Saturday, March 28, 2009

Does Obama copies indian politicians

Reality Views: By SM
Does Obama copies indian politicians ?
Indians we should be proud or should we be sad.
Indian politics is like gutter, indian politics is like rotten mango.
Did you realise what we have exported to usa,

usa politicians are copying
our style of politics.
Recently like our honourbale politicians President Obama appeared on television and made fun and comments,That same week when President obama appeared on televison, AIG has given bonus . AIG is a company who got bailout package, paid millions in bonus . when america is moving towards bankruptacy if same policies are used by america for next 50 to 100 years , america will be one of poorest nation on earth.
It was expected from President Obama that he will speak on AIG bonus problem, he will prapose new law or do something to stop AIG bonus or policies that in future this type of mistakes will not happen,but like our indian politicians, he was smileing on television and was making jokes like Our honourbale politicians.
In India ,Indian politicians always say india is shining, india is going to become superpower, when in india farmers commit suicide our politicians are busy watching music shows or discussing which language is important.In India also our parliament saw a bag full of 1000 rupee notes ,alleged to be somekind of bribe,what happend to that case, as usual nothing.
We expected that our politicians will learn something from usa politicias,but
it is very sad that rotten mango has courrupted the good mango.

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