Saturday, March 14, 2009

India voting should be made compulsory

  • India voting should be made compulsory
    Today in india we see that the candidate wins elections
    because he got 23% votes. In many cities 51% people indians dont vote as they feel it is not important.
    they enjoy the holiday by watching the movies.
    through voting we are choosing master,king of our lives for next 5 years and you say it is not imp.
    voting is the day when we got right,after that next 5 years we are slaves of there opinions,there power, there uneducated thoughts and desires.

    they will decide what you can watch on tv ,they will decide what clothes you can wear.
    we hope election commission will try and see that not voting should be made crime agaist nation.
    if you do not vote
    you are not indian
    if you do not vote
    you do not love india
    if you do not vote
    you are criminal
    if you do not vote
    you are animal
    if you do not vote
    you are shamelss
    if you do not vote
    you are uneducated
    if you do not vote
    who are you
    ask your heart

    Suggested Reading - Reasons- why we need compulsory voting system ?

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