Monday, March 9, 2009

Reservation and India after 90 years. part - Two.

Reservation and India after 90 years. part - Two
Then the Loksabha speaker, announced that the prime ministers helicopter has just landed on the top of the roof, and he will be addressing the Loksabha in next 10 minutes.
In a year 2099, all the political parties has passed the bill that all loksabha members will get 4 helicopters each for personal and official use free of cost, and prime minister of india will get 4 luxry hawks,aeroplanes 24 hours in his service.
Suddently Congress memebrs started to shout Prime Minister Manmeet Singh ki
Jai ho.

and same time other political parties started to say pm to chor hai, [ pm is thief ]
but inteligent Prime minister Manmeet ignored them went to his golden chair and counted the presence of all members in glance. he has become authrority on the finance , he started his journey as a clark in State bank of india and today he has become the prime minister of india.In a year 2099 SBI has become the No.1 world bank giving loans to US and Europeam governments and industries and banks. but still irony was that indian common man was living below poverty lines just earning to purchase his bread ,butter.
India was becoming superpower but indian common man was unable to meet his both ends.
Rich indians earned daily in billions and poor were unable to get ,earn
there livlihood . there daily roti and bhaji
All this happend because of wrong decesions which were taken by politicians ,lawmakers in past. India was facing Hindu talibanies and civil war, which began in year 2060,this was the biggest challenge PM Manmeet has decided to resolve .

Coming soon 3rd part.

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