Thursday, July 30, 2009

Know about Admiral Gorskhov renamed as Vikramaditya

Know about Admiral Gorskhov renamed as Vikramaditya-

The Comptroller and Auditor General have heavily criticized the government and Navy over the Admiral Gorshkov.
According to the CAG report, induction of Russia’s damaged aircraft carrier, now rechristened INS Vikramaditya, would cost the Navy more than a new ship.
The cost of acquisition has almost doubled.
It adds that certain key components like the anti-missile system are also past their best and their refit would be taken up only between 2013 and 2017 – thereby making the ship vulnerable to missile attacks.
While the Russians pegged the cost at 2.9 billion dollars this February, India has been showing keenness in finalizing it for about 2.2 billion dollars.

Reality Views by sm:

I am not technical expert in these matters. The views here are the just result of research on this admiral gorskhov deal of India and Russia.

What is Admiral Gorskhov?
Admiral Gorshkov was a modified Kiev class aircraft carrier of the Russian Navy, originally named Baku. In 2004, she was sold to India for conversion into a STOBAR carrier to be named INS Vikramaditya.
The ship was laid down in the year 1978 and it was commissioned in 1987.
In 1994, following a boiler room explosion, the ship was docked for a year of repairs. Although she returned to service in 1995, she was finally withdrawn in 1996 and offered for sale.
From the year 1996 no one is using the ship, I don’t know what they are doing, and the ship is having repairs.
On January 20, 2004, Russia agreed to sell the Admiral Gorshkov to India which we will be renaming it as Vikramaditya.
Normally when the second had ship is sold to another nation it’s upgraded.
I don’t know how much this ship will be upgraded with modern technology.
"The anti-aircraft missile complex selected to be fitted in the ship failed during the trials and the refurbishment contract was concluded without the missile system... This implies that the ship would not have a CIWS (Close-In Weapon System) till her first refit in India in 2017," revealed the report.

The CIWS is a vital naval shipboard point weapon for detecting and destroying incoming anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft at short range.
Under the Indo-Russian inter-governmental contract signed in 2004, Russia was to deliver the carrier by August 2008 for 1.5 billion dollars. But now, Moscow wants revision of the price to whopping 2.7 billion dollars, citing recabling work of 2,400 kms to be done on the carrier.

Features of Admiral Gorskhov-
• Displacement: 45,000 tons full load
• Length: 273.1 m overall
• Beam: 31.0 m
• Draught: 8.2 m
• Speed: 32 knots (59 km/h)
• Armament: 6 × twin SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM launchers (12 missiles), 24 × 8-cell SA-N-9 vertical SAM launchers (192 missiles), 2 × 100 mm guns, 8 × AK-630 30 mm CIWS, 10 × 533 mm torpedo tubes, 2 × RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers
• Aircraft carried: 12 Yak-38M fighter aircraft
• 20 Kamov Ka-25 or Kamov Ka-27 helicopters

But my questions are how many more years we will be just purchasing arms from other countries.
When we will become Independent and produce our own arms.
Are we not capable to make them?
What is the reason so called savers of our religion do not oppose this or talk about this?
I don’t read in our history that we Indians have purchased arms from other nations.
So this must be against our culture. How can the religious leaders allow this to happen?
Is it not possible that when these deals are made lot of commission, kickbacks may be given or taken?
Do you think really we will get possession of this ship in the year 2012?
If we do not get possession of this ship in year 2012 as an Indian what we can do?
Do you think congress should give in writing that in the year 2012 the ship will be in India otherwise we will not purchase any ship from Russia?
I do not doubt technology from Russia, I am sure they will give us best available but what about price?
Can we afford to purchase a secondhand ship in the double price?
Next how many years Indian Navy can use this ship for 20 years or 45 years.
Suppose we get this ship in the year 2012 or 13 next how many years this ship will be in use by Indian Navy.
What are the reasons India has not tried to purchase Kitty Hawk ship from America which was used all the time and never was resting in the docks. May be we are not in the best friends of usa list , as I came to read that usa will sell this ship to only there best friends like uk or Australia or Canada and we are not in there best friends list. May be I am wrong but just wanted to find information and comparison between Kitty Hawk and admiral Gorskhov.
But I think we are buying from Russia includes reasons that India do not want Russia and china to become friends. We are using Russian technology from last many years and if now we shift to American technology our defense engineers will have to study the technology from the beginning.
I just hope and say that
Give as much money as you want
Take as much bribe you want
But please do not
Compromise on The technology
As our future depends on that
The life of our navy persons
Depend on that
Future of mother India
Depends on that

Like this I have many questions I tried to found the answers on Internet but I did not find the answers.

If you find any mistake in this let me know I will correct it.
I am not expert in this.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sach Ka Samna Dares Politicians and Religious Leaders-

Reality Views by sm:
Sach Ka Samna Dares Politicians and Religious Leaders-
Sach ka Samna is a television serial which is shown on the star plus TV channel.
In this reality TV show , the host asks the 21 questions to the participant and if he answers them correctly he wins 1 crore rupess.
The answer of the contestant is true or false is decided by the polygraph test .
If answer is true he or she is asked the next question.
The participants of this show willingly come to this truth show play this game and win money.
But our Indian politicians are afraid of this show ,

they are afraid of truth , truth is always bitter , a human becomes pure only when he accepts his guilt .
Indian politicians and few religious leaders are opposing this show by saying that this show is obscene ,it will destroy our Indian culture and society and values.
Even politicians need and demand money to ask a question in the parliament.
Many people say what is the need to offer the money to say truth, so my question is that if you believe in God ,what is the need you offer sweets to God or promise the god that if you get this job or get this work done you will offer him 1 crore rupees or 1000 rupess.
Try to find out how many things we are ready to do without offer of money or fame or respect in the society.
Last week only in Patna , female was made naked in the public and hundreds of males enjoyed that show on the road.
Regarding this there is no uproar , as I am uneducated Indian may be this is tradition of India and I don’t know it. I am sorry if I said something wrong regarding this culture.
Still I remembered Mahabharata and Draupadi .
If you do not know this incident , I will tell you in short Mahabharata is a ancient story ,in that Draupadi a female queen , When the husband of Draupadi plays gambling he puts his wife Draupadi as a bet and losses the bet , after that the winners try to make nude this Queen Draupadi as her husband lost the bet, she becomes dasi or slave of the winner king.
2nd incident is birth of Karna ,but his mother does not face the truth and hides this truth from society, if this truth was not hidden I feel there would not have been the war of Mahabharata.
So may be this is our Indian tradition to say we respect and consider truth as a god but on the other hand we do not permit society to speak truth.
As usual Bjp has demanded that this show should be banned.
Are we so afraid that we can not even face the truth.
If you read the Upanishads you will find that
Dharma is not just law, or harmony, it is pure Reality. In the Brihadaranyaka's own words:
" Verily, that which is Dharma is truth.
Therefore they say of a man who speaks truth, 'He speaks the Dharma,'
Or of a man who speaks the Dharma, 'He speaks the Truth.'
Verily, both these things are the same."
(Brh. Upanishad, 1.4.14) (2)

Another point is this television show is just a game , human life is so fast we can not even remember what we have seen on television last week..
Even we do not remember the promises made by the politicians.
What will happen because of this Sach Ka Samna show in the society
I think nothing will happen ,nothing will change.
If government of India is so worried about the families then why don’t you give good quality water ,homes , 24 hour electricity, and food to the poor and needy.
The tragedy of India is that no one is ready to talk on the point how to control corruption
How to bring accountability for the politicians.
How to control the population in India
How to give decent life to every Indian.
To demand to ban the Sach ka samna is nothing but an attempt to fool the society one more time.
Some one has filed the case in the High court to ban this serial as he feels that the serial is obscene.
Most important factor is that definition of obscene changes per human. One may think using jeans is obscene so does it becomes Obscene.
Nothing is obscene in this world. Our thoughts and religions have made it all obscene.
Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.

“Unless your heart, your soul, and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty, and each action will be meaningless. Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.”

Know about Polygraph Test or Lie Detector Test

Reality Views by sm:
Know about Polygraph Test or Lie Detector Test :
From ancient times humans are using different methods to distinguish truth and lie.
Very Famous test is Agni parisha that is fire test, putting hand in the boiling pot of oil etc.
Why people lie there are many reasons but one of the most important factor is the fear of future trouble from police .or law or boss .To avoid future troubles, this fear factor makes the people lie.

The one of the early devices to find the lies was used in the year 1885 invention by Cesare Lombroso which measured changes in blood pressure which was used by the police.
Polygraph test or lie detector machine both are same and one.
It is proven fact that when a person is lying his body goes through many changes.
Using the polygraph instrument or machine it finds the changes which happens to the body person's heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and electro-dermal activity (sweatiness, in this case of the fingers) change in comparison to normal levels. Fluctuations may indicate that person is being deceptive, or he is lying.
A polygraph is an instrument that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration.
Today there are 2 types of machines are available analog and computerized.
The test starts with the simple questions and suddenly the important question is asked it helps the person or doctor or examiner to see the bodily changes.
The theory of the polygraph test is that when people lie they get nervous about lying and fear that someone may find that the person is lying ,result is that the persons heartbeat increases, blood pressure goes up, breathing pattern changes, perspiration increases etc.
Deviation from the baseline for truthfulness is taken as sign of lying.

But as nothing is perfect this test is also not reliable many people say this test gives 90% correct results but there are other people who do not trust this type of test.
In 2007, polygraph testimony was admitted by stipulation in 19 american states.
In most European jurisdictions, polygraphs are not considered reliable evidence and are not generally used by police forces.
In Canada, the polygraph is regularly used as a forensic tool in the investigation of criminal acts and sometimes employed in the screening of employees for government organizations.
The High Court of Australia has not yet considered the admissibility of polygraph evidence.
In India recently courts have started to use and admit the test results of polygraph.

Friday, July 24, 2009

When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating Video with Lyrics

When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating Video with Lyrics:
Watch the video below lyrics.
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best.. when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd)
Try as they may they can never define
What's been said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best.. when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best.. when you say nothing at all

(You say it best when you say nothing at all
You say it best when you say nothing at all..)

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know that you need me..

Watch the video When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kerala: Education Department Sets Example

Kerala: Education Department Sets Example
By using free software for the state sponsored Information Technology project,
Kerala education department has saved 11 crore Rupees

This shows that if government babus are willing everything is possible in Indian democracy.

By saving 11 crore rupees kerala education department has set an example for the other state education departments to use the free and open software platform (FOSS) for the state-sponsored IT School project.
To promote free software usage the Project has developed its own free operating system namely IT School GNU\Linux, which is now being used in all schools.
The beauty of the project is that it has not engaged separate manpower for looking into IT need of the schools. The existing teachers are trained by resourceful Master Trainers of the Project (the Master Trainers are itself trained teachers from schools).
The open source materials developed/used by the Project includes
IT School GNU\ Linux- Free software operating system which is now used in entire schools in Kerala

Application software’s like Open office, GIMP, Dr. Geo, Rasmol, KEduca, Klab etc.
Examination software –to conduct IT practical examination to more than16 lakh students
Handbook for GNU\Linux – prepared as a user manual for working in IT School GNU\Linux

Training modules in GNU\Linux – to train teachers in open source

Textbook for standard 8th 9th and 10th – Prepared in association with SCERT

The advantage of using free software is not only cost reduction, there are philosophical reasons behind this including sharing of knowledge. I think this is a model that other states can follow,” said state Minister of Education M.A. Baby.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Security check Of Vip politician and Indian National Insult.

Reality Views by sm:
Security check Of Vip politician and Indian National Insult.
When someone is traveling by air line, everyone has to go through security check.
Does this security check is insult?
Who is superior in democracy citizens or political servants?
These frisking incidents of VIP persons clearly show the mentality of our politicians.
It proves the point that politicians think they are kings and should get treatment like a king.

Our politicians totally forgot that they are servants of the country.
When Indian citizens do not have any problem while checking why these politicians feel anger when they have to go through the same checking procedure.
If you are working Prime Minister or Minister, you have to go through check also, but still if you get exemption, as a citizen I do not object.
But what is the reason retired politicians need exemption.
If you remember some one year back one politician was found in trafficking case.
Do you think a retired politician be given exemption from the checking.
I do not support it, as they are common citizen like you and me.
If it is insult for the retired citizen politician, then Every Indian should feel that it is an insult if he also has to go through the security check.
What is the need of security check?
Security check is done to avoid the future trouble.
Suppose a terror group kidnaps a kin or son of a retired politician and terror groups ask him to board a plane with guns, as there is no security check, don’t you think that retired politician will carry the guns inside the aero plane to save the life of his kin, his son.

Anything can happen in this world. So when a politician goes through security check, it is not insult to India, but a politician should feel proud that he is the Prime Minister of India but he is also going through security check to save the lives of all the people who are on the plane.

Many political parties say there God is King Shivaji, they are ready to spend 3000 to 30000 crore rupees to build a statue of King Shivaji but they are not ready to learn anything from King Shivaji.
King Shivaji never considered his own needs to be above his people's welfare or their security
Once King Shivaji went to his one of the forts at night time, and the gatekeeper inform them that as per rules of Shivji Maharaja , the gate of the fort will be opened at the sun rise, after this King Shivjai waited outside fort until sun rise ,and after that he rewarded the gate keeper.

When Any Vip goes through security check I do not think it is insult of mother India.
But it shows that in India ,we have democracy.But you will always find that all the kings support each other when there are matters of money, respect and power without considering any security of other common people.
Exemption is always given to the kings and not servants.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lakshya lyrics with Translation in English from Movie Lakshya

Lakshya lyrics with Translation in English from Movie Lakshya
Following are the lyrics of Lakshya The title song of Lakshya movie
Read English Translation below Hindi lyrics.
Watch the video of Lakshya song below English translation.

1. Haan yehi rasta hai tera,
2. Tune ab jaana hai
3. Haan yehi sapna hai tera,
4. Tune pehchaana hai

5. Tujhe ab ye dikhaana hai
6. Roke tujhko aandhiyaan,
7. Ya zameen aur aasmaan
8. Paayega jo lakshya hai tera
9. Lakshya toh har haal mein paana hai

10. Mushkil koyi aajaaye toh,
11. Parbat koyi takraaye toh
12. Taaqat koyi dikhlaaye toh,
13. Toofaan koyi mandlaaye toh
14. Barse chaahe ambar se aag
15. Lipte chaahe pairon se laakh
16. Paayega jo lakshya hai tera
17. Lakshya toh har haal mein paana hai

18. Himmat se jo koyi chale
19. Dharti hille qadmon tale
20. Kya dooriyaan kya faasle
21. Manzil lage aake gale
22. Tu chal yunhi ab sub-o-shaam
23. Rukna, jhukna nahin tera kaam
24. Paayega jo lakshya hai tera
25. Lakshya toh har haal mein paana hai

26. Haan yehi sapna hai tera,

27. tune pehchaana hai
28. Tujhe ab ye dikhaana hai
English Translation of Hindi Song Lakshya :

1. Yes this the path I have to go
2. Now I have realize it
3. Yes this is the dream
4. Which I have realisze it

5. Now you have to prove it
6. Stroms can not stop you
7. Neither earth nor sky can stop you
8. will achieve the goal
9. Whatever conditions may come the way goal will be achieved

10. Troubles will come in the way of goal
11. Mountains will come into your way
12. Powerful People may challenge you
13. Storms may come into your way
14. Fireballs may fall from the sky
15. Serpent may ties you down
16. No matter what I will achive the goal
17. Whatever conditions may come the way goal will be achieved

18. With Courage,dare if you will keep walking
19. The earth will shake beneath your feet
20. You will not feel the distance
21. The destination will embrace you
22. You just keep walking day and night
23. Without stop and without fear
24. will achieve the goal
25. Whatever conditions may come the way goal will be achieved

26. Yes this the path I have to go
27. Now I have realize it
28. Yes this is the dream
29. Which I have realisze it

30. Now you have to prove it

Watch the Lakshya Title Song Video:

More Info on Lakshya (2004)
Actors-Amitabh Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan
Directors-Farhan Akhtar

Writers-Javed Akhtar

Music-Shankar Eshan Loy
Lyrics-Javed Akhtar

Friday, July 17, 2009

Statue Mayawati and Congress Party

Reality Views by sm:
Statue Mayawati and Congress Party
Everyday Cm Mayawati is told that she should not spend money on building
From P Chidambaram, Rahul Gandhi and many other political parties as well as common Indian people.
So my request to the congress party as it’s a ruling party of India is that,

Please make a law which will clearly say that no political party is allowed to use government funds to build the statue of alive or dead great persons or common persons.If you respect them start the schools, scholarships and if you want statue then spend from your own political pockets.
If any political party thinks xyz person has done good for India, they should spend there own political party money, and build the statue. No one is authorized to use tax payer’s money to spend on Statues.
You will say we do not rule the Utter Pradesh but my question to the congress party is that you are ruling party in many states , make this type of law in your own ruling states ,this will set the example for other states.
Why you are making just statements do something which will stop the wastage of tax payer’s money.
Sometime back Mr. Kant filed a Public Interest Litigation against
Building statue in the supreme court of India.
In That Judgment Supreme Court refused to stay Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati’s statue building spree in the state.
The judiciary won't interfere with what it perceives to be an executive decision.
It observed: "If a democratically elected government decides to do something without misappropriating public money there is little courts can do."

We hope Congress or BJP will make a law regarding this in there ruling state and then will advice the CM Mayawati on how to spend the money.
As common Indian citizens we should not waste our time on thinking what would have been done with that money.
We have to learn to think that what our government servants can do to stop this type of spending in the future.

I do not support building statue of any leaders dead or alive from the tax payer’s money.

Squeeze - Up the Junction Lyrics and Video

Squeeze - Up the Junction Lyrics and Video
Watch the video up the junction below lyrics -
Lyrics of the up the junction

I never thought it would happen
With me and a girl from Clapham
Out on the windy common
That night I ain't forgotten

When she dealt out the rations
With some or other passions
I said, "You are a lady"
"Perhaps," she said, "I may be"

We moved into a basement
With thoughts of our engagement
We stayed in by the telly
Although the room was smelly
We spent our time just kissing
The Railway Arms we're missing
But love had got us hooked up
And all our time it took up

I got a job with Stanley
He said I'd come in handy
And started me on Monday
So I had a bath on Sunday
I worked eleven hours
And bought the girl some flowers
She said she'd seen a doctor
And nothing now could stop her

I worked all through the winter
The weather brass and bitter
I put away a tenner
Each week to make her better
And when the time was ready
We had to sell the telly
Late evenings by the fire
With little kicks inside her

This morning at four-fifty
I took her rather nifty
Down to an incubator
Where thirty minutes later
She gave birth to a daughter
Within a year a walker
She looked just like her mother
If there could be another

And now she's two years older
Her mother's with a soldier
She left me when my drinking
Became a proper stinging
The devil came and took me
From bar to street to bookie
No more nights by the telly
No more nights nappies smelling

Alone here in the kitchen
I feel there's something missing
I'd beg for some forgiveness
But begging's not my business
And she won't write a letter
Although I always tell her
And so it's my assumption
I'm really up the junction

Watch the video Squeeze - Up the Junction

Squeeze performing their #2 single "Up the Junction" on Top of the Pops from December 1979.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Paul Weller - You Do Something to Me Lyrics and Video

Paul Weller - You Do Something to Me Lyrics and Video-
Watch video You Do Something to Me below lyrics

Lyrics of You Do Something to Me
You do something to me, something deep inside
I'm hanging on the wire for a love I'll never find
You do something wonderful then chase it all away
Mixing my emotions that throws me back again
Hanging on the wire, I'm waiting for the change
I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame
an' feel real again

You do something to me somewhere deep inside
I'm hoping to get close to a peace I cannot find

Dancing through the fire just to catch a flame
Just to get close to, just close enough
To tell you that.....

You do something to me something deep inside

watch video You do something to me Paul Weller performs live

Watch official video Paul Weller - You Do Something To Me

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Link Between Food and Sex

Reality Views by sm:
Link between Food and Sex
For survival of humans many things are required like water, food, shelter as well as sex.
Humans have got ability to do sex for creation as well as pleasure.
Here I am just trying to understand how food and sex go hand in hand.

In India it’s said that a way to male’s heart goes through his stomach.
In olden times and now also in many homes ability of a girl to cook is seen before her marriage.

Art of cooking that is food making has as much as importance in human life as much sex and money.
Food and sex is closely linked with each other.
Good food equals to good sex.
Through out of the history of human race if you will try and look, you will find that males look for the beauty of females, beauty includes her capacity to produce the correct word will be I think fertility indications, the art of food making, Normally females look for the male with resources who can take care of her kids, male may be attractive but if he has no resources then females may have sex with him, but when the right time will come a female will choose a male who got resources to raise her kids.
Now days also food plays a very important part in the society.
Boy and Girl meet, first time they may go to tea shop or coffee shop.
If both find each other interesting second stage will be they will go on a date to the disco or hotel, or pizza hut and will try to understand each other.
Next stage will be the guy will ask her for full dinner or candle light dinner in the hotel which will show seriousness of the boy and girl that both are interested in each other.
After this most important stage will come
The girl will ask the boy to visit her home for the meal with her family. So she can introduce him to her family members, her parents.
Everyone knows the importance of this meal, meal is just a reason, the truth is that the family of girl wants to know the character of boy, his every action is closely watched by the family of girl as well as boy also gets to know the family members and the culture of the family.
After this marriage may be result and again marriage lunch is there, girls first cooking at the new home. The girls’ cooking is watched by her mother in law and all the other family members. Food is so important in the human life, so if we say food and sex go hand in hand will it be wrong.

ABBA "I HAVE A DREAM". lyrics and video

Read the lyrics and see the i have a dream video below lyrics.
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream
Ill cross the stream - I have a dream

watch the video i have dream

Phil Carmen - Moonshine Still - 1986 lyrics and video

Phil Carmen - Moonshine Still - 1986
Lyrics for the song moonshine still see the video below lyrics.

There's an old still in the valley beside my daddy's grave -
And a light burning slow
burning slow.
It's the one thing that was left me

as I came back from the war -
And it's still burning slow
burning slow.

No way could Billie ever need a moonshine man like me?
Illegal moonshine still
you bring me down.

I tried working for a living
even tried to sing the blues -
From my heart
burning slow
burning slow.
Turning music into money
couldn't make her change her mind -
And it's so burning slow
burning slow.

No way could Billie ever need a moonshine man like me?
No way could Billie ever need a moonshine man like me? . . .
you bring me down.

No way could Billie ever need a moonshine man like me? . . .
No way could Billie ever need a moonshine man like me? . . .
you bring me down.

watch the video moonshine still

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

India : Gay Sex and Reality of Society

Reality Views by sm :

In olden times what was legal or illegal does not matter.

In olden times sati system was legal. In olden times Untouchability was legal.
But today both systems are illegal in India.

India is a democratic country; India is not a religious country.

So religion has to stay below our Indian Constitution. Religious books will get equal status, but whenever there is a conflict between both, India should take the side of truth and Constitution. About Gay problem our friend Dhiman has posted his views, I am happy that he has posted his views on my post:

Dhiman says that and asked me the question that

1- With gays joining the fray, India (rape capital of the world, second only to South Africa) will see more rapes I guess. Same sex rapes."

2- How many "Gays" have you dealt with in real life sir pls. let me know...or your idea of "Gay" is what media including boll wood movies have been portraying ...

3- Gay humiliation is but sporadic and let’s looks at the other side of the coin...

4- In his support he has said about Pritish Nandy does not support it.

5- What will happen when your son gets "raped" by a "Gay" and its branded as "Gay Sex" ... think about it...

6- Reality is I am telling from personal experience that India is not ready to be so "modern" and "progressive" so sir lets hope for the best...

Step by step I will answer every question which our friend Dhiman has asked me.

When European people came to India, they were backward regarding sexual knowledge.
So when British People came to power, they made gay sex unlawful as it was unlawful in the kingdom of British Queen.

In ancient India, sex was so liberal that even people without any fear made designs of people having sex.
E.g. Khajuraho and Konarak

India is a nation where the Kamasutra was written.

If you will read Indian old books, there is a story how the God Ayyapa born?

God Ayyappa was born of intercourse between the Gods Shiva and Vishnu when later temporarily took a female form.

River Ganga was brought by Bhagiratha to the earth from heaven. It said that Bhagiratha was born out of love of two co-widows, who made love together.

Kamsutra also mentions about oral sex, anal sex.

India is a country which saw a Yuga in ancient times where there were no marriage laws and females were free to enjoy sex with anyone.

You can find this written in many old Indian texts.

In India ,they say we are making movies on gay but honestly if you will check there is no real gay movie or story , to make money these boll wood people make the use of gay idea.
Read what Shatrughan Sinha and other boll wood stars said on gay problem.

Shatrughan Sinha: Old rusty laws are like useless politicians. They should be thrown out. I'm glad Section 377 has been repealed. It was long due. What two people do in the privacy of their bedroom is nobody's business

John Abraham: I think the right to a personal choice is a very fundamental right and, thank god, the law against homosexuals has been repealed.

Sushmita Sen: I always salute decisions that celebrate an individual’s right to choose. I could never understand any form of love or any kind of relationship being 'criminal'. Cheers to all those human beings who have won the freedom of choice.

Mugdha Godse: I welcome this decision with open arms. I'm happy man now has as much right to love a man as he has the right to love a woman. Gays no longer need to hide their feelings. I'm happy for many of my friends.

Manisha Koirala: Some of my closest friends are gay and they are among the best human beings I know. I think such an ancient law needed to be repealed long ago. We live in contemporary times when people of all genders and sexual preferences must be looked at in the same line of vision.

Irrfan Khan: It's a sign of a system adopting a viewpoint that indicates openness. This will rid the guilt that gays live with and stop police exploitation of the community. I played a gay character in Mira Nair's short film directed by Zoya Akhtar. I researched on their anguish. It was terrifying.

Riya Sen: Most of my closest friends are homosexuals. I'm very happy for the gay community. We're a democracy; so why curb anyone’s freedom?"

Subhash Ghai: I'm always receptive to the changing world and the truth about human nature being revealed. Since the inner truth is always more real than the social truth, the reality within takes time to come out and be accepted by society.

Other celebrities also said on this problem but I have quoted only few.
About abortion right, right to use birth pill and many other laws were opposed by the religious people. But state has to move on with the reality.

Its nature of society to oppose the new things and inventions .

Everything said by the religion is not true and not perfect and its nature to keep changing what is right today will be wrong tomorrow, who is today young will be old tomorrow..

No one can or no law can encourage the people to make the rapes on the boys and girls.
It’s a situation, and mental condition in which these crimes are done by the people.

If u read the newspapers you will find that a 1 year female child is raped and next day you will read that 90 year old lady is raped in the bus.

Changing a law will not encourage any one to make a rape , when any man wants to rape he will rape a female or male ,depends on the situation and his mental condition.

Today also religious people oppose the use of condom , but does it stop the people from using it .Does this act is not against the nature. If one says the sex is done for the creation of child ,then there is no need to use birth control pills or condoms and they should be banned.

The truth is that sex is done for pleasure.

It’s a gift of nature to humans to enjoy different types of sex in different positions and different ways .Its like someone like sandwich and someone likes pizza .

One can not compare human sex with the animals .If you will compare the sex with animals, then my question is did you ever heard that any animal has a marriage or is the father or mother of that xyz animal

Animals when feel they want sex , they enjoy sex without any restriction or thinking about the partner.

So the point is that if you are comparing human sex with animal sex please does not compare it .
But if you still insist on comparing human sex with animal sex I want to tell you that
There are few animal species that have gay sex also.

India is a country where 60 year old male married six year old girl in the past.
Muslim religion permits marriage with four girls , they permit divorce without hearing the side of a female.

The point is that no religion is perfect and good . Religion is not made by god ,Religious laws are made by the humans and they can be changed by the humans .

Society does not change automatically , the laws are made and slowly society learns to accept them .

If gay people decide to wait for society to change , they will find themselves waiting forever.
Which law you remember society accepted ,without opposition there is no law which was accepted by society which was against the present rules of society .

E.G. Sati law , dowry law , child marriage law etc.

I have not seen any gay man raping a man or read about that. But I have heard and read that a married male has raped his maid or co worker , I have read that a father has raped his daughter.
So to say that if gay enjoy the freedom they will start to rape young boys is not correct.

The laws allow or not allow the rapes will keep happening ,it all depends on the persons situation, his mental condition ,his thoughts .Male and female sex is legal still we see that there are rapes happening in India.

Its nature ,if someone is gay he will enjoy the gay sex and will stay gay forever.
If someone tries gay sex and he do not like gay sex he will not become gay.

It’s just like tasting a food. Some people enjoy sweet foods and some people do not enjoy sweet foods. Sex is like a food, what other person will like one can not predict.
First I thought to put the pictures from Kamsutra or From Temples ,but as blog is not adult blog ,I am not posting it .

I do not want to hurt the feeling of anyone .Dhiman has said do you know any gays, I wanted to say as a human if you do not understand the pain of other human , I think one should be ashamed to call himself a human. If you will see carefully even animals also understand our master human is in pain and they also cry or they try to lick the human master and say that he is with him.

I have seen 2 dogs ,who died as soon as there master died .I have heard from friends that when dog was dying he was also crying in the hands of his master.

To understand the person and know his feeling one should not need to be friend with him or know him closely. I do not have any gay friend , but as a human I can see and understand there pain , I can see that how the majority humans are ill treating minority gays.

Just imagine for a few second you are a gay , and you are staying in India, you will understand the pain of gay people .

One can not become gay by experience.
Let them stay happily in there homes , Please do not worry about the world , world will not be destroyed by making gay sex legal nor the religion of country will die.

As people say god has made the human, so god has given the feeling ,then how the feelings of male towards a male or a female towards a female can be bad in the eyes of god.

Quote by Sm:
The true democracy is one where the minority will be protected and given freedom by the majority for going against the religion of majority.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Lyrics for Song: The Dollar- mama how much time will this buy me

Artist/Band: Johnson Jamey

Lyrics for Song: The Dollar

Lyrics for Album: The Dollar

The Dollar video is below the lyrics watch Johnson jamey singing one of the top american country song.

Daddy hugs his little man

says son I’ve got to go

and he pulls out of the drive and disappears

as they walk back in the house

the young boy asks his mama

where does daddy go when he leaves here

mama tells her little man

your daddy’s got a job

and when he goes to work they pay him for his time

well the young boy gets to thinking

and he heads up to his bedroom

and comes running back with a quarter and four dimes


and says mama how much time will this buy me

is it enough to take me fishing or throw a football in the street

if I’m a little short then how much more does daddy need

to spend some time with me

the young boy tells his mama

now I know daddy’s busy

cause most times when he gets home it’s dark outside

but tell him I’ve got me some pennies

saved up from the tooth fairy

and I keep ‘em in my piggy bank and I believe there’s thirty-five


and mama how much time will that buy me

is it enough to take me camping in a tent down by the creek

if I’m a little short then how much more does daddy need

to spend some time with me

mama how much time will this buy me

is it enough for just an afternoon a day or a whole week

if I’m a little short then how much more does daddy need

to spend some time with me

mama takes her little man

sets him on her lap

and starts dialing up some numbers on the phone

she says daddy come home early

you don’t have to chase that dollar

cause your little man has got one here at home

Watch the video of The Dollar song mama how much

Music Videos by VideoCure

Watch the video dollar

Thursday, July 2, 2009

India: Delhi High Court Declares Gay Sex between Two Adults Is Legal

Delhi High Court Declares Gay Sex between Two Adults Is Legal
Gay sex decriminalized in India by Delhi High Court.

8 years back, NGO named as NAZ has filed a writ petition, PIL in the Delhi High court,
to challenge the constitutional validity of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC), which criminally penalizes what is described as “unnatural offences”, to the extent the said provision criminalizes consensual sexual acts between adults in private.

The challenge is founded on the plea that Section 377 IPC, on account of it covering sexual acts between consenting adults in private infringes

The fundamental rights guaranteed under Articles 14, 15, 19 & 21 of the Constitution of India.
Brief History of Sodamy law:

This section 377 was introduced by the British people .In UK around year 1300 the law was that gay people or persons who enjoy anal sex were burnt alive.

Acts of sodomy later became penalized by hanging under the Buggery Act of 1533 which was re-enacted in 1563 by Queen Elizabeth I, after which it became the charter for the subsequent criminalization of sodomy in the British Colonies.

Indian Penal Code was drafted by Lord Macaulay and introduced in 1861 in British India.
IPC section 377 states that, whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

Section 377 is a non bailable offence. So if anyone is arrested for this crime, he can not get bail.
Section 377 IPC has been interpreted to cover oral sex, anal sex and penetration of other orifices.
The English law was reformed in Britain by the Sexual Offences Act, 1967, which de-criminalized homosexuality and acts of sodomy between consenting adults.

Men who have sex with Men are called as gay and female who enjoy sex with female is called as lesbian.

Reality Views by sm:

How the gay people are treated in India:

I will give one example: Bangalore incident, 2004’

In Bangalore city, one person who was at a public place dressed in female
Clothing. The person was subjected to gang rape, forced to have oral and anal sex by a group of hooligans. He was later taken to police station where he was stripped naked, handcuffed to the window, grossly abused and tortured merely because of his sexual identity.

In India this type of crimes.harrasment of gay people keep happening all the time.
On 26 August, 2005. Nepalese Supreme Court has also struck down the laws criminalizing homosexuality.

American Psychiatric Association has said that homosexuality is not a disease or mental illness that needs to be, or can be, 'cured' or 'altered', it is just another Expression of human sexuality.
People say that gay people spread HIV and AIDS, its totally wrong concept.

The truth is that whenever there will be sex without precautions there is a chance to get infected by HIV or AIDS.

Smoking causes problems for the smoker as well as people who sit around him, still smoking is permitted it is legal and enjoyed by many people.

Few people argue that it is against the nature, but don’t you support the people who eat non veg, it is proven that human teeth are not made to eat foods like mutton or chicken still it is legal and people enjoy it.

Do you think nature permits humans to kill animals still people kill the animals,

Do you think nature wants female child be killed in the womb of female, still its tradition and custom and followed by declaring and saying that Jai Mata Dee.

In its order The High Court has not struck down the article 377, this means that the fight is not over. The high court has just said that Section 377 IPC, insofar it criminalizes

Consensual sexual acts of adults in private, is violative of Articles 21, 14 and 15 of the Constitution. The provisions of Section 377 IPC will continue to govern non-consensual penile non-vaginal sex and penile non-vaginal sex involving minors.

We say India is biggest democracy.I dont see any democracy do you see ?

A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.”

This is for religious leaders :

“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever”

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Liberhan Commission: what we Indians achieved

Liberhan Commission: what we Indians achieved

What is Liberhan Commission?
Liberhan Commission was headed by the retired judge of Supreme Court M S Liberhan
17 Years back Liberhan Commission was established to find out the truth about the demolition of the babri building which may or may not be a mosque , on December 6, 1992, which triggered widespread communal violence leading to heavy loss of lives.
Within ten days this commission was established and it took 17 years to complete the inquiry.
In short what were the duties of the Liberhan Commission?

To find out what happened on 6 December 1992?
Who was responsible for that event?
Who encouraged the demolition of the Babri Building?
Over all in very short it was expected that this commission will find out the truth about this demolition episode.
Reality Views by sm:
All this activities can be done by the police officers there is no need to waste taxpayers money. By forming commission .Is it not the duty of police department to maintain law and order in the society and find the guilty persons.
Total expenses 8 crore rupees were spend on Liberhan commission.
This commission got 48 extensions.
The commission was expected to give submit there inquiry report on the
16 March 1993,in 3 months but it took 17 years.
Now what will happen, the truth is that it is the waste of Indian tax payers money.
What will happen to this report, the political parties will fight and shout on this report.
No one will go to jail or pay the fine.
2nd is central government will put a label of Official secrecy act on that and it will go into files cabinet forever.
The suggestion is that government of India should make a law which will prohibit formation of this type of commission, and that a police complainat should be filed and let the police department do its duty.Please do not waste the tax payer’s money. If you really believe in this commission and support it then please make a law that, every commission will submit its report at the same time to the Supreme Court of India, Prime Minister of India, Opposition party of India and 4th to the press and media. The report should be binding on the government and if report demands arrest this person then whatever name it says government should file a criminal complaint against that person and let the judiciary check how much truth is inside that report.
We do not want reports and commission which do not have any value in the law, which is used as a time pass by political parties.
We all know that what happened to the report of RamPradhan commission, it went to the files cabinet forever.RamPradhan commission was formed to probe the mumbai attacks.
Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied