India: Can We Dare To Expose the Corruption – Become Whistleblowers
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Whistleblower is a person who exposes corruption of his company or his public office or his superiors by endangering his own life as well as his family members.
"If you must sin, sin against God, not against the bureaucracy. God may forgive you, but the bureaucracy never will!"
— U.S. Admiral Hyman Rickover
Currently In India we do not have any law to protect the Whistleblowers.
It seems that Corruption is the religion of India , Moral and values everything is corruption so no one is interested in India to make a law regarding this or demand the law regarding this to protect the Whistleblowers.
Corruption is widespread in India. India is ranked 84 out of a 179 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index..
Less the Rank means more honesty , so if one country has rank of 83 then that country is more honest than India. As India is ranked at 84.
The organization defines corruption as "the abuse of entrusted power for private gain"
Still if you do not understand the meaning I will give examples to make it simpler.
• Selling government land or property without auction
• Giving purchase orders ignoring reports or to the same company who is under investigation for corruption.
• Giving the contracts to family members or friends without giving chance to others causing losses to state.
Following are the top ten rank holder’s nations where honesty is more and corruption is less, where morality and values are present and people do less corruption.
1. New Zealand
2. Denmark
3. Singapore
4. Sweden
5. Switzerland
6. Finland
7. Netherlands
8. Australia
9. Canada
10. Iceland and USA rank is 19
Few facts about India –
• A 2005 study done by Transparency International (TI) in India found that more than 50% people had experienced of paying bribe to get a job done in public office.
• Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually $5 billion in bribes
In the United States, more than US $8 billion has been recovered as a direct result of whistleblowers’ actions. How much in India we have recovered ?
Do we know in India how much money is recovered through whistleblowers’ actions.
As per my information and knowledge no data is available ,India do not have such data ,so if you know about this amount please let me know.
Do we know what happens to the persons who expose the corruption , and corrupt officials.
After exposing corruption if he gets murdered as an Indian Do we see that exposed corruption is investigated and the corrupt officials are punished.
Answer is No.
Do we know what happened to the cases and corruption opened by Satendra dubey ,or Shanmugam Manjunath, like them many more , what happened to those cases.
Who is Satendra Dubey ?
Satyendra Kumar Dubey, former Deputy General Manager of the National Highway Authority in India, was overseeing a road project worth billions of dollars when he was killed on 27 November 2003, at the age of 31. He was murdered after his name was leaked in connection with a complaint about corruption he had sent to the prime minister's office.
So what happened to this case ?
According to an Indian Express report in 2006, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) testified before the Supreme Court that there was no evidence linking Dubey’s murder with local contractor mafia, attributing his death instead to a robbery.
Parivartan, a local NGO involved in anti-corruption, however, disputed the claim, stating that there had been no progress and a “lack of political will to unearth the truth,” and that the CBI ignored evidence contrary to the official findings.
UK , USA, CANADA and many more countries got the laws regarding Whistleblowers
Safety and protection act.
The U.K.'s Public Interest Disclosure Act of 1998 is a unique piece of legislation providing protection to employees in the public, private and non-profit sectors, including those working outside the U.K. Under the law, employment tribunals have power to `freeze' a dismissal and make unlimited compensation awards.
India needs to adopt this law for our nation.
But we will not adopt it and we will not talk about it .
If someone exposes corruption in the India one has to face the following problems:
• Transfer from the place of job
• Murder
• Mental harassment
• Assassination of character
• Wrong charges will be framed and permanently on one or other excuse he will be punished
• No Promotions and corrupt, junior officer will be made boss to make the life miserable of honest person.
• He will be tortured mentally so much that he will commit suicide or he will resign from his job.
• An example will be set in the department so that new officers will never dare to go against the corrupt superiors and will become the part of corrupt system.
My request to every person, every Whistleblower who want to expose the corruption should come out in the media from the first day and he should send emails and maintain the blog about his experience and correspondence with government officials ,his company officials so Indians will know what is happening with him and even government of India and others will know that you are becoming hero of the nation. So you will not end up like Dubey or Manjunath.
When society will not protect them why then public officers ,police officers or any human will give or expose the corruption.
I am sure to pass the law to protect Whistleblowers India will need more than 50 years .or international pressure. Even they will make the law I am sure the law will have so many loopholes it will become useless. A good law is a law which sets example and deter other future criminals.
The Whistleblowers law should contain
• Award to Whistleblowers
• 100 years imprisonment to corrupt officials with no right to president or any one to pardon that corrupt official
• No right of Parole
• Corruption should be treated as equal as waging a war against the India.
Currently government is trying to amend the right to information act making it useless and cutting the wings of common Indian citizens to get the information which is helping us to curb the corruption.
So for the murder of Whistleblowers like Satendra Dubey every Indian is responsible .
Which national award we should give him ?
Bravest Indian or No.1 Indian of the year or No. 1 Fool of the India . A fool who does not know corruption is the religion of India.
Next time when you meet your friend please ask him the meaning of
Whistleblowers ?

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