imposing a flight ban over Libya.

What will be effect of No Fly zone resolution by UN?
Resolution declared
A ban on all flights in the airspace of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in order to help protect civilians
Now if Qaddafi or his arm forces try to kill civilians using fighter planes, aircrafts then UN member countries can legally start the war with Qaddafi.
Can use missiles to destroy the aircrafts of Qaddafi and his arm forces.

When government of one nation starts to kill the citizens of that same nation it proves that the Government has totally failed and is trying to get the control of nation by using military forces.

In Such situations Democratic nations should come together and establish democracy in that nation and remove corrupt government which uses arm forces to kill innocent civilians.

If the government is good no citizen will say that Get Out.
When Government is corrupt people keep suffering generations after generations
Then one generation wakes up to fight against that corrupt government until death, until the freedom.
Like Tunisia, Egypt

Updated on Friday, March 18, 2011 –

Libya declared an immediate cease-fire and promised to stop military operations on in a bid to fend off international military intervention after the U.N. authorized a no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" to prevent the regime from striking its own people.

Following are the few names of countries with their no fly zone areas

The Pine Gap Joint Defense Space Research Facility near Alice Springs is a permanent No-Fly Zone

India and its No Fly zone territories
The Taj Mahal, Agra, State of Uttar Pradesh, India

Parliament Building, Prime Minister's residence, and other important centers in New Delhi.

The airspace around many Defence and Indian Air Force bases are restricted, although new proposals are suggesting opening them up for civilian aircraft.

The Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi.

The Tower of Silence, Mumbai.

Mathura Refinery

Tirupathi Tirumala Andhra pradesh

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Pakistan and its No Fly zone territories

Islamabad – The no-fly zone is specifically along Constitution Avenue in North-east Islamabad, where many important government buildings are located: The Parliament Building

The Presidency (Residence of the President)

The Prime Minister's Residence

The Prime Minister's Secretariat

The Supreme Court

Kahuta Research Laboratories, Pakistan's main facility for the development of nuclear weapons

Khushab Nuclear Complex

England and its No Fly zone territories
Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, Berkshire (nearest town is Tadley, Hampshire)

Buckingham Palace, the residence of the Queen and members of the Royal Family.

Flights over Whitehall need extensive clearance.

Royal palaces and politicians' houses and retreats when royals/diplomats are in residence.

Some Royal Air Force bases and naval installations.

United States of America – No Fly zone territories

In USA – They do not use term No fly zone, in USA term "Prohibited Area" is used.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publishes, declares which area is prohibited and which is not prohibited. They use the term Prohibited Area.
FAA also issues TFR that is Temporary Flight Restrictions. Restrictions for a certain period.

Reality views by sm –
Friday, March 18, 2011

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