Thursday, March 11, 2010

An Answer to Email - Does Women Reservation Bill is Logical?

An Answer to Email - Does Women Reservation Bill is Logical?
One of our friends Amrut G.
After reading my 2 articles

Has sent me a mail regarding this and ask me justify that

Does women reservation bill is logical?
I thought it is better I share and justify with all the blog readers and friends

Below is the important content of mail.

Still this reservation for women is not logical. Go through the attached letter and justify your self.
Should not we submit a PIL- Public Interest Litigation rather NIL- National Interest Litigation, to The Supreme Court of the country to get it rectified?
Your respond shall be awaited,
Below is the letter.
After all what is this mockery being done with the nation in the names of reservation & quota?
Kindly clarify to the nation, because these terms; should have been done away with by now; as initially in the Constitution of the country these were applicable for only 10 years since after the attainment of independence, not liberty as the later is yet to come, because there is a vast difference between the two, and the period was extended but for political reasons keeping in mind the policy of divide & rule on the worse pattern than of the British.
Now it is 21st Century thus it is humbly requested to your good self that kindly let the Article 14 of the Constitution; which lays down that all citizens are equal before the law; should prevail to cure this nation from the cancerous disease of reservation & quota.
Better make such a law that none will write caste, creed & clan after one’s name. Everyone should write only one’s own name coupled with father’s or mother’s name & whosoever shall violate this dictate shall be fined & or punished with rigorous labour to construct & repair roads & railways for at least six months.

Let me clarify now –

Reality Views by sm -

Is women reservation bill is logical?
As well as reservation?

When I see the ground reality of India today, I feel that yes it is logical to support women reservation bill.
Yes India needs reservation policy

Now also and always I say always support the economic reservation with collective salary of family whenever any Indian is given reservation anywhere.

I support that it should be banned to write as well as ask the religion and caste on any forms any where in India.

Women Reservation Bill –

For this one has to understand few things about Indian politics –

1. Indian political parties have become profit making business houses.
2. Indian youth is not interested in politics because of politicians and their intelligence.
3. What are the topics of Indian females when they discuss in groups majority times Indian females are only found talking about Kitchen, education of kids, television drama and medicine, even males are found talking about Cricket and movies and discuss about sex news.
4. Educated youth of India as well as Females are not interested in politics they do not go to vote neither they care about it.
5. May be they are selfish Indians or very Intelligent Indians I do not know I am still thinking?
6. Indian constitution has given law making power as well as law implementing authority to the elected politicians , enforcement agencies work under them and obey them, even if criminal or Don gets elected , a police officer has to obey him,
7. In India politician do not have any accountability regarding performance or anything.
8. To become politician no merit is required.
9. Indian judiciary can only give suggestion to the elected politicians when they make law , if by using constitution judiciary rejects the law , the elected politicians amend the constitution of India and add new clause which make the rejected law a valid law.
10. This way Indian judiciary loses all powers as once constitution is amended, judiciary has to follow the constitution and rejected law becomes the valid law.
11. Hope you remember the office of profit episode
12. Here is another example - 1951 - In the case of State of Madras Vs. Smt. Champakam Dorairanjan AIR 1951 SC 226 Court has pronounced that caste based reservations as per Communal Award violates Article 15(1).
13. In above case Supreme Court of India rejected the caste based award.
14. After this elected politicians amended the constitution using their powers and added new clause to the constitution of India (Art. 15 (4)) introduced to make judgment invalid. And this way the law became valid law.
15. Elected politicians are not ready to change anything which will damage or weaken them legally.
16. In last sixty years no law is passed which will make them accountable.
17. Elected politicians are even trying to amend and weaken the Right to information act which is becoming very good tool for Indians to find the corruption.
18. Police reforms are pending
19. black magic bill is pending
20. Black money eradication suggestions given by 40 different panels is pending
21. Compulsory vote bill is pending
22. directive principals of constitution are pending
23. Every good type of work is pending in India

Like this list is unlimited,
In short Indian politics is controlled and run by few people to make money and enjoy the good life with power.
There is no hope from Indian politicians regarding good laws and policies which will increase the speed of progress socially as well as money wise.

How this can be changed, how Indian politics can be change?

Do you think by writing letters to politicians this will be done?
After 26/11 Mumbai saw candle light what happened after that?
Did it change anything in Mumbai or India?

Nothing changed in India.

This will be done, achieved when every Indian family will discuss the politics,
Every Indian will understand the politics
And India will witness more than 75 percent voting in each election.

The logic to support this women reservation bill –

The Bill seeks to reserve for women 181 of the 543 seats in the Lok Sabha and 1,370 out of a total of 4,109 seats in the 28 State Assemblies.

Once this bill becomes law India will see the rise of female politicians corrupt or honest both will happen.
Most important benefit I see is that Indian females will start to discuss the politics in home.
For me I believe that Today in India politics is not the main subject of each home,
After this bill becomes law
There are chances that politics becomes the topic of majority homes.
We need to see that politics becomes the main discussion subject in every home and with
This automatically new generation will learn to talk about politics.
With women reservation bill nothing bad is going to happen, because currently nothing good is happening.
So one more new experiment which will empower few females.
Today majority Indian females spend their life as working housewife or just housewife,
, a working mother or just mother
No female has dream to join politics, so she do not empower her daughter or son to join the politics because she herself does not understand politics.
And how can a good mother will send her son or daughter to unknown territory, unknown job?

With the empowerment of females, females will become strong and I see the strong mother who takes interest in politics, when she takes interest in politics, the son and daughter also learn from her.

I hope everyone knows about King Shivaji from Maharashtra.

Now my question is that
Why king shivaji fought with the Muslim Kings?
Why king shivaji do not serve Muslim kings like his father?
Why king shivaji became great?

Answer is only one
King Shivaji got the mother who understood the politics of that time
Mother Jijabai

Today problem with India is we do not have females like mother Jijabai
And so we do not have any Shivaji

With this bill I just hope that India will start the process of developing females regarding political knowledge and one day one Jijabai will produce Shivaji who will change the face of India.

Today mothers also wish her son should become doctor or Engineer.
No mother is interested to send her son into politics
Just think why
Because she herself does not understand the game of politics neither she likes this game of politics.
If mother does not like it how is it possible her son and daughter will like it and go to vote in the elections .

If you want to oppose then oppose the demand that quota inside quota policy, because this demand will divide the females by caste and religion which is dangerous for India because when female is divided, mother is divided and this will spread the hatred among communities which is not good for India.
Today in India for each youth mother is mother then she may be Muslim or Hindu or belong to any caste it does not matter, we see her as our own mother when we talk with her, but quota within quota will divide the mothers and sisters also.
These way brothers and uncles will also get divided
Seeta and Salma and Mary will get divided because of this quota within quota.
A dangerous demand from few political parties regarding this women reservation bill.

With one logic women reservation bill is not good
But we have to understand the reality of Indian politics and follow the other logic.
Do you think a thief will make such a law which will send him to jail?
Do you think a rapist will make a law which will cut his private part?

Yes our dreams are same
but you are hopeful with the politicians and i am not hopeful from any political business house.

Yes i am a dreamer and dream that
without revolt and fight
how Indian politics will change ?

I hope now the logic is clear that we need Indians to discuss the politics in every home and this bill will do the trick.

Because I do not have any hope from any political business house.

Thank you Amrut G.
For writing me detailed mail and asking me question.
I hope now it is clear that why I support women reservation bill.

Remember if we want to change Indian politics
First Indian politics need to become the main topic of each home.

If this does not happen I am sure India will witness the day just like France

If you do not have bread, go and eat the Pizza.

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