Friday, March 20, 2009

Media News with Caste and Religion

Media News with Caste and Religion:
Whenver we read the newspaper or hear, listen news on television
one thing we always see and hear is that " Dalit boy killed"
Dalit girl raped, muslim girl raped, hindu boy murdered by muslim boys,
muslim boy is murdered by hindu boys.

Do you think this is right apporach to report the news.
I feel that print media as well as television media should stop using caste and religion while reporting any kind of news.
Reporting news by declaring the caste and religion just increases hatred among communities.
what is the need of saying dalit boy murdered or hindu or muslim boy murdered.
what benefits are achived by declaring the caste and religion of the people who are victims or who has committed crime.
Does it mean that for that day that whole community is against other community.
Media should stop using this style of reporting news with the caste and religion
But today media is unknowingly or knowingly spreading the hatred among communites by reporting news with caste and religion.
what is your opinion about this problem .
Is it the mistake made by print as well as audio video media ?

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