President Sarkozy dares to talk against Hijab or Burka:
In short know what Sarkozy said in the French parliament, that the full body religious gown is a sign of subservience for a woman that undermines their dignity.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has opposed the wearing of the Muslim burqa in public.
Today even president obama is afraid to talk against religion Islam or any other religion.
Reality Views by sm :
If we will see the history of religions we will see that every religion has went through changes.
Let’s start with Hindu Dharma or Religion
Hindu religion got sati system, no education for females, dowary system, and child marriage
No divorce for females etc.
Still today in Hindu religion you will find that many of above customs are present .When in India educated reformers started to give education to the females first of all majority females opposed that change. Females didn’t permit other females to study.
When law against sati was made Females opposed that.
When dowry law is made you can see females oppose that also.
So the point is that if Females support the partucular law then that law is good and so it should remain the law is not correct approach.
If majority females say ban jeans will you support it?
If majority females say that no education for females will you support it.
It’s the duty of country to see that females also enjoy the equality status in the society.Females also get choice,and females are not treated as baby giving cows.
Let’s understand what is Hijab or Burka?
The headscarf worn by Muslim women, sometimes including a veil that covers the face except for the eyes.
It said that if female do not put hijab or burka after her death she will not get place in the heaven.Every good female will put and use Hijab.
Hijab is used so females can be protected from the bad males as no one can say which man is good or bad.
I just remembered something once a child got a game as a gift from his father and he started to play with the game, suddenly he saw his friends are coming to his home and he immediately covered his game, as he thought game is his property, his friends may take away his property that is his game.
Hijab is bad or good is a different question
The question is of choice. Be honest with yourself. Do you see any choice for Muslim females?
If you are a rich Muslim female you will not be forced to put on a hijab.
Normally the child inherent the habits of parents regarding food and clothes and all other activities. If you are born in a non veg eating family, you will become non-vegetarian.
Did you ever think what will happen if any Muslim female decides that she will not use hijab?
Does Muslim world and society will accept her?
So how can this choice be introduced in the Muslim world so females will get a right to choose, use hijab or no hijab and still maintain there dignity in the society.
Indirectly using hijab becomes compulsion on Muslim females.
Even Hindu people are trying to put dress code on females; Hindu females are educated so they can oppose it strongly. What happened in Mangalore We have all seen it.
In Utter Pradesh they tried to ban Jeans, but the attempt failed.
Yes for Hijab or No for Hijab should be the right of females. But today females do not enjoy this right of freedom to choose.
As France is a democracy ,President Sarkozy will introduce law in the parliament and after that voting will be done and the law will be passed.Before that there will be lot of debates and a parliamentary committee.
If god wanted humans should use clothes then why not child is born with clothes?
If you believe that God is there then answer is that he also wanted to give a choice.
This is reason he has given us power of thinking.
Updated on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 –
The French senate has overwhelmingly passed a new law banning face veils in public places.
They voted 246 to 1 in favor of the bill, already passed in the lower chamber.
The proposer of the law - Senator Francios-Noel Buffet - says it is the right move.
The penalty for women who break the new law is a fine of 150 euros while husbands who are found guilty of forcing their wives to wear the veil face a 30-thousand euro fine and a one-year jail term.
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