Reality views by sm:
USA: Is this End of American Dominance
Once it was said and believed that what American president says is the last word.
Every nation leader directly or indirectly obeyed to American president .That legacy was
Carried forward by Clinton, then Bush .But after today’s speech Of Mr. Osama , it does not carry forward this legacy of American President when he spoke in Cairo.
I felt that a weak president is talking to Muslim world.
Few lines from President Obamas speech
““I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years, and much of this controversy is connected to the war in Iraq. So let me be clear: no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other."
If America wont help establish democracy then who will do that.
Is it open invitation to Taliban and al quida that “Please you stop hurting American people and we won’t stop you from hurting other nations or communities?
Let’s make a peace contract “
After this apology don’t you think al quida and Taliban will feel that they have defeated America and won’t it encourage other people to join these terror organizations?
President Obama supported Israel but the fact is that Israel and America need each other
Like a fish and water.
We just hope that President Obamas this speech won’t encourage other people to join these terror organizations.
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