Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reservation in India – A brief history

Reservation in India – A brief history -
In Indian society because of caste system, India has also followed one type of racism and because of this when Indian constitution was drafted the makers of Indian constitution introduced reservation for certain caste and people ,
Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes

If we will check the records in the year 1858 also British People knew how to divide and rule India, and with this policy very intelligently they kept dividing India on name of Religion and Caste and sub caste.

But the tragedy of Mother India is that, when British People left they handed over the India to such people who changed nothing what was started by British and Indian leaders and politicians kept ruling India with the same rules and principals of British people.
British people gave us few good things and few bad things.
Those were bad things like quota system ,division on the basis of caste and religion , British people introduced that to safeguard their rule on India, but our Indian rulers also adopted same policy and ideas to create their own family rule forever in India .
Before Independence as well as after Independence also the sad story is that we never got any opposition party who wanted to change this.
And Introduce reservation in everything in India on the basis of collective salary of family.

All political parties know that divide and rule policy based on castes and religion will make them rich, will always help them hide their corruption and bad deeds and they are following it religiously

Today now in India this has become permanent method to give reservation on the basis of caste and religion to get more votes and no one has authority and powers to stop this.

Let’s know the history of Reservation –

1. In India reservation was given to people before Indian independence also when India was ruled by British people.

2. 1882 - Hunter Commission appointed. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule made a demand of free and compulsory education for all along with proportionate reservation/representation in government jobs.

3. In the year 1902 , Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj, Maharaja of Kolhapur in Maharashtra
4. Introduced reservation in favor of backward classes to eradicate poverty and give them chance to participate in the state administration.
5. The notification of 1902 created 50% reservation in services for backward classes/communities in the State of Kolhapur. This notification is the first Govt. Order providing for reservation for the welfare of depressed classes in India.

6. Because of caste system millions of families in India got ill treatment and no opportunities to rise in society.

7. 1908-Reservations were introduced in favor of a number of castes and communities that had little share in the administration by the British.

8. 1909- Provisions were made in the Government of India Act 1909 commonly known as the Morley-Minto Reforms

9. 1919 - Provisions were made in the Government of India Act 1919

10. 1921-Madras Presidency introduces Communal G O in which reservation of 44 per cent for non-Brahmins, 16 per cent for Brahmins, 16 per cent for Muslims, 16 per cent for Anglo-Indians/ Christians and eight per cent for Scheduled Castes.

11. 1935-Indian national congress passes resolution called Poona Pact to allocate separate electoral constituencies for depressed classes.

12. 1935 - Provisions in Government of India Act 1935.

13. 1947-India obtained Independence. Dr. Ambedkar was appointed chairman of the drafting committee for Indian Constitution.

14. 26/01/1950-The Constitution of India came in force.

15. 1951 - In the case of State of Madras Vs. Smt. Champakam Dorairanjan AIR 1951 SC 226 Court has pronounced that caste based reservations as per Communal Award violates Article 15(1).

16. 1st constitutional amendment (Art. 15 (4)) introduced to make judgment invalid.

17. 1953-Kalelkar Commission was established to assess the situation of the socially and educationally backward class.

18. 1963 - Court has put 50% cap on reservations in the case of M R Balaji v Mysore AIR 1963 SC 649.

19. Tamil Nadu (69%, under 9th schedule) and Rajasthan 68% exceeded this limit.

20. 1979-Mandal Commission was established to assess the situation of the socially and educationally backward. 1980-the commission submitted a report, and recommended changes to the existing quotas, increasing them from 22% to 49.5%.As of 2006 number of castes in Backward class list went up to 2297 which is the increase of 60% from community list prepared by Mandal commission.

21. 1990-Mandal commission recommendations were implemented in Government Jobs by Vishwanath Pratap Singh.

22. 1991-Narasimha rao Government introduced 10% separate reservation for Poor among Forward Castes.

23. 1994 Supreme court advised Tamilnadu to follow 50% limit

24. 1995-Parliament by 77th Constitutional amendment inserted Art 16(4) (A) permitting reservation in promotions to the Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes.

25. 2005 August 12 - The Supreme Court delivered a unanimous judgment by 7 judges on August 12, 2005 in the case of P.A. Inamdar & Ors. Vs. State of Maharashtra & Ors.declaring that the State can't impose its reservation policy on minority and non-minority unaided private colleges, including professional colleges. 2005-93rd Constitutional amendment brought for ensuring reservations

26. To other backward classes and Scheduled castes and Tribes in Private Educational institutions. This effectively reversed the 2005 August Supreme Court judgment.

27. 9th March 2010 - Women Reservation Bill passed in the Upper house, Rajya Sabha.

The above time line is not complete and detailed I have tried to put only important points in this reservation history of India.

Reality Views by sm -

Like this Reservation in India is given on the basis of caste, sub caste and religion, and political parties are using this method to get the votes.

Now we Indians can not change this without revolt and today revolt is not possible and not good for India , so better is Indians should learn to ask the political parties and as well as tell them we want reservation in everywhere only based on the collective salary of family not caste or religion.
What ever may be the caste or religion, he is Indian first and if he is Indian first and poor and needy he should be given Reservation Benefits.

This way only real and need people of India will get the benefits of reservation otherwise the creamy layer people of India will continue to enjoy all the benefits and we will keep fighting on issue like we need reservation or not .

Let’s accept the fact that we need reservation and we have to see that Reservation reaches to poor and needy families.

For political gains and votes political parties will keep the Ghost of Reservation alive forever, so it is better we Indians keep an eye and see that the reservation benefits are going to real and needy persons of India based on the economic status of family not the rich class of Indians who became rich using reservation.

Always Support and Demand Economic Reservation in Every Field
Always ask political parities and leaders why they do not support economic reservation, when it will help every poor and needy Indian.

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