Saturday, December 12, 2009

Know How Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will assign the unique identification number (UID) to Billion Indians

India - Know How Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will assign the unique identification number (UID) to Billion Indians

Know everything about the unique identification number (UID)

How we Indians will enroll and get the UID number? What will be the process to get this number?

1. Today in India we do not have one identity card which can be used everywhere and valid. Every time we deal with government or private every agency and company demands different identity card, few will want residence proof, few will want telephone bill or ration card and many more, and this creates lot of trouble for all Indians and we waste lot of time, energy and money on this very simple problem of proving our identity, so this card will be unique card and accepted nationally. The UID will become the single source of identity verification.

2. It is expected that from august 2010 (UIDAI) will start to give the numbers the numbers will be issued through various ‘registrar’ agencies across the country.

3. The UID will also give migrants mobility of identity.

4. It will also provide governments with accurate data on residents, enable direct benefit programs, and allow government departments to coordinate investments and share information. This will help to provide the government social benefits to the exact and eligible poor families not duplicate or fraud or non existent families.

5. The UID number will only guarantee identity, not rights, benefits or entitlements.

6. The UIDAI’s job will be limited to the issue of unique identification numbers linked to a person’s demographic and biometric information.

7. The UID will prove identity, not citizenship

8. What is CIDR?

9. The UIDAI will create a Central ID Data Repository (CIDR), which will manage the central system, and a network of Registrars who will establish resident touch points through Enrolling Agencies.

10. The CIDR will be the central data repository, and will function as a Managed Service Provider. It will implement the core services around the UID – it will store resident records, issue unique identification numbers, and verify, authenticate and amend resident data.

11. The UIDAI will be the regulatory authority managing a Central ID Data Repository (CIDR), which will issue UID numbers, update resident information, and authenticate the identity of residents as required

12. CIDR will see that The Unique ID or UID will be a numeric that is unique across all residents in India.

13. Registrars and service providers will also be able to charge for the cards they issue residents with the UID number. Such pricing will be within UIDAI guidelines.

14. The UIDAI will take help of government departments as well as private partnership to collect the information of the given person as well as update his data.

15. The UIDAI will give the UIDAI number and these agencies, the Registrars will issue the card, as per the standards fix and set by the UIDAI authority.

16. The UIDAI will issue a number, not a card: The Authority’s role is limited to issuing the number. This number may be printed on the document/card that is issued by the Registrar.

17. UIDAI AND CIDR will check that no duplicate accounts are created.

18. The Authority will also enter into contracts with Registrars to ensure the confidentiality of information they collect and store.

19. The UID database will be stored on a central server. Enrolment of the resident will be computerized, and information exchange between Registrars and the CIDR will be over a network. Authentication of the resident will be online. The Authority will also put systems in place for the security and safety of information.
20. How we Indians will enroll and get the UID number? What will be the process to get this number?

21. It will not be mandatory for the Indians to get this number but it will be made so useful that every Indian will demand this UID number. The enrolment of each resident may cost between Rs. 20 and Rs. 25

22. The enrolment process for the UID number will begin with a resident submitting his/her information to the enrolling agency with supporting documents. UIDAI will also prescribe guidelines for applicants without documents. This information will be verified according to established Know Your Resident (KYR) standards.

23. The UIDAI will see and demand the following information from the resident who will want the UIDAI number - Name, Date of birth, Gender, Fathers Name and may be his UIDAI number, Mothers name and her UIDAI number, address, photograph and finger print. Individuals with both parents deceased can provide a Guardian’s name and UID number.

24. Once the enroller verifies the resident’s information, it will submit the application request – either singly or in batches – through the Registrar to the CIDR.

25. The CIDR will then run a de- duplication check, comparing the resident’s biometric and demographic information to the records in the database to ensure that the resident is not already enrolled. The check will be done locally as well as nationally.

26. Once the UID number is assigned, the Authority will forward the resident a letter which contains his/her registered demographic and biometric details.

27. This letter will also have a tear away portion which has the UID number, name, photograph and a 2D barcode of the finger print minutiae digest. If there are any mistakes in the demographic details, the resident can contact the relevant Registrar/enrolling agency within 15 days.

28. The letter the UIDAI sends the resident will consequently contain all demographic details in English as well as the local language of the state in which the resident resides.

29. The card will contain the basic information like UID number, name and photograph. And any other information relevant with the card.

30. All data entry that the enrolling agencies take up on behalf of the Registrars will be done in English. It can then be converted into the local language using standard transliteration software, and verified for accuracy by the Registrar.

31. In Future who will or which agencies will work as the Registrar for the UID?

32. The following companies and agencies may work as Registrar - LPG (Oil PSU) , LIC (Life Insurance) ,Passport office ,Pan Card .BPL or APL ration cards, RGI , Financial institutions and NGO and many more .

33. The UID number is a lifetime number, but the biometric information contained in the central database will have to be regularly updated. Children may have to update their biometric information every five years, while adults update their information every ten years.

34. The UIDAI will employ a GIS internet-based visual reporting system to track enrolment trends and patterns across India, as the project is rolled out across various Registrars and states.

35. The GIS system will show all UID enrolments by state, as well as by Registrar. The system will also be able to drill down within states and into districts.

36. At birth and once name is given to baby, baby will be eligible to get the UID number.

37. The UID system will not remove a record upon the person’s death; it will simply mark it as ‘deceased’ and hence will render it inactive for the purposes of authentication.

38. UID will provide online as well as offline authentication processes.

39. The UIDAI will offer resident authentication services for a fee to governments and private sector firms.

40. Now Lets move to UID and Technology : Technology architecture of the UIDAI

41. The Central ID Data Repository will be the central database of all residents

42. UID services could work over secure WAN networks, the vanilla internet or over mobile SMS channels. It could also potentially work over existing networks such as credit-card POS (point-of-service) devices.

43. Legal - All offences under the Information Technology Act shall be deemed to be offences under the UIDAI if directed against the UIDAI or its database.

Reality Views by sm –
Everything is excellent and must for the Indians, but UIDAI will need the government support, state government support and as an Indian I know UIDAI will find no takers for this plan. We have seen what happened to the Ration Cards, Election Cards and Even Pan Cards.

No state government will without force or compulsion will go for this project.
So appeal to the UIDAI is the please see that this number is made mandatory and compulsory for every Indian.
Starting from metro cities and which will slowly cover and make it compulsory for every Indian. Like it should be made mandatory to fill and write this number on every form. Or selected organizations like Bank, LIC, Hospital, Schools, Collages and Stock Market and Passport.
Simple Mantra to make this Project Huge success I Will suggest
It should be made compulsory to write this UIDAI number on the every form from school form to legal cases otherwise that form will be considered incomplete.

Otherwise like the Police Reforms, Black magic bill, Women Reservation Bill .there will be facility of this number but we will not find the takers on the name of caste, religion ,state and non availability of funds one or other excuse.

But we will face the problems but we Indians must see that this time this project will become Success, not just success, Huge Success.

UPDATE on - 20-12-2009
UIDAI would start issuing the 16-digit number to each resident of the country in February 2011.
These numbers would be allotted on the basis of 11 biometrics including 10 fingerprints and iris.
The UIDAI would not allot any card, but 16-digit numbers

UPDATE - 27 FEB 2010
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee has earmarked Rs 1,900 crore for the Nandan Nilekani-headed Unique Identification Authority of India (UIAI).
strong authentication of the unique number would eliminate duplication under various schemes and save the government Rs 20,000 crore every year.

Suggested Reading - Know about Nandan Nilekani

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