Friday, December 25, 2009

India - How can I Vote in Elections If I stay outside my city or state

India - How can I Vote in Elections If I stay outside my city or state
Kuppan, Thanks for Putting the Question –
Our one of the friend Kuppan, had ask the question on my post

Regarding the voting right He ask me following question

Can someone please enlighten me? Most of the time I am unable to Vote because I work in a different state and am not in a position to travel for a day just to find that someone else had done it on behalf of me! I am sure there are thousands of such eligible voters in Gujarat. How are they handled? Is there a postal ballot or something for such voters?

So here is the answer –
The vote through post or proxy vote facility is available for armed forces and few important persons who are not residing in India are working abroad.
Currently as per my reading, ordinary citizens are not allowed to vote through post.
I will suggest you please you cancel your name from electoral roll, Gujarat registration and get your name registered in the state where you are residing.
To exercise your vote franchise, the first and foremost requirement is that
Your name should be in the electoral roll. Without your name registered in the relevant part for the area where you ordinarily reside in the Assembly Constituency, you will not be allowed to exercise your franchise or vote. Therefore, it is your duty to find out whether your name has been registered or not. After this it is also expected from you to get your name deleted from the place where you earlier resided, and get it included at new place in case you have shifted.
For this, on your part, it is sufficient that you file claim application in Form 6 before the Electoral Registration Officer of the new place and in that application give the full address of your earlier place of residence. Short absence from place of residence does not debar one to continue his/her name in electoral roll. His or any other person's name in Form No. 7. Similarly if any particulars in the electoral roll are to be modified such as name, house number, middle name, last name, age, sex, epic number etc. a claim in Form No. 8 can be filed. In case any elector has changed his house from the polling area of one booth to other booth in the same Assembly Constituency he can file application in Form No. 8A for change/transposition from one electoral part to
Other part.

Now I will come to your 2nd question.
What happens if someone else has cast the vote in your name?
When you will go for vote and there you are told by the polling officer that someone else has already voted on your place.
In this case first of all you should tell this to the Presiding officer.
After this you can cast Tendered Vote.
The law allows you to cast a Tendered Vote.
A Tendered Ballot Paper, as per Rule 49P of the Conduct of Elections Rules, will be given to you and you will be required to sign your name on the list of tendered votes. A tendered ballot paper is the same as the ballot paper displayed on the balloting unit, except that it shall be endorsed on the back, with the words, “Tendered Ballot Paper” either stamped by the Returning or written by the Presiding Officer at the time of issuing it.
After marking your choice of candidate with the help of Arrow Cross
Mark rubber stamp you should hand over the tendered ballot paper to the
Presiding Officer, who will keep it in a separate cover. Please note that in
Such case, you will not cast your vote on the EVM.

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