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Know the the 22 Vows of Ambedkar
The journey of a talent from untouchable human being to the heights where very few reach.
1. Name - Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar also known as Babasaheb
2. Date of birth: 14 April 1891
3. Place of birth: Mhow, Central Provinces, British India
4. Date of death: 6 December 1956
5. Place of death: Delhi, India
Ambedkar has been honoured with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award.
Babasaheb belonged to the Hindu Mahar caste, who were treated as untouchables and subjected to intense socio-economic discrimination.
As a Untouchable In his school days he was not allowed to sit inside classroom, not allowed to touch drinking water, have to wait for the superior class person to give him water, normally its said that school peon gave him water, if he is not there Babasaheb has to stay in school all the time without water.
His native village name was "Ambavade" in Ratnagiri District so he changed his name from "Sakpal" to "Ambedkar"
In 1907, Babasaheb passed his matriculation examination and entered the University of Bombay, becoming one of the first persons of untouchable origin to enter a college in India.
As per Hindu traditions Babasaheb married in the year 1906 to Ramabai, a nine-year old girl from Dapoli.
In 1908, he entered Elphinstone College and obtained a scholarship of twenty five rupees a month from the Gayakwad ruler of Baroda, Sahyaji Rao III for higher studies in the USA.
By 1912, he obtained his degree in economics and political science, and prepared to take up employment with the Baroda state government. His wife gave birth to his first son, Yashwant, in the same year.
In September 1920, after accumulating sufficient funds, Ambedkar went back to London to complete his studies. He became a barrister and got a Doctorate in science.
After completing his studies in London, Ambedkar returned to India. In July 1924, he founded the Bahishkrit Hitkaraini Sabha (Outcastes Welfare Association). The aim of the Sabha was to uplift the downtrodden socially
By 1927 Dr. Ambedkar decided to launch active movements against untouchability. He began with public movements and marches to open up and share public drinking water resources; also he began a struggle for the right to enter Hindu temples. He led a Satyagraha in Mahad to fight for the right of the untouchable community to draw water from the main water tank of the town.
He was appointed to the Bombay Presidency Committee to work with the all-European Simon Commission in 1925.
Ambedkar's prominence and popular support amongst the untouchable community had increased, and he was invited to attend the Second Round Table Conference in London in 1931.
Ambedkar was also critical of Islam. He wrote that Muslim society is "even more full of social evils than Hindu Society is" and criticized Muslims for sugarcoating their sectarian caste system with euphemisms like "brotherhood". He also criticized the discrimination against the Arzal classes among Muslims who were regarded as "degraded", as well as the oppression of women in Muslim society through the oppressive purdah system.
He alleged that while purdah was also practiced by Hindus, only among Muslims was it sanctioned by religion. He criticized their fanaticism regarding Islam on the grounds that their literalist interpretations of Islamic doctrine made their society very rigid and impermeable to change.
He further wrote that Indian Muslims have failed to reform their society unlike Muslims in other countries like Turkey
When the British agreed with Ambedkar and announced the awarding of separate electorates, Gandhi began a fast-unto-death while imprisoned in the Yeravada Central Jail of Pune in 1932.
After this Babasaheb and Gandhi agreed on the reservation, Babasaheb got more reservation than offered by British .This pact is known as Poona Pact.
In 1935, Ambedkar was appointed principal of the Government Law College, a position he held for two years.
Babasahebs wife Ramabai wanted to visit to Pandharpur, but Ambedkar had refused to let her go, telling her that he would create a new Pandharpur for her instead of Hinduism's Pandharpur which treated them as untouchables.
In 1936, Ambedkar founded the Independent Labour Party, which won 15 seats in the 1937 elections to the Central Legislative Assembly. He published his book The Annihilation of Caste in the same year
1942= He founded his second political party, the All-India Scheduled Castes Federation, which didn't do so well in the elections of 1946. Dr. Ambedkar was inducted into the Viceroy's Executive Council as Labour Member, a position which he held until his resignation in June 1946.
1946== In June, he founded Siddharth College, in Bombay; it was a project of the People's Education Society, which he had founded in 1945.
The Shastras do not permit a Hindu to accept anyone as his Guru merely because he is well-versed. This is made very clear by Ramdas, a Brahmin saint from Maharashtra. Few lines babasaheb said.
He said that if Muslims demand Pakistan they should be given Pakistan. He wrote that if the Muslims are bent on Pakistan, then it must be conceded to them
The Brahmin systematically preyed on society and profiteered in religion. The Puranas and Shastras which lie manufactured in tons are a treasure trove of sharp practices which the Brahmins employed to befool, beguile and swindle the common mass of poor, illiterate, and superstitious Hindus.
On Ranade - It is impossible in this address to give references to them. I can only refer to the coercive measures which the Brahmins had sanctified as proper to be employed against the Hindus, to the encashment of their rights and privileges. Let those who want to know read the preamble to Regulation XXI of 1795. According to it, whenever a Brahmin wanted to get anything which could not be willingly got from his victim, he resorted to various coercive practices—lacerating his own body with knives and razors, or threatening to swallows some poison, were the usual tricks he practised to carry out his selfish purposes.
There were other ways employed by the Brahmin to coerce the Hindus, which were as extraordinary as they were shameless.
A common practice was the erection in front of the house of his victim of the koorh—a circular enclosure in which a pile of wood was placed; within the enclosure an old woman was placed, ready to be burnt in the koorh if his object was not granted.
The second device of such a kind was the placing of his women and children in the sight of his victim and threatens[ing] to behead them. The third was the dhurna—starving on the doorstep of the victim. This is nothing. Brahmins had started making claims for a right to deflower the women of non-Brahmins. The practice prevailed in the family of the Zamorin of Calicut, and among the Vallabhachari sect of Vaishnavas.
The East India Company had in 1819 to pass a Regulation (VII of 1819) to put a stop to this moral degeneracy. The preamble to the Regulation says that women were employed wholesale to entice and take away the wives or female children for purposes of prostitution, and it was common practice among husbands and fathers to desert their families and children. Public conscience there was none, and in the absence of conscience it was futile to expect moral indignation against the social wrongs.
Indeed the Brahmins were engaged in defending every wrong for the simple reason that they lived on them. They defended Untouchability which condemned millions to the lot of the helot. They defended caste, they defended female child marriage and they defended enforced widowhood—the two great props of the Caste system.
They defended the burning of widows, and they defended the social system of graded inequality with its rule of hypergamy which led the Rajputs to kill in their thousands the daughters that were born to them. What shames! What wrongs!
Can such a Society show its face before civilized nations? Can such a society hope to survive? Such were the questions which Ranade asked. He concluded that on only one condition it could be saved—namely, rigorous social reform.
Babasaheb on Gandhi and Jinnah -
One leads the Hindus, the other leads the Muslims. Politics in the hands of these two Great Men have become a competition in extravaganza. If Mr. Gandhi is known as Mahatma, Mr. Jinnah must be known as Qaid-i-Azim. If Gandhi has the Congress, Mr. Jinnah must have the Muslim League. If the Congress has a Working Committee and the All-India Congress Committee, the Muslim League must have its Working Committee and its Council. The session of the Congress must be followed by a session of the League.
If the Congress issues a statement, the League must also follow suit. If the Congress passes a Resolution of 17,000 words, the Muslim League's Resolution must exceed it by at least a thousand words. If the Congress President has a Press Conference, the Muslim League President must have his. If the Congress must address an: appeal to the United Nations, the Muslim League must not allow itself to be outbidden.
They will not meet, except on preposterous conditions. Jinnah insists that Gandhi should admit that he is a Hindu. Gandhi insists that Jinnah should admit that he is one of the leaders of the Muslims. Never has there been such a deplorable state of bankruptcy of statesmanship as one sees in these two leaders of India.
They are making long and interminable speeches, like lawyers whose trade it is to contest everything, concede nothing, and talk by the hour. Suggest anything by way of solution for the deadlock to either of them, and it is met by an everlasting "Nay." Neither will consider a solution of the problems which is not eternal. Between them Indian politics has become "frozen," to use a well-known Banking phrase and no political action is possible.
Dr. Ambedkar condemned Gandhi's support for the caste system and perpetuating untouchability. Dr.Ambedkar warned people,” Don’t call Gandhi a saint. He is a seasoned politician. When everything else fails, Gandhi will resort to intrigue.” "Don’t fall under Gandhi’s spell, he’s not God... Mahatmas have come and Mahatmas have gone but untouchables have remained untouchables.”
On August 15, 1947, the new Congress-led government invited Ambedkar to serve as the nation's first law minister, which he accepted. On August 29, Ambedkar was appointed Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, charged by the Assembly to write free India's new Constitution.
The Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949 by the Constituent Assembly.
Ambedkar resigned from the cabinet in 1951 following the stalling in parliament of his draft of the Hindu Code Bill, which sought to expound gender equality in the laws of inheritance, marriage and the economy. 1951. In September, Dr. Ambedkar resigned from the Cabinet, embittered over the failure of Nehru and the Congress to back the Hindu Code Bill as they had earlier pledged to do.
Ambedkar independently contested an election in 1952 to the lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha, but was defeated. He was appointed to the upper house, of parliament, the Rajya Sabha in March 1952 and would remain a member until his death.
In 1955, he founded the Bharatiya Bauddha Mahasabha, or the Buddhist Society of India. He completed his final work, The Buddha and His Dhamma, in 1956. It was published posthumously.
October 14, 1956.At Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur. He converted to Buddhism He then proceeded to convert an estimated 500,000 of his supporters who were gathered around him. Taking the 22 Vows, Ambedkar and his supporters explicitly condemned and rejected Hinduism and Hindu philosophy.
On December 6, 1956, Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar died peacefully in his sleep. Since the Caste Hindus denied the cremation at Dadar crematorium, A Buddhist-style cremation was organised for him at Chowpatty beach on December 7, attended by hundreds of thousands of supporters, activists and admirers.
His birthdate is celebrated as a public holiday known as Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti.
His message to his followers was " Educate , Agitate, Organize
He did not like when they were regarded as Harijan, children of God, he said then are you the children of Monsters.
He passionately believed in the freedom of the individual and criticized equally both orthodox casteist Hindu society
Do You know any Indian political leader following Dr.Babasaheb in true sense. They are just using the name and making money .Do not forget Mantra – Educate ,Educate and Educate.
• Following are the 22 Vows of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar –
I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara nor shall I worship them.
I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna who are believed to be incarnation of God nor shall I worship them.
I shall have no faith in Gauri, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus nor shall I worship them.
I do not believe in the incarnation of God.
I do not and shall not believe that Lord Buddha was the incarnation of Vishnu. I believe this to be sheer madness and false propaganda.
I shall not perform Shraddha nor shall I give pind-dan.
I shall not act in a manner violating the principles and teachings of the Buddha.
I shall not allow any ceremonies to be performed by Brahmins.
I shall believe in the equality of man.
I shall endeavor to establish equality.
I shall follow the noble eightfold path of the Buddha.
I shall follow the ten paramitas prescribed by the Buddha.
I shall have compassion and loving kindness for all living beings and protect them.
I shall not steal.
I shall not tell lies.
I shall not commit carnal sins.
I shall not take intoxicants like liquor, drugs etc.
I shall endeavor to follow the noble eightfold path and practice compassion and loving kindness in every day life.
I renounce Hinduism, which is harmful for humanity and impedes the advancement and development of humanity because it is based on inequality, and adopt Buddhism as my religion.
I firmly believe the Dhamma of the Buddha is the only true religion.
I believe that I am having a re-birth.
I solemnly declare and affirm that I shall hereafter lead my life according to the principles and teachings of the Buddha and his Dhamma.
Watch the Movie Part from – Dr Ambedkar
Photo of B.R.Ambedkar

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