Monday, March 15, 2010

India – Reservation policy – The Problem and Solution

India – Reservation policy – The Problem and Solution
Does India Need Reservation Policy?
Reality Views by sm -
Reservation in India will never go.
Reservation policy in India is going to stay forever.
India is a democracy and for the voting and to get the votes and to develop vote banks, political business houses will keep the Ghost of Reservation alive forever.

There is no end to the reservation policy in India.
This is reason we As Indias should accept this reality of India, be realistic and demand realistic things from the elected politicians.
And start to demand the reservation based on the economic, collective salary of the family and reservation benefits only for the first two kids then it may be girl or boy.

The problems of Indian Reservation Policy –

1. Caste and Religion based

2. Important is to belong to caste , not be Indian , needy Indian

3. No data available to know who is getting advantages of reservation

4. Same families are using these reservation benefits after becoming rich also

5. The real needy Indians many times do not even know their reservation rights or know how to claim them, because they do not even get the two time meals in India.

6. The upper class and needy Indians are left to die without any reservation and help from Indian government.

Why Political Business Houses Support and want Reservation –

1. To create vote banks

2. To Divide Indian society on the name of caste , religion and gender

3. Are using same policies of British Raj to keep their family Raj forever on India

How Reservation Policy in India will end –

Without bloodshed and revolution – Reservation policy will never end from India.
After that revolution also I am sure Reservation will be again introduced for the families of youth who will sacrifice their life for this revolution or civil war.

Do I support this type of Revolution –?

No I do not support violent Revolution and in India peaceful revolution has no value.

It’s very difficult in India to get good things done by peaceful way, as no one is interested to follow the laws and know and understand the laws.

But still laws like Right to Information Act are keeping the hopes alive that India will change and we Indians will not need civil war to change the face of India.

Which Factors are Necessary to keep Reservation policy alive forever in India -

1. Democracy

2. Poverty

3. caste and religion

If we Indians will keep fighting on the point that
We do not need reservation and bad effects of Reservation ,
politicians will keep dividing us Indians on the name of caste, religion and gender and
will continue introducing new reservations in new sectors one after another

Women Reservation Bill will be passed this year or after 14 years, but it will become the law one day in India.

Solution Regarding Reservation Policy in India -

For the benefit of India we as Indians should support every Reservation and demand that every reservation should be based on collective salary of family and should be available for the first two children of the family and database should be maintained who is enjoying the benefits of reservation, should be available on the internet with the name and addresses of the family with photographs.

This should be applied to the education, jobs, women reservation and what ever reservation policy our elected politicians try to implement in India.

Just think as an Indian and be honest with yourself
Do you think by opposing the reservation bills and delaying the bills what we are getting?
By opposition what we Indians are getting , just delay in making of new laws and in this fight we Indians do not even care to know inside of the new legislation and law.
We are wasting valuable time of our generation as well as next generations.
Just calculate how many hours Indians has wasted in last 14 years regarding this women reservation bill.

With just few modifications to women reservation bill, the women reservation bill will create wonders in India.

With this reservation we Indians should take the opportunity and demand economic reservation in the every type of reservation.

Just 3 clauses – will change the Reservation attitude in India and real and needy Indians will enjoy the real benefits of Reservation policy.

1. Reservation on the collective salary of family, that is salary of husband and wife, and incomes derived from all other sources like gifts or income from joint family property.

2. 2nd is Benefit of the Reservation for only first 2 children.

3. Creation of online database so every Indian will know who is, which family is enjoying the benefits of reservation in education or job or women reservation , or any type of reservation which our Intelligent political business houses introduce in India.

This way all the problems and objections to the Reservation Policy will end.

But we Indians always emotionally keep speaking and demanding without any legal thinking or constructive thinking for the future of India, which will definitely give us positive results.
Wake up Indians and understand the reality of Indian politics.
Political Business Houses are keeping us Indians busy in useless fights,
So if you want to demand something regarding Reservation,
Be positive and demand only
Economic Reservation for the first two kids only.

Otherwise We Indians will keep debating on the need and bad effects of Reservation and these political business houses will keep dividing Indian society on the name of caste, religion and gender.

So don’t be fool and do not waste your energy and applications and brain power regarding cancellation of reservation

Get united and demand Reservation with the Right conditions and laws.

Demand the economic reservation for the first two kids only.

Reality of Indian politics and India about Women Reservation Policy –

Indians are debating do we need women reservation on the same time, 2nd hand all the political business houses are ready to accept this bill
And the political business houses are opposing this bill as bill does not specify the reservation based on the caste and religion of female. Political Business Houses are demanding women reservation based on the caste and religion as soon as Government of Congress agree to this , all political parties are ready to accept this women reservation bill 2010.

Currently 33.3 percent seats in panchayat elections have been reserved for women already.

So we as Indians may file cases in Supreme Court of India to cancel this reservation policy
but in reality this bill is going to stay in India, will become the law in India this year
or after 14 years women reservation bill is going to become the law.

Now question is Do we want Reservation based on caste and religion or
We want reservation based on the collective salary of the family and for the first two kids only

Think for a Minute -

Now it is in the hands of every Indian to waste his energy on the cancellation of women reservation bill


to fight and get such a women reservation bill passed by the elected politicians which will really benefit the females of India and will empower the real females of India not the females of rich political business houses.

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