By: sm
India a super power ? Mumbai terrorism ? More questions ?
People say india will be super power in next 10 or 20 years ?
Do you really think india will become super power if you think this way then i have to make your aware about few things .
A country where right to education is not fundamental right .
A country where religion ,language is more important than humanity or equality.
A country where still we teach kids that he is hindu, he is muslim but dont teach them he is indian .
A country whose population 70% stays in a small area than the space area occupied by the usa ,american prisioner .
A country whose 70% population can not earn per day 1 american doller .1 american doller is equal to 45 to 50 indian rupees.
the truth is that india will not become super power unless and untill our political system changes. we got everything to be on top, but our political system has rotten .
In america there was only one terror attact ,in last 15 years we are suffereing, even our parliament was put at war, but do you see any political will or change in this system.
Our politicians even dont have courage to hang the guilty criminals .Supreme court of india has given punishment hang till deathBut our politicians dont dare to give him capital punishment.
Political system will never change as this system makes them ,a servant king of india .he can do whatever he wants, that is politicians for there security they have 300 cars or 500 cars with commandoes etc.with whose money they enjoy such liberty ?this is tax payers money .Do we have courage to ask them what is there qualifiication that they become Defence Minister. What is there qualification they have become Home minister ?Do we have courage to ask them give us your presenty card. In every company there is presenty card, when employee came and when employee went outside company .and how much work he has done.
How many politicians send there sons and daughters to the army ?
our policians are servants of india ,do you think they behave like servants ?
Now question is our political system has become useless .
Do you think this politicians will change ?
Our politicians will never change .When there own there kin will become victim of terror then they will understand .Do you think they will change after there loveones will suffer terror attack ?
Hope they will change and do the needful and even if they dont change ,one day time will come such a that they will be shown doors by future generations. we hope this will happen peaceful way in future.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Mubai india terror 26/11 Few questions ?
By: sm
Mubai india terror 26/11
We all know that , this incident will be forgotten by mejoirty indians ,will be forgotten by politicians, there will be no change in system .
who is responsible for this terror ?Dont you think when we fight on the issue of language or state and beat some indian is it not terror?
Dont you think when you kill someone when he changes his religion that is also terror.
Just few questions i have to ask to myself you can also ask yourself.
Are we living in a country called India ?
If some one ask you question where are you from ? what will be your answer , i am from india or your answer will be i am from maharashtra,punjab or mp,bihar .
Are we still slaves of this new independent india ,controlled and run by political parties ?
i have right to select the candidate ,but after getting power if he becomes courrupt i do not have right to remove him .
Do you think india we got rule of law or mob rule ?
what happens on valentines day we all know it .
Do you think religion is more imp or humanity ?
we all know what happens on the conversion of religion
Mubai india terror 26/11
We all know that , this incident will be forgotten by mejoirty indians ,will be forgotten by politicians, there will be no change in system .
who is responsible for this terror ?Dont you think when we fight on the issue of language or state and beat some indian is it not terror?
Dont you think when you kill someone when he changes his religion that is also terror.
Just few questions i have to ask to myself you can also ask yourself.
Are we living in a country called India ?
If some one ask you question where are you from ? what will be your answer , i am from india or your answer will be i am from maharashtra,punjab or mp,bihar .
Are we still slaves of this new independent india ,controlled and run by political parties ?
i have right to select the candidate ,but after getting power if he becomes courrupt i do not have right to remove him .
Do you think india we got rule of law or mob rule ?
what happens on valentines day we all know it .
Do you think religion is more imp or humanity ?
we all know what happens on the conversion of religion
Mumbai Terrorism 26/11
Mumbai Terrorism 26/11
Aye..mere watan ke logon zara aakhan main bhar lo pani,
Jo shaheed huein hain unke zara yaad karo kurbani!

More than last 15 years India is facing terrorism problem but India will not learn , indian
politicians will do nothing . They will declare rewards to the persons who died in terror attack and forget thempeople of india will forget it .media will forget it . you will even hear that Indian army, nsg is
weak etc.
So just want to remember the brave police men and army people who died and fought for
my country India, we will never forget you.these politicians will forget you ,but honest common man will never forget you.
Mumbai Terrorism 26/11
Aye..mere watan ke logon zara aakhan main bhar lo pani,
Jo shaheed huein hain unke zara yaad karo kurbani!

More than last 15 years India is facing terrorism problem but India will not learn , indian
politicians will do nothing . They will declare rewards to the persons who died in terror attack and forget thempeople of india will forget it .media will forget it . you will even hear that Indian army, nsg is
weak etc.
So just want to remember the brave police men and army people who died and fought for
my country India, we will never forget you.these politicians will forget you ,but honest common man will never forget you.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
How to earn millions monthly and permanantly ?
- Reality Views By: Sm
How to earn millions monthly and permanantly ?
To earn millions monthly , you dont need any qualifications .
This is a kind of lottery .Every 5 years you can play this lottery.
I will guarantee you that this lottery will be fruitful after 50 years or 25 years.
Your next generations will be thankful for you for playing this lottery.
If you play this lottery,gamble and luckily if you win this gamble following benefits you will get.
1- You will have no responsiblity ,no work only have to talk and fight on anything ,even you can fight on a issue like why my telephone colour is black.
2- You will get unlimimted free phonecall, unlimited medical expenses, unlimited travel to foreign countries with family members, unlimited petrol expenses, new cars every year,free residence in a posh locality.
3- you will get pension and above all facilities also. .After winning this lottery above all facilites you will enjoy them permanantly.
4- you will get free police protection, you will get daily invitations to parties,
5- If you do any illegal ,unlawful activity in your office ,you will just face enquiry ,even if you are caught red handed on camera, you will not be punished, but you will get pramotions.
So my friends after reading this are you ready to play this gamble,play this lottery ok then prepare yourself to stand as a independent candidate in elections 2009.Become a Politician , stand for elections ,play this gamble if you win this gamble you know the benefits. - Be The king of India after winning elections and your generations will rule India.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Terrorism has no religion.
Terrorism has no religion.No religion teaches any one to kill innocent people .
Today in india political parties are utilising the term hindu terrorism relating to some so called indian citizens whom ATS anti terrorist squad has arrested.
It is the duty of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies to see that they are guilty or not .
it is the duty of television media that they should stop using words like hindu or muslim terror.
every human being can become a criminal . criminals and terrririst have no religion and no families.
even your god indra has done crimes so i hope you will understand that political parties do not wish to talk about real problems india is facing like political corruption,energy,water, food etc.
They are making us fools from last 50 years on the name of religion or ram mandir.
so please dont listen to any political parties try to understand the truth ,learn to see the truth.
Truth is that terrorist or criminals have no religion and todays political parties have onlyone agenda to fight with each other on thirdclass, unimportant issues and waste the money and time of india.
Please do not support anyone who says ,objects ATS if you feel they are innoncent please go give them best of best lawyers .
Do not challenge judiciary and law enforcement department By doing so you are showing that they are totally liears.
Do you see this political parties fighting for common man ?
Do you see this political parties taking oath that they will not stay in air conditioner homes when milions of indians stay in darkenss daily for 24 hours.
Friends remember the days of Babri and Ram mandir issue ? who died there only poor people died there.
Terrorism has no religion.No religion teaches any one to kill innocent people .
Today in india political parties are utilising the term hindu terrorism relating to some so called indian citizens whom ATS anti terrorist squad has arrested.
It is the duty of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies to see that they are guilty or not .
it is the duty of television media that they should stop using words like hindu or muslim terror.
every human being can become a criminal . criminals and terrririst have no religion and no families.
even your god indra has done crimes so i hope you will understand that political parties do not wish to talk about real problems india is facing like political corruption,energy,water, food etc.
They are making us fools from last 50 years on the name of religion or ram mandir.
so please dont listen to any political parties try to understand the truth ,learn to see the truth.
Truth is that terrorist or criminals have no religion and todays political parties have onlyone agenda to fight with each other on thirdclass, unimportant issues and waste the money and time of india.
Please do not support anyone who says ,objects ATS if you feel they are innoncent please go give them best of best lawyers .
Do not challenge judiciary and law enforcement department By doing so you are showing that they are totally liears.
Do you see this political parties fighting for common man ?
Do you see this political parties taking oath that they will not stay in air conditioner homes when milions of indians stay in darkenss daily for 24 hours.
Friends remember the days of Babri and Ram mandir issue ? who died there only poor people died there.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Story of a baby called India . story by sm. Part 1
Story of a baby called India . story by sm. Part 1
Today also as usual India was working late in his office .He was the President of the multinational software company .. suddenly he listened his laptop beeping , and he saw it was his sticky note reminding him that Tomorrow is his birthday The 15 th August. Tomorrow he will become 60 years old.
As he was preparing to leave office,he heard his office employees saying him happy birthday and asking about the party. India promised them party and left the office.
As he was driving home ,he stoped as there was red signal . he saw outside his car window and felt very sad, when saw the young naked poor kids begging and suddenly he went back into his past and remembered his mother his brothers his life.
He remembered that when he was born ,his mother told him that same year his father was killed by somone. His brothers were killed in riots. it was very bad year ,but still his mother was joyous as she gave birth to India.When father of india died before that his big joint family was broken as his father and uncles fought on who will be the next family head ,in this fight both became very angree and they divided there property .there home was partitioned. His mother always told him the glory of there past generations , she said to him always there ancestors were so rich that all refered them as the country of gold where animals ,birds also stay in gold nests.Regarding this India was always confused , as when india started to understand ,he always thought does mom lying him or something was missing he didnt understand it neither his mom was able to tell him explain him properly.
Suddenly India heard his driver calling him that they reached home .He felt discomfort to enter into his own home as he was alone ,there people who watied for him were killed in a bombblast , his wife and kids were all killed last year in a bombblast ,his familes many intelligent boys left him left his company,home as they felt Now India will never give them opportunities , as family was growing day after day .
From his childhood days ,Everyone said that India is very intelligent ,sharp but very emotinal boy even his mother told him he is just like a big baby at the age of 60 also.she always told him that when he will growup ,he has to find his identity among the big boys like usa and uk etc . His mother wanted ,hoped that her son India will bring back the glory of golden family,state which there ancestors enjoyed thousands years back.
India was President ,but his mejority company officers have became courrupt ,who didnt work unless others gave them bribes and India was helpless as he was President without powers. His mother thought that he is not doing his job well as she was uneducated ,but very loving and caring towards him and everyone . India always tried to explain to his mother situation, but she didnt listen and just kept prasing ancestors who lived in a golden kingdom ,but she was forgotten hundered of years when they were ruled by outsiders ,who took away there gold , diamonds etc.
India even tried to explain the situation to his friends ,but in vain as everyone was happy with the stories of past ancestors and golden days,kingdom.
India went to his bed ,tried to sleep but like last 60 years he was unable to sleep, he rolled from this side to other ,took the pillow cried and reminded himself that he has to stay strong and postive as his family has became very big family ,family of billions growing daily per second .
India knew he has to act if he want to fulfill his mothers and fathers dreams.
Story of a baby called India . story by sm. Part 1
Today also as usual India was working late in his office .He was the President of the multinational software company .. suddenly he listened his laptop beeping , and he saw it was his sticky note reminding him that Tomorrow is his birthday The 15 th August. Tomorrow he will become 60 years old.
As he was preparing to leave office,he heard his office employees saying him happy birthday and asking about the party. India promised them party and left the office.
As he was driving home ,he stoped as there was red signal . he saw outside his car window and felt very sad, when saw the young naked poor kids begging and suddenly he went back into his past and remembered his mother his brothers his life.
He remembered that when he was born ,his mother told him that same year his father was killed by somone. His brothers were killed in riots. it was very bad year ,but still his mother was joyous as she gave birth to India.When father of india died before that his big joint family was broken as his father and uncles fought on who will be the next family head ,in this fight both became very angree and they divided there property .there home was partitioned. His mother always told him the glory of there past generations , she said to him always there ancestors were so rich that all refered them as the country of gold where animals ,birds also stay in gold nests.Regarding this India was always confused , as when india started to understand ,he always thought does mom lying him or something was missing he didnt understand it neither his mom was able to tell him explain him properly.
Suddenly India heard his driver calling him that they reached home .He felt discomfort to enter into his own home as he was alone ,there people who watied for him were killed in a bombblast , his wife and kids were all killed last year in a bombblast ,his familes many intelligent boys left him left his company,home as they felt Now India will never give them opportunities , as family was growing day after day .
From his childhood days ,Everyone said that India is very intelligent ,sharp but very emotinal boy even his mother told him he is just like a big baby at the age of 60 also.she always told him that when he will growup ,he has to find his identity among the big boys like usa and uk etc . His mother wanted ,hoped that her son India will bring back the glory of golden family,state which there ancestors enjoyed thousands years back.
India was President ,but his mejority company officers have became courrupt ,who didnt work unless others gave them bribes and India was helpless as he was President without powers. His mother thought that he is not doing his job well as she was uneducated ,but very loving and caring towards him and everyone . India always tried to explain to his mother situation, but she didnt listen and just kept prasing ancestors who lived in a golden kingdom ,but she was forgotten hundered of years when they were ruled by outsiders ,who took away there gold , diamonds etc.
India even tried to explain the situation to his friends ,but in vain as everyone was happy with the stories of past ancestors and golden days,kingdom.
India went to his bed ,tried to sleep but like last 60 years he was unable to sleep, he rolled from this side to other ,took the pillow cried and reminded himself that he has to stay strong and postive as his family has became very big family ,family of billions growing daily per second .
India knew he has to act if he want to fulfill his mothers and fathers dreams.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Know how to vote ? india vote with conditions if you want change
By: sm
Know how to vote ? india vote with conditions if you want change
People always say that what is use of vote , as all candidates are not good,they dont have
good choice ,so what is use of voting ,it is wastage of time .
So i am writing guidelines ,ideas how to vote and get a a good leader,good lawmaker .
1- Vote but no vote :
You will say all candidates are not good .So you will not vote. Yes ok i agree with this so
please dont vote ,but go to the poll booth ,poll center and vote . What you should do is when you go to poll write on that paper what you feel , like " No one is eligible " or what is in
your heart . if dont like this then there may be 10 names of candidates ,then vote for all 10
candidates, by ticking or stamping on his name. But please vote .
2- Fix conditions ,your critaria :
when you vote in your heart and mind, please make some critaria ,remember when
company selects the worker,employee they have selection crataria,when you want to join
global companies like infosis,tata,microsoft ,you work hard with honesty and prepare your
biodata so they can select you.
Here is the job of CEO of india , so you are going to choose CEO of india ,so you must
have some critaria in your head and mind.
3- Retirement age for politicans :
Every person ,every job has a retirement age , then please fix the retirement age for
yourcandidate like 55 or 60 or 65 . police department to judiciary everyone has retirment
age.Even Bill gates got retired from his company.If you can not fix the retirment age then i give you hint, ask your father,and relatives what is
there age of retirment and fix that age for your selection . once you fix the retirment age for your election candidate it will be like this ," i will vote only for the candidate who is below age 65 i will not vote for any candidate who is
above 65 " As my father is not allowed to work after age 65, my no relative is not allowed to work after
65, in future i will not be allowed to work after 65 so i will not permit politicians to work after
age 65 .Please fix the retirement age for your politicians.
4- Dont vote for Father-son-grandson :
Do not vote for party sponsored candidate, you will ask why not to vote them, Because all
parties are same ,there aims ,dreams are all same, they will not change anything.parties only give tickets to relatives,friends. A honest hardworker, party worker will rarely get
a ticket to contest a election.
5- vote for independant candidate.
which type of independate candidate ,a person who is first time in his whole life is contesting election is a independent candidatewhen you vote for independate candidate ,this will encourge other good people to
stand,contest elections .
6- Dont see the religion :
when you go to vote ,check his education, background of past 50 years. try to find out if his
father was office boy in 1950 how in 50 years he become owner of 100 crores,50 crores,ask yourself question, my whole family work in 50 years but still our income is not more than
1 crore ,which we spend all , so in 1950 also you were middle class,low class , today also
you are middle class, so how come the politician who was low class in 1950 become super
rich class in 2008.
7- Check how many kids he got if he is married .
If he has more than 2 kids then dont vote for him , if he got more kids ,children then it shows
that he can not care for his family how can he care for the family of 100 crore indians.more children show that he do not have managment skills, do not have future vision.
8- Do not vote on promises.:
In india it is not compulsory for political leader to fulfill all his promises . it is just a promise
which he will never fulfill.
9- vote for candidate who will say the realistic things of life, like he will bring or start xxx
project and it wil benefit after 5 years or 20 years like honestly
10- this list is endless but i hope you got idea if you want you can ask me for more.
11- please vote and choose good leaders .
12- yes we can change india if we vote with condtions
Know how to vote ? india vote with conditions if you want change
People always say that what is use of vote , as all candidates are not good,they dont have
good choice ,so what is use of voting ,it is wastage of time .
So i am writing guidelines ,ideas how to vote and get a a good leader,good lawmaker .
1- Vote but no vote :
You will say all candidates are not good .So you will not vote. Yes ok i agree with this so
please dont vote ,but go to the poll booth ,poll center and vote . What you should do is when you go to poll write on that paper what you feel , like " No one is eligible " or what is in
your heart . if dont like this then there may be 10 names of candidates ,then vote for all 10
candidates, by ticking or stamping on his name. But please vote .
2- Fix conditions ,your critaria :
when you vote in your heart and mind, please make some critaria ,remember when
company selects the worker,employee they have selection crataria,when you want to join
global companies like infosis,tata,microsoft ,you work hard with honesty and prepare your
biodata so they can select you.
Here is the job of CEO of india , so you are going to choose CEO of india ,so you must
have some critaria in your head and mind.
3- Retirement age for politicans :
Every person ,every job has a retirement age , then please fix the retirement age for
yourcandidate like 55 or 60 or 65 . police department to judiciary everyone has retirment
age.Even Bill gates got retired from his company.If you can not fix the retirment age then i give you hint, ask your father,and relatives what is
there age of retirment and fix that age for your selection . once you fix the retirment age for your election candidate it will be like this ," i will vote only for the candidate who is below age 65 i will not vote for any candidate who is
above 65 " As my father is not allowed to work after age 65, my no relative is not allowed to work after
65, in future i will not be allowed to work after 65 so i will not permit politicians to work after
age 65 .Please fix the retirement age for your politicians.
4- Dont vote for Father-son-grandson :
Do not vote for party sponsored candidate, you will ask why not to vote them, Because all
parties are same ,there aims ,dreams are all same, they will not change anything.parties only give tickets to relatives,friends. A honest hardworker, party worker will rarely get
a ticket to contest a election.
5- vote for independant candidate.
which type of independate candidate ,a person who is first time in his whole life is contesting election is a independent candidatewhen you vote for independate candidate ,this will encourge other good people to
stand,contest elections .
6- Dont see the religion :
when you go to vote ,check his education, background of past 50 years. try to find out if his
father was office boy in 1950 how in 50 years he become owner of 100 crores,50 crores,ask yourself question, my whole family work in 50 years but still our income is not more than
1 crore ,which we spend all , so in 1950 also you were middle class,low class , today also
you are middle class, so how come the politician who was low class in 1950 become super
rich class in 2008.
7- Check how many kids he got if he is married .
If he has more than 2 kids then dont vote for him , if he got more kids ,children then it shows
that he can not care for his family how can he care for the family of 100 crore indians.more children show that he do not have managment skills, do not have future vision.
8- Do not vote on promises.:
In india it is not compulsory for political leader to fulfill all his promises . it is just a promise
which he will never fulfill.
9- vote for candidate who will say the realistic things of life, like he will bring or start xxx
project and it wil benefit after 5 years or 20 years like honestly
10- this list is endless but i hope you got idea if you want you can ask me for more.
11- please vote and choose good leaders .
12- yes we can change india if we vote with condtions
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Do you think action of BBC sacking sam mason is right ?
By: sm
Do you think action of BBC sacking sam mason is right ?
A deep analysis.
You must have read the dialogue between sam mason and taxi company.
From that we can know that , mason is afraid of asian taxi drivers ?what she felt she told honestly .On this point taxi company should have told them trust the company, our asian drivers are as good as white drivers.
Today if another mason says i dont want to purchase a car from showroom where turban head work is it racist.
if mother goes with daughther to swimming couch and says she dont want turban head teacherfor her dauther is it racist.
someone says i do not want to purchase or eat in asian hotel is it racist.
she fears for her daughter .so best way is to see that her fears of turban head people does not stay with her for life.
Now as BBC sacked her it achived negative points , For all life mason will curse and say bad words to turban head .her 14 year daughter will always say turban head is the cause my mother lost the job.
So there was only one turban head mason who feared turban now action of bbc has added one more.
we dont think it is racist its her money,its her choice and if company feels and cares so much about the drivers you should deny her request .
Its the masons, right of freedom of speech .
Now mason has to find out does she was made aware that her call was being recorded, if company has to record call as per laws company has to make aware the client that her call is being recorded and can be used as evidence.if company didnt inform mason ,mason should file the case suit against taxi company.
she should file a suit against bbc also claiming her right of speech.and return of her job.
This is how the hatred begins . Bbc should have helped her get ,over come the fear of turban head drivers, taxi company should have helped her to overcome her fear.
The action of bbc has just added one more turabn head ,hater.
sacking is not solution helping the employee to get her fear overcome is the duty of employer as well as society.
Do you think action of BBC sacking sam mason is right ?
A deep analysis.
You must have read the dialogue between sam mason and taxi company.
From that we can know that , mason is afraid of asian taxi drivers ?what she felt she told honestly .On this point taxi company should have told them trust the company, our asian drivers are as good as white drivers.
Today if another mason says i dont want to purchase a car from showroom where turban head work is it racist.
if mother goes with daughther to swimming couch and says she dont want turban head teacherfor her dauther is it racist.
someone says i do not want to purchase or eat in asian hotel is it racist.
she fears for her daughter .so best way is to see that her fears of turban head people does not stay with her for life.
Now as BBC sacked her it achived negative points , For all life mason will curse and say bad words to turban head .her 14 year daughter will always say turban head is the cause my mother lost the job.
So there was only one turban head mason who feared turban now action of bbc has added one more.
we dont think it is racist its her money,its her choice and if company feels and cares so much about the drivers you should deny her request .
Its the masons, right of freedom of speech .
Now mason has to find out does she was made aware that her call was being recorded, if company has to record call as per laws company has to make aware the client that her call is being recorded and can be used as evidence.if company didnt inform mason ,mason should file the case suit against taxi company.
she should file a suit against bbc also claiming her right of speech.and return of her job.
This is how the hatred begins . Bbc should have helped her get ,over come the fear of turban head drivers, taxi company should have helped her to overcome her fear.
The action of bbc has just added one more turabn head ,hater.
sacking is not solution helping the employee to get her fear overcome is the duty of employer as well as society.
A BBC Radio presenter,Sam Mason, has been sacked following a 'racist' call to a taxi firm.

A BBC Radio presenter,Sam Mason, has been sacked following a 'racist' call to a taxi firm,
in which she requested a 'non-Asian' driver.Sam Mason told the operator that 'a guy with a turban would freak her daughter out'
insisting they send an English driver instead.Dialogue betwee Mason and taxi company :The ex-glamour girl, 40, called the firm to order a taxi for her 14-year-old daughter off-air,
while presenting her BBC Bristol radio show.After the operator branded her request 'racist', Mason insisted, claiming it wasn't the first
time she had made the request.She said: 'A guy with a turban is going to freak her out. She's not used to Asians.'
When the operator said it would not be possible to carry out her wishes, she said: 'You've
managed it before.'
Mason, claimed she wasn't racist but insisted she was looking out for her daughter's
interest.Mason said: 'If it were me I wouldn't care if it had two heads, but it's my little girl we are
talking about.'After the operator refused to book a car, Mason complained before hanging up.The operator said: 'We would class that as being racist. We can't just penalise the Asian
drivers and just send an English one.'She later called back before a manager accepted the booking.Mason said: 'I work at the BBC. I'm far from racist and that uneducated woman has no right
to call The BBC were alerted to the conversation after it was recorded and sent to the Sun
The mother-of-one was subsequently suspended and fired 24 hours later.A BBC spokesman said: 'Although Sam Mason's remarks were not made on-air, her
comments were completely unacceptable and, for that reason, she has been informed.
in which she requested a 'non-Asian' driver.Sam Mason told the operator that 'a guy with a turban would freak her daughter out'
insisting they send an English driver instead.Dialogue betwee Mason and taxi company :The ex-glamour girl, 40, called the firm to order a taxi for her 14-year-old daughter off-air,
while presenting her BBC Bristol radio show.After the operator branded her request 'racist', Mason insisted, claiming it wasn't the first
time she had made the request.She said: 'A guy with a turban is going to freak her out. She's not used to Asians.'
When the operator said it would not be possible to carry out her wishes, she said: 'You've
managed it before.'
Mason, claimed she wasn't racist but insisted she was looking out for her daughter's
interest.Mason said: 'If it were me I wouldn't care if it had two heads, but it's my little girl we are
talking about.'After the operator refused to book a car, Mason complained before hanging up.The operator said: 'We would class that as being racist. We can't just penalise the Asian
drivers and just send an English one.'She later called back before a manager accepted the booking.Mason said: 'I work at the BBC. I'm far from racist and that uneducated woman has no right
to call The BBC were alerted to the conversation after it was recorded and sent to the Sun
The mother-of-one was subsequently suspended and fired 24 hours later.A BBC spokesman said: 'Although Sam Mason's remarks were not made on-air, her
comments were completely unacceptable and, for that reason, she has been informed.
Friday, November 14, 2008
ENRON,DPC and Darkness in Maharashtra
ENRON,DPC and Darkness in Maharashtra
Enron power project a big corruption or mismanagement by govt.of india and maharashtra.
Lets understand the Enron ,a big dream lost because of greedyness or corruption or our govt.system
who is responsible that enron project failed after goverment of india, govt.of maharashtra
spending millions of dollers on project.
In short lets go to journey of Enron is it a journey of courruption or lack of education of govt.authorities.
This story statrs in a year 1992 when congress govt opened energy sector to foreign
1-on or around june 151992 ,Enron officials and General Electric arrived in New Delhi and
met with officials of the central government.
2-Memorandum of Understanding: Two days after that, the company delegation arrived in
Mumbai and reviewed sites along the coast. Following their survey, they met with
representatives of the government of Maharashtra, and on June 20, 1992, a Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) with the state government was signed to build the Dabhol Power
3-Now when this deal was going on our govermnet did not enqure about enron, our
goverment do not have knowledge about this project like how it will work like technical
knowledge, and govermnet didnt call the scholars from the indian energy sector to finalalise
the deal or to make a contract of 3 billion american dollers that is 10 000 crores rupess of
that time.
4-Neither the balance sheet and annual accounts of Enron, nor any information about its
activities, area of operation, its associates, etc, was obtained by the government .
5-The World Bank thus determined that the MoU was "one-sided" in favor of Enron the MSEB would have to pay the company for electricity at a prescribed rate, regardless of
whether the electricity was actually available, within 60 days.
6-the MSEB had agreed to a guaranteed minimum fuel purchase, while the fuel supplier was
not concurrently bound to provide a minimum quantity of fuel; and the MSEB had not verified
whether the price of fuel was economical. Consequently, the CEA concluded that the "entire
MoU is one sided" in favor of Enron and its partners. CEA IS government of India's Central Electricity Authority (CEA).
7-November 26, 1993, gave a provisional clearance to the project which would allow it to be
finalized. The government of Maharashtra took this as a final clearance and within a week the
final contract - the power purchasing agreement - was signed between the government of
Maharashtra and the Dabhol Power Corporation, to last for 20 years.
9- after this govt. of maharashtra gave guarantee that if state dont pay ,enron can take any
state property .A counter-guarantee was signed on September 9, 1994, by the government
of India, which by separate action also waived sovereign immunity.
10-Significantly, the agreement was treated as highly confidential and the MSEB and the
DPC refused a copy to the Mumbai Grahak Panchayat, which was one of the main
opponents of the project
property of india is a personal property of cm or pm of india. If u know ple tell me.
12-The MSEB promised to buy all the high-priced power produced by Enron, whether there
was demand or not, and even if cheaper power were available from its own generating
plants. These contracted annual payments to Enron would amount to half of Maharashtra's
entire budget expenditure.
13-However, the contract shields Enron from Indian jurisdiction as all disputes must be
settled under English law in England; An assurance was given that the project would not be
14-The project authorities carried out no environmental impact assessment;Enron paid $20 million as "educational gifts". Critics consider these payments to be bribes
to clear the project;The power purchase agreement between the DPC and MSEB was
initially kept secret from the public,
15-It was supposed to supply energy-hungry India with more than 2,000 megawatts of
electricity, about one-fifth the new energy needed by India each year.
16-To secure supplies of liquefied natural gas for the project, Enron lobbied New Delhi to
change its tariff system, which had been designed to discourage energy imports. Enron got
India to slash its duty on imports of liquefied natural gas from 105 percent to 15 percent.
17-The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Shiv Sena accused the ruling Congress Party
of selling out the people of Maharashtra. Local BJP leader Gopinath Munde threatened to
"throw Enron into the sea."
18- this is year 1995 now comes into picture other indian political parties
19-By mid-1995, after local elections, the state government of Maharashtra was in the hands
of a BJP and Shiv Sena coalition
20-Enron renegotiated parts of the deal. On Jan. 8, 1996, Enron and the state government
of Maharashtra BJP and shivsena.
21- question for BJP and shivsena before getting elected what you said and after winning
what you did was it not betrayal of maharashtra ? what you think ?
22-May 1997 incident, the National Human Rights Commission of India found the tactics of
local police forces to be "unjustified" and criticized Maharashtra Chief Minister Manohar
Joshi for giving orders to target the activists.
23- After year 2004 enron become bankrupt there many officials in usa weare sent to jails
24- in 1999 enron produced electricity for few months but price was so high
mscb,maharashtra goverment didnot pay money and company stop working. then enron
filed suit,complaint in london court for 26000 crore and as a result of guarantee by
govermnet of india, payed 26000 crore to Enron.
25- Currently DPC is producing only 350 mw power.
Because of all this mismanagement and courrption , Today Maharashtra is still in darkeness and will stay in darkness for many coming years..
ENRON,DPC and Darkness in Maharashtra
Enron power project a big corruption or mismanagement by govt.of india and maharashtra.
Lets understand the Enron ,a big dream lost because of greedyness or corruption or our govt.system
who is responsible that enron project failed after goverment of india, govt.of maharashtra
spending millions of dollers on project.
In short lets go to journey of Enron is it a journey of courruption or lack of education of govt.authorities.
This story statrs in a year 1992 when congress govt opened energy sector to foreign
1-on or around june 151992 ,Enron officials and General Electric arrived in New Delhi and
met with officials of the central government.
2-Memorandum of Understanding: Two days after that, the company delegation arrived in
Mumbai and reviewed sites along the coast. Following their survey, they met with
representatives of the government of Maharashtra, and on June 20, 1992, a Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) with the state government was signed to build the Dabhol Power
3-Now when this deal was going on our govermnet did not enqure about enron, our
goverment do not have knowledge about this project like how it will work like technical
knowledge, and govermnet didnt call the scholars from the indian energy sector to finalalise
the deal or to make a contract of 3 billion american dollers that is 10 000 crores rupess of
that time.
4-Neither the balance sheet and annual accounts of Enron, nor any information about its
activities, area of operation, its associates, etc, was obtained by the government .
5-The World Bank thus determined that the MoU was "one-sided" in favor of Enron the MSEB would have to pay the company for electricity at a prescribed rate, regardless of
whether the electricity was actually available, within 60 days.
6-the MSEB had agreed to a guaranteed minimum fuel purchase, while the fuel supplier was
not concurrently bound to provide a minimum quantity of fuel; and the MSEB had not verified
whether the price of fuel was economical. Consequently, the CEA concluded that the "entire
MoU is one sided" in favor of Enron and its partners. CEA IS government of India's Central Electricity Authority (CEA).
7-November 26, 1993, gave a provisional clearance to the project which would allow it to be
finalized. The government of Maharashtra took this as a final clearance and within a week the
final contract - the power purchasing agreement - was signed between the government of
Maharashtra and the Dabhol Power Corporation, to last for 20 years.
9- after this govt. of maharashtra gave guarantee that if state dont pay ,enron can take any
state property .A counter-guarantee was signed on September 9, 1994, by the government
of India, which by separate action also waived sovereign immunity.
10-Significantly, the agreement was treated as highly confidential and the MSEB and the
DPC refused a copy to the Mumbai Grahak Panchayat, which was one of the main
opponents of the project
property of india is a personal property of cm or pm of india. If u know ple tell me.
12-The MSEB promised to buy all the high-priced power produced by Enron, whether there
was demand or not, and even if cheaper power were available from its own generating
plants. These contracted annual payments to Enron would amount to half of Maharashtra's
entire budget expenditure.
13-However, the contract shields Enron from Indian jurisdiction as all disputes must be
settled under English law in England; An assurance was given that the project would not be
14-The project authorities carried out no environmental impact assessment;Enron paid $20 million as "educational gifts". Critics consider these payments to be bribes
to clear the project;The power purchase agreement between the DPC and MSEB was
initially kept secret from the public,
15-It was supposed to supply energy-hungry India with more than 2,000 megawatts of
electricity, about one-fifth the new energy needed by India each year.
16-To secure supplies of liquefied natural gas for the project, Enron lobbied New Delhi to
change its tariff system, which had been designed to discourage energy imports. Enron got
India to slash its duty on imports of liquefied natural gas from 105 percent to 15 percent.
17-The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Shiv Sena accused the ruling Congress Party
of selling out the people of Maharashtra. Local BJP leader Gopinath Munde threatened to
"throw Enron into the sea."
18- this is year 1995 now comes into picture other indian political parties
19-By mid-1995, after local elections, the state government of Maharashtra was in the hands
of a BJP and Shiv Sena coalition
20-Enron renegotiated parts of the deal. On Jan. 8, 1996, Enron and the state government
of Maharashtra BJP and shivsena.
21- question for BJP and shivsena before getting elected what you said and after winning
what you did was it not betrayal of maharashtra ? what you think ?
22-May 1997 incident, the National Human Rights Commission of India found the tactics of
local police forces to be "unjustified" and criticized Maharashtra Chief Minister Manohar
Joshi for giving orders to target the activists.
23- After year 2004 enron become bankrupt there many officials in usa weare sent to jails
24- in 1999 enron produced electricity for few months but price was so high
mscb,maharashtra goverment didnot pay money and company stop working. then enron
filed suit,complaint in london court for 26000 crore and as a result of guarantee by
govermnet of india, payed 26000 crore to Enron.
25- Currently DPC is producing only 350 mw power.
Because of all this mismanagement and courrption , Today Maharashtra is still in darkeness and will stay in darkness for many coming years..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Global warming sinking Maldives plans to save

Global warming sinking Maldives plans to save
The Maldives is starting to hoard cash in case it has to buy a new homeland because of climate change ,global warming.The Maldives will begin to divert a portion of the country's billion-dollar annual tourist revenue into buying a new homeland - as an insurance policy against climate change that threatens to turn the 300,000 islanders into environmental refugees.
From this news i hope some people will learn and start to care about environment.Be act ,Be altert .
First may be Maldives but remember next may be your country, India or Pakistan ,Usa or Ukor any country.
Humans have divided themselves into regions,countries but remember for nature everynation is same .
Save the planet ,Care for the Plant.
The Maldives is starting to hoard cash in case it has to buy a new homeland because of climate change ,global warming.The Maldives will begin to divert a portion of the country's billion-dollar annual tourist revenue into buying a new homeland - as an insurance policy against climate change that threatens to turn the 300,000 islanders into environmental refugees.
From this news i hope some people will learn and start to care about environment.Be act ,Be altert .
First may be Maldives but remember next may be your country, India or Pakistan ,Usa or Ukor any country.
Humans have divided themselves into regions,countries but remember for nature everynation is same .
Save the planet ,Care for the Plant.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Is it Another Spectrum Scam Scam amount 60 000 crore.
Is it Another Spectrum Scam Scam amount 60 000 crore.
'For the release of the fourth licence and the spectrum required, the Communications ministry adopted a completely inexplicable principle of 'first come first served' for allocating the licence as well as a licence fee based on 2001 price.
These 2G licences were priced at 2001 levels, allegedly to keep the costs low for the consumers.
'It is now clear from the sale of shares by Swan and Unitech that more than Rs 60,000 crore has been lost to the national exchequer by giving away scarce spectrum at a fraction of the market price
Now lets understand how the corruption was made through example.
1- This is goverment of india property so on the account The ministry must have called open auction .But Ministry thinks the Ministry is there own,licence is there own so they choose the method which will surely make loss.First come First Serve. Do you think selling rights,national property is social service.
2.- The licence was issued to the companies who dont have any experience in the mobile industy or may be limited experience.
3- Very imp point . our ministry sold licence to one company say,assume 1500 crore Now in few weeks this company sold only only 60% shares of this company to international mobile company at a price of 6000 crore .
Hope you got the point its great purchase the licence and sell the licence with great profits.
purchase price is 1500 crore and sell price is 6000 crore so what is net profit.?
Now question is dont you think if the auction was held the goverment of india must have got more than 6000 crores for this licence.
Do you think in your company, your company owner will allow to sell the product on first come first basis when price is not fixed and the product is only available with your company.
Now do you think its big corruption ?
Updated on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 –
SC issues notice to Raja and CBI on 2G spectrum scam –
The petitioner, an NGO, Centre for Public Interest Litigation, through Counsel Prashant Bhushan, said the entire investigation has been effectively scuttled.
He said tapes of conversation between image consultant and PR consultant Nira Radia and telecom minister Raja have been made available with CBI for about nine months. Still, Radia has not been called for questioning.
"Radia is the chief of various companies involved in consulting in telecom, power, aviation and infrastructure.
While entertaining the appeal, the Bench wondered why the CBI on October 21 last year registered a case against "unknown officers of the DoT and unknown private persons/companies" when they had so much evidence about the involvement of people in the alleged scam.
Supreme Court issued notices to CBI and telecom minister A Raja asking them why the apex court should not monitor the ongoing probe in view of the fear that it might be scuttled.
Supreme Court Bench comprising Justices G S Singhvi and A K Ganguly raised queries about the probe and issued notices to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Enforcement Directorate (ED) and Directorate General of Income Tax (DGIT).
'For the release of the fourth licence and the spectrum required, the Communications ministry adopted a completely inexplicable principle of 'first come first served' for allocating the licence as well as a licence fee based on 2001 price.
These 2G licences were priced at 2001 levels, allegedly to keep the costs low for the consumers.
'It is now clear from the sale of shares by Swan and Unitech that more than Rs 60,000 crore has been lost to the national exchequer by giving away scarce spectrum at a fraction of the market price
Now lets understand how the corruption was made through example.
1- This is goverment of india property so on the account The ministry must have called open auction .But Ministry thinks the Ministry is there own,licence is there own so they choose the method which will surely make loss.First come First Serve. Do you think selling rights,national property is social service.
2.- The licence was issued to the companies who dont have any experience in the mobile industy or may be limited experience.
3- Very imp point . our ministry sold licence to one company say,assume 1500 crore Now in few weeks this company sold only only 60% shares of this company to international mobile company at a price of 6000 crore .
Hope you got the point its great purchase the licence and sell the licence with great profits.
purchase price is 1500 crore and sell price is 6000 crore so what is net profit.?
Now question is dont you think if the auction was held the goverment of india must have got more than 6000 crores for this licence.
Do you think in your company, your company owner will allow to sell the product on first come first basis when price is not fixed and the product is only available with your company.
Now do you think its big corruption ?
Updated on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 –
SC issues notice to Raja and CBI on 2G spectrum scam –
The petitioner, an NGO, Centre for Public Interest Litigation, through Counsel Prashant Bhushan, said the entire investigation has been effectively scuttled.
He said tapes of conversation between image consultant and PR consultant Nira Radia and telecom minister Raja have been made available with CBI for about nine months. Still, Radia has not been called for questioning.
"Radia is the chief of various companies involved in consulting in telecom, power, aviation and infrastructure.
While entertaining the appeal, the Bench wondered why the CBI on October 21 last year registered a case against "unknown officers of the DoT and unknown private persons/companies" when they had so much evidence about the involvement of people in the alleged scam.
Supreme Court issued notices to CBI and telecom minister A Raja asking them why the apex court should not monitor the ongoing probe in view of the fear that it might be scuttled.
Supreme Court Bench comprising Justices G S Singhvi and A K Ganguly raised queries about the probe and issued notices to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Enforcement Directorate (ED) and Directorate General of Income Tax (DGIT).
Lets Install love its easy and freeware

Lets Install love its easy and freeware
Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?
Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love. Can you guide me through the process?
Tech Support : Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?
Customer : Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready, as long as you walk me through the steps. Tell me now, what do I do first?
Tech Support : The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?
Customer : Yes, but there are several other programmes running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?
Tech Support : Er... what programmes are running, can you list them for me?
Customer : Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.
Tech Support : No problem, you can go right ahead. Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer disrupt other programmes.
Love will eventually override Low Self-esteem with a module of its own called High Self-esteem. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programmes prevent Love from being properly installed. Tell me, can you turn those off?
Customer : Umm... let me see. Actually, I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how? Please help.
Tech Support : With pleasure. It's really quite simple. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.
Customer : Okay, done! Wow, Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?
Tech Support : Yes, but remember that you have only the base programme. It's quite basic. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.
Customer : Oops! I have an error message already. It says, 'Error’ Programme not run on external components.' What should I do now?
Tech Support : Don't worry, relax. It means that the Love programme is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.
Customer : So, what should I do?
Tech Support : Pull down Self-acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive Self; Realise Your Worth; and Acknowledge Your Limitations.
Customer : Okay, done. That wasn't too difficult.
Tech Support : Now, copy them to the 'My Heart' directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.
Customer : Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?
Tech Support : Sometimes. For others it takes a while, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running. One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to pass it and its various modules around to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.
Customer : Thank you, thank you so much.
Know About Poland - 1

Know about Poland :
Country’s full name: The Republic of Poland
National flag: Color: top - white, bottom - red
Know about Poland :
Country’s full name: The Republic of Poland
National flag: Color: top - white, bottom - red

National banner: flag with national emblem - national symbol used by ships, civil air ports, diplomatic missions and consular posts
National emblem: White eagle in a crown against a red background

National anthem: "Mazurek Dabrowskiego
Capital: Warsaw
Language: Polish
Population: 38 million
Currency: 1 zloty = 100 groszy
Area: 312,685 km2 (120,727 sqm)
Political system: Parliamentary democracy
Nobel Prize Winners:
Maria Sklodowska-Curie1903 - with her husband Piotr Curie, in physics, for discovering polonium and radium;1911 - in chemistry, for her work on chemical and physical characteristics of polonium and radium. Henryk Sienkiewicz1905 - in literature Wladyslaw Reymont1924 - in literature, for his novel „Chlopi” Czeslaw Milosz1980 - in literature Lech Walesa1983 - Peace Nobel Prize Wislawa Szymborska1996 - Nobel Prize in Literature

Monday, November 10, 2008
Are you planning to visit Goa, India ? If yes please read this .
Are you planning to visit Goa, India ? If yes please read this .
India is a good country and if you are european citizen or foreigner planning to visit Goa,india then please read this.
If you are coming with your minor daughters or girls please take care and see that you dont
keep them alone .
Dont do any friendships with political or rich people .
Stay always together and enjoy the beaches of Goa .
If you want to know more search on the topic on google in above search box, with terms
''goa scarlet rape case,'' or ''goa german rape case'' .etc
welcome to india and enjoy your trips with precautions .
precaution is better than cure.
Many people will say if they know what happend in german goa rape case , india is ashamed . sorry germany ,
India is a good country and if you are european citizen or foreigner planning to visit Goa,india then please read this.
If you are coming with your minor daughters or girls please take care and see that you dont
keep them alone .
Dont do any friendships with political or rich people .
Stay always together and enjoy the beaches of Goa .
If you want to know more search on the topic on google in above search box, with terms
''goa scarlet rape case,'' or ''goa german rape case'' .etc
welcome to india and enjoy your trips with precautions .
precaution is better than cure.
Many people will say if they know what happend in german goa rape case , india is ashamed . sorry germany ,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Know and understand Islamic banking
Know and understand Islamic banking .
Easy approach to understand islamic banking.
what is islamic banking system ?
A banking system which is based on Sharia muslim law and principles is called as islamic
banking system.
This banking system do not allow to give interest . this banking system do not allow to invest
money in the business which are contrary to islamic principles and law ,the term is harram
is used in islam for this.
this banks currently operate in muslim community mainly.
The first islamic bank was started ,savings bank based on profit-sharing in the Egyptian
town of Mit Ghamr in 1963. The first modern commercial Islamic bank, Dubai Islamic Bank, opened its doors in 1975.
The basic principle of Islamic banking is the sharing of profit and loss and the prohibition of
riba (usury).
Islamic or Shariah-compliant banking provides and uses financial services and products that
conform to Islamic religious practices and laws, which, in particular, prohibit the payment
and receipt of interest at a fixed or predetermined rate. In practice, this means that instead
of loans, Islamic banks use profit-and-loss sharing arrangements (PLS), purchase and
resale of goods and services, and the provision of services for fees form the basis of
In an Islamic bank, the rate of return on a deposit is directly dependent on the quality of the
bank's investment decisions.If the bank records losses as a result of bad investments, depositors may lose some (or all)
of their deposits. The contractual agreement between depositors and the Islamic banks
does not predetermine any rates of return, it only sets the ratio according to which profits
and losses are distributed between the parties to the deposit contract.
understand the islamic banking through example :
suppose Mr john wants a loan to purchase a car or say house and he goes to islamic bank,then bank will purchase the car and keep the ownership with the car and give that car to
mr.john .The ownership remains with the Bank until Mr.john pays the loan amout to the bank.same rule is applied to nearly everything just they use differet names for transactions.there are no late fees,penalites etc if john is not able to pay on time.
And finally, Islamic banking is restricted to Islamically acceptable deals, which exclude
those involving alcohol, pork, gambling, sex,movies, etc.
When islamic bank is smaller it works very good as depositers and management of bank
can watch ,monitor every activitiy very closely.
But when islamic bank becomes bigger crosses the state borders it becomes very difficult
to monitor .
current banking system is good but what happend in usa and fallout of all
economies is a result of greddyness of politicians, bankers,executives.
To over this problem there should be international monitoring bank or body which will watch
and detect the frauds,greedyness.laziness of banks .
Know and understand Islamic banking .
Easy approach to understand islamic banking.
what is islamic banking system ?
A banking system which is based on Sharia muslim law and principles is called as islamic
banking system.
This banking system do not allow to give interest . this banking system do not allow to invest
money in the business which are contrary to islamic principles and law ,the term is harram
is used in islam for this.
this banks currently operate in muslim community mainly.
The first islamic bank was started ,savings bank based on profit-sharing in the Egyptian
town of Mit Ghamr in 1963. The first modern commercial Islamic bank, Dubai Islamic Bank, opened its doors in 1975.
The basic principle of Islamic banking is the sharing of profit and loss and the prohibition of
riba (usury).
Islamic or Shariah-compliant banking provides and uses financial services and products that
conform to Islamic religious practices and laws, which, in particular, prohibit the payment
and receipt of interest at a fixed or predetermined rate. In practice, this means that instead
of loans, Islamic banks use profit-and-loss sharing arrangements (PLS), purchase and
resale of goods and services, and the provision of services for fees form the basis of
In an Islamic bank, the rate of return on a deposit is directly dependent on the quality of the
bank's investment decisions.If the bank records losses as a result of bad investments, depositors may lose some (or all)
of their deposits. The contractual agreement between depositors and the Islamic banks
does not predetermine any rates of return, it only sets the ratio according to which profits
and losses are distributed between the parties to the deposit contract.
understand the islamic banking through example :
suppose Mr john wants a loan to purchase a car or say house and he goes to islamic bank,then bank will purchase the car and keep the ownership with the car and give that car to
mr.john .The ownership remains with the Bank until Mr.john pays the loan amout to the bank.same rule is applied to nearly everything just they use differet names for transactions.there are no late fees,penalites etc if john is not able to pay on time.
And finally, Islamic banking is restricted to Islamically acceptable deals, which exclude
those involving alcohol, pork, gambling, sex,movies, etc.
When islamic bank is smaller it works very good as depositers and management of bank
can watch ,monitor every activitiy very closely.
But when islamic bank becomes bigger crosses the state borders it becomes very difficult
to monitor .
current banking system is good but what happend in usa and fallout of all
economies is a result of greddyness of politicians, bankers,executives.
To over this problem there should be international monitoring bank or body which will watch
and detect the frauds,greedyness.laziness of banks .
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Know about Bill Gates -

Know about Bill Gates -
William Henry "Bill" Gates III (born October 28, 1955), is an American business magnate, philanthropist, the world's third richest person (as of February 8, 2008), and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen. Gates was the richest person in the world for 15 consecutive years.
Gates's last full-time day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008. He remains at Microsoft as a part-time, non-executive chairman.
On January 1, 1994, Bill Gates married Melinda French Gates. They have three children.
Bill gates childhood - he started his career at the age of 13,he learned Basic language in there school .he and other students sought time on systems including DEC PDP minicomputers. One of these systems was a PDP-10 belonging to Computer Center Corporation (CCC), which banned four Lakeside students—Gates, Paul Allen, Ric Weiland, and Kent Evans—for the summer after it caught them exploiting bugs in the operating system to obtain free computer time.At the end of the ban, the four students offered to find bugs in CCC's software in exchange for computer time.
At age 17, Gates formed a venture with Allen, called Traf-O-Data, to make traffic counters based on the Intel 8008 processor.
Gates graduated from Lakeside School in 1973. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test and subsequently enrolled at Harvard College in the fall of 1973.
In 1974, Bill discovered that the Altair 8080 was being built to introduce computers to the public. Bill called the company that manufactured the device, MITS, and told them that he and Paul Allen had developed a version of the BASIC programming language that could be used on the Altair (which was a lie). The company showed interest and the two began actually writing the software, finishing it in about eight weeks. The two went to MITS and tested the software for the first time on a real Altair, observing that it worked perfectly. MITS bought the rights to the software for a tidy sum and Bill and Paul finally decided to start their own company.Bill left Harvard in 1975 to start Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen.on November 26, 1976, the trade name "Microsoft" was registered with the USPTO.
In 1981, they purchased the SCP-DOS operating system from a company called Seattle Computer Products and modified the software to become MS-DOS. Microsoft made a deal with IBM to develop software for a line of personal computers and MS-DOS was shipped on all IBM computers. By 1983, Microsoft had developed a more graphical operating system, which they called Windows, which supported usage of a mouse. Many say that Bill Gates stole the idea for a graphical operating system and the mouse from Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer, who stole the idea from Xerox.
in other words we can say they got inspired from each other like our bollywood gets inspired from hollywood.
In 1986, Microsoft became a publicly traded company and many investors jumped on the boat in anticipation of the growing computer market. The IPO price was $21 per share and Bill became a millionaire that same day.
In 2000, Gates and his wife combined three family foundations into one to create the charitable Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is the largest transparently operated charitable foundation in the world.
As of 2007 Bill and Melinda Gates were the second most generous philanthropist in America, having given over $28 billion to charity.Time magazine collectively named Gates, his wife Melinda and alternative rock band U2's lead singer Bono as the 2005 Persons of the Year for their humanitarian efforts.
Bill gates and melinda foundation is helping,spending lot of money in india for social cause also. while i was writing this topic just got news that bill and melinda gates visted red light area in pune city .
india i am trying to find our indian bill gates , if you know please let me know ?i know from india many peopel are mentioned in worlds rich list ? dont know who is like bill gates ?do you know who is indian bill gates ?

Friday, November 7, 2008
Usa -Survey links watching TV sex to teen pregnancy rates - we disagree reject it.
By : sm
Usa -Survey links watching TV sex to teen pregnancy rates - we disagree reject it.
Watching television shows such as 'Gossip Girl' or 'Desperate Housewives' that feature sexual content may put teens at an increased risk of becoming pregnant, a study found.
Adolescents who have high levels of exposure to television programs that contain sexual content are twice as likely to be involved in a pregnancy over the following three years as their peers who watch few such shows, according to a new RAND Corporation study.
we totally disagree with this reasearch .
There is no relationship between sex and tv and pregnancy if there may be relationship then also it do not relate to pregnancy.
Let me explain , In asian countries , India, Pakistan,Bangladesh where Fashion Tv is banned or goverment says its vulagr, where on indian television you can not show bikini models,where sex education on television is banned , in this situation also in india, teenage pregnancy is rising as fast as usa but it is not reported .
On the other hand it says when teen boys and girls watch sex related shows after 3 years it will result in girls pregnancy.
Did you take into consideration social freedom ,availability of sex knowledge, abortion,parents negligicne, teens may try to revolt against society by becoming pregnant so many reasons.
So we totally disagree with this finding that tv is responsible for teen pregnancy in usa and if you agree with the result what is the reason there is rising teen pregnancy in India or other countries where sex knowledge is banned,where sex talk show is banned.
Before invention of television also there were teen pregnancy, its nature and nature will do its job of reprodution we have to see that contraceptives,condomes and pills are available to each boy and girl eaisly, install condoms machines in every school,every gym ,every library, make them available contraceptives keeping there privacy.
This will result into no pregnancy, Today also many parents do not allow boys and girls enjoy what nature want them to enjoy so its good if they get contraceptives without knowledge of society ,when they want to enjoy sex then can enjoy sex and use contraceptive.
Make them aware of sexual diseases, start telvesion channes dedicated to sex knowledge ,sex diseases ,teen pregnancy.
But the soceity will not do this and say dont do sex ,sex is bad ,do you think nature or god who gives such desires in teens is wrong .
Usa -Survey links watching TV sex to teen pregnancy rates - we disagree reject it.
Watching television shows such as 'Gossip Girl' or 'Desperate Housewives' that feature sexual content may put teens at an increased risk of becoming pregnant, a study found.
Adolescents who have high levels of exposure to television programs that contain sexual content are twice as likely to be involved in a pregnancy over the following three years as their peers who watch few such shows, according to a new RAND Corporation study.
we totally disagree with this reasearch .
There is no relationship between sex and tv and pregnancy if there may be relationship then also it do not relate to pregnancy.
Let me explain , In asian countries , India, Pakistan,Bangladesh where Fashion Tv is banned or goverment says its vulagr, where on indian television you can not show bikini models,where sex education on television is banned , in this situation also in india, teenage pregnancy is rising as fast as usa but it is not reported .
On the other hand it says when teen boys and girls watch sex related shows after 3 years it will result in girls pregnancy.
Did you take into consideration social freedom ,availability of sex knowledge, abortion,parents negligicne, teens may try to revolt against society by becoming pregnant so many reasons.
So we totally disagree with this finding that tv is responsible for teen pregnancy in usa and if you agree with the result what is the reason there is rising teen pregnancy in India or other countries where sex knowledge is banned,where sex talk show is banned.
Before invention of television also there were teen pregnancy, its nature and nature will do its job of reprodution we have to see that contraceptives,condomes and pills are available to each boy and girl eaisly, install condoms machines in every school,every gym ,every library, make them available contraceptives keeping there privacy.
This will result into no pregnancy, Today also many parents do not allow boys and girls enjoy what nature want them to enjoy so its good if they get contraceptives without knowledge of society ,when they want to enjoy sex then can enjoy sex and use contraceptive.
Make them aware of sexual diseases, start telvesion channes dedicated to sex knowledge ,sex diseases ,teen pregnancy.
But the soceity will not do this and say dont do sex ,sex is bad ,do you think nature or god who gives such desires in teens is wrong .
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Real problems of india do we care about them

Reality Views By Sm
India ,Do you see our politicians talking about real issues,problems india is facing today.
Today ,India is facing many problems but you can eailsy found out indian political parties are
not focussing on them, or may be they do not think these are real issues,problems.
we have complted more than 50 years after independence but still we are facing same
problems which we face before independance .
1- india was poor before independance today also india is poor.
2- Population : it is said that in india daily one australlia is created that is to say if population
of australlia is xxx in india population xxx borns daily.
3- corruption in every corner ,goverment offices you will find corruption .
4- many political candidates whose families were beggers or very poor they have become
millionaries or billionaries in just few years i hope these politicians will tell the indian
common man how they become so rich .what is trick to accumlate so much wealth.
5- British people uses divide and rule policy to control india .Today also you can see same
policy used by indian politicians.
the list is endless.
so now quesiton is Do you see the indian political parties leaders talking ,debating on this
issues ?
The ball is in your court now .
Only handful of people in india care about this , think about this.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Analysis Why Obama won ,Yes we can, made the history
By sm :
Analysis Why Obama won ,Yes we can, made the history
Barack Obama defeats John McCain.Democrat Barack Obama has won the presidential election in a landslide electoral vote, defeating Republican John McCain and becoming the first African-American to win the nation's highest office. He is 44th President of USA.
Now question is why obama won ?
lets we will try to find it out
1- His slogan YES WE CAN did the very important trick when obama said Yes we can immidiatley everyone got connected with him positively .
2- American people are very upset with the Bush policies .
3- Obama is black Many thought Lets give him chance as they know nothing will change obama or mccain nothing is going to change.
4- Age factor Mccain is 72 years old Many people dont want old person as president who can not take care of himself ,how he can take care of country for 4 years. On other hand Obama is young,energitic , positive minded. and just 47 years old.
5- Very good Marketing skilis , he kept happy everyone, from hindus, muslims to christians on right time he declared few imp points that he keeps hanuman, second is on right time he cancalled church membership, etc. His projection was like a Big hollywood movie or bond movie .
6- When obama was speaking it felt he wants to do something,he want to change somehting on other hand when mccain was speaking one started to think he is so old how he will manage country, there was no force , it just felt that Mccain will carry Bush policies which were totally failed for many americans.
7- We are sure now republicans will see that in 2012 will not choose old politicians for presidency they have to choose someone like Sarah palin young and full of energy.
8- Yes we can , Yes we can change a collective will, a collective desire,
Yes we can made the history
Analysis Why Obama won ,Yes we can, made the history
Barack Obama defeats John McCain.Democrat Barack Obama has won the presidential election in a landslide electoral vote, defeating Republican John McCain and becoming the first African-American to win the nation's highest office. He is 44th President of USA.
Now question is why obama won ?
lets we will try to find it out
1- His slogan YES WE CAN did the very important trick when obama said Yes we can immidiatley everyone got connected with him positively .
2- American people are very upset with the Bush policies .
3- Obama is black Many thought Lets give him chance as they know nothing will change obama or mccain nothing is going to change.
4- Age factor Mccain is 72 years old Many people dont want old person as president who can not take care of himself ,how he can take care of country for 4 years. On other hand Obama is young,energitic , positive minded. and just 47 years old.
5- Very good Marketing skilis , he kept happy everyone, from hindus, muslims to christians on right time he declared few imp points that he keeps hanuman, second is on right time he cancalled church membership, etc. His projection was like a Big hollywood movie or bond movie .
6- When obama was speaking it felt he wants to do something,he want to change somehting on other hand when mccain was speaking one started to think he is so old how he will manage country, there was no force , it just felt that Mccain will carry Bush policies which were totally failed for many americans.
7- We are sure now republicans will see that in 2012 will not choose old politicians for presidency they have to choose someone like Sarah palin young and full of energy.
8- Yes we can , Yes we can change a collective will, a collective desire,
Yes we can made the history
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama or Mccain as President, will it make any difference for common american man ?
By sm:
Obama or Mccain as President, will it make any difference for common american man ?
No it will not change anything for a honest ,common ,hardworking americans.
Obama or Republican as president , there life style wont change. There will be no changes .Like India ,rich americans wil become rich and common american wil stay common.
why ?
Just one example to discuss.
Last month, that is october everyone saw american economy collapsed .
why this happend ? who is responsible for american economy collapsed ?
who is responsible that investor banks who were profit making last year that is 2007 become suddenly bankrupt in a year 2008 ?
Does American politicians tried to find out this and punish the greedy persons.
answer is no ,american politicians didnt find out the guilty persons instead of this what american politicians, excutives did ,is that they rushed gave bailout packages to people,to the banks to save them.
This is like another words i will say, a person do not have insurance but he burns the car and the insurance company rushes and pays that person, money to buy new car without making any inquiry.
as govt of usa paid them bailout package money , whose money they paid ,the money was collected from american tax payers.
Dont you think as your money is paid you got full right to know ,why they paid money, who was responsible for the collapse of company or bank ?does govt is planning to punish guilty executives or people whose greedyness cost so much to america.
In this situation you can see both politicians from republican or democrat kept silence .no one is talking about finding out the courrpt or greedy persons .
Just go through there speeches you will find that i will give you example
if obama says i will spend or give tax relief of 1 doller on other hand Mccain says in another language he will give tax relife or some kind of relief which is equal to 1 doller ormore
where is ideology ? where is change ? what they will change ?
If Obama wins only change will be a black person will become first time president , and a converted muslim, will become a president .
I hope you got the point so now Does it matter for honest ,common american people Obama or Mccain , a same coin with two sides ?
Obama or Mccain as President, will it make any difference for common american man ?
No it will not change anything for a honest ,common ,hardworking americans.
Obama or Republican as president , there life style wont change. There will be no changes .Like India ,rich americans wil become rich and common american wil stay common.
why ?
Just one example to discuss.
Last month, that is october everyone saw american economy collapsed .
why this happend ? who is responsible for american economy collapsed ?
who is responsible that investor banks who were profit making last year that is 2007 become suddenly bankrupt in a year 2008 ?
Does American politicians tried to find out this and punish the greedy persons.
answer is no ,american politicians didnt find out the guilty persons instead of this what american politicians, excutives did ,is that they rushed gave bailout packages to people,to the banks to save them.
This is like another words i will say, a person do not have insurance but he burns the car and the insurance company rushes and pays that person, money to buy new car without making any inquiry.
as govt of usa paid them bailout package money , whose money they paid ,the money was collected from american tax payers.
Dont you think as your money is paid you got full right to know ,why they paid money, who was responsible for the collapse of company or bank ?does govt is planning to punish guilty executives or people whose greedyness cost so much to america.
In this situation you can see both politicians from republican or democrat kept silence .no one is talking about finding out the courrpt or greedy persons .
Just go through there speeches you will find that i will give you example
if obama says i will spend or give tax relief of 1 doller on other hand Mccain says in another language he will give tax relife or some kind of relief which is equal to 1 doller ormore
where is ideology ? where is change ? what they will change ?
If Obama wins only change will be a black person will become first time president , and a converted muslim, will become a president .
I hope you got the point so now Does it matter for honest ,common american people Obama or Mccain , a same coin with two sides ?
Monday, November 3, 2008
analysis meaning of song Sleeping child by MLTR
Sleeping Child LyricsArtist(Band):Michael Learns To Rock
Analysis meaning of song Sleeping child by MLTR/ Michael Learns To Rock
The milky way upon theHeavens
Is twinkling just for you
And mr. moon he came by
To say goodnight to you
Ill sing for you illSing for mother
Were praying for the world
And for the people everywhere
Gonna show them all we care
Oh my sleeping child the worlds so wild
But youve build your own paradise
Thats one reason
why Ill cover you sleeping child
If all the people around
The worldThey had a mind like yours
Wed have no fighting and no wars
There would be lasting peace on earth
If all the kings and allThe leadersCould see you here this way
They would hold the earth in their arms
They would learn to watch you play
Oh my sleeping child the worlds so wild
But youve build your own paradise
Thats one reason why Ill cover you sleeping child
Im gonna cover mySleeping childKeep you away from the world so wild
analysis meaning of song Sleeping child by MLTR
these lyrics we can see in many different dimensions.
one is child in a womb which is sleeping and happy without the knowledge that outside
world is so crule .baby in the womb has his own paradise and god says he will save him and if the outside
world people became like baby innocent ,calm world will be a happy place.
2nd is A mother has just brest feed her baby and baby is then sleeping and mother singing
a lul by ,a song which help baby to sleep.
so mother sings that this world is so bad i will try to keep you away ,try to hide you as much
as possible from the bad things which the world has got.she want to save her baby from bad influences ,war, drugs, corruption from everything she
want to save her baby,her young child .
so she says oh my sleeping child i will save you ,keep you away from this bad world as
much as possible so child can stay happy as much as possible and child can enjoy his
childhood away from this bad world,bad people.
Then she says if just like you all leaders of this world become innconet and dont follow
borders ,the world will become peaceful.
as we all now small babies run where they want ,they can even smile and jump to the
persons whom u hate most. You may not like your neighbour but your child will go to
neighbours house and eat and smile with them .so mother says if all world becomes like you like her child there wil be no war.
Analysis meaning of song Sleeping child by MLTR/ Michael Learns To Rock
The milky way upon theHeavens
Is twinkling just for you
And mr. moon he came by
To say goodnight to you
Ill sing for you illSing for mother
Were praying for the world
And for the people everywhere
Gonna show them all we care
Oh my sleeping child the worlds so wild
But youve build your own paradise
Thats one reason
why Ill cover you sleeping child
If all the people around
The worldThey had a mind like yours
Wed have no fighting and no wars
There would be lasting peace on earth
If all the kings and allThe leadersCould see you here this way
They would hold the earth in their arms
They would learn to watch you play
Oh my sleeping child the worlds so wild
But youve build your own paradise
Thats one reason why Ill cover you sleeping child
Im gonna cover mySleeping childKeep you away from the world so wild
analysis meaning of song Sleeping child by MLTR
these lyrics we can see in many different dimensions.
one is child in a womb which is sleeping and happy without the knowledge that outside
world is so crule .baby in the womb has his own paradise and god says he will save him and if the outside
world people became like baby innocent ,calm world will be a happy place.
2nd is A mother has just brest feed her baby and baby is then sleeping and mother singing
a lul by ,a song which help baby to sleep.
so mother sings that this world is so bad i will try to keep you away ,try to hide you as much
as possible from the bad things which the world has got.she want to save her baby from bad influences ,war, drugs, corruption from everything she
want to save her baby,her young child .
so she says oh my sleeping child i will save you ,keep you away from this bad world as
much as possible so child can stay happy as much as possible and child can enjoy his
childhood away from this bad world,bad people.
Then she says if just like you all leaders of this world become innconet and dont follow
borders ,the world will become peaceful.
as we all now small babies run where they want ,they can even smile and jump to the
persons whom u hate most. You may not like your neighbour but your child will go to
neighbours house and eat and smile with them .so mother says if all world becomes like you like her child there wil be no war.
Where is Bharat ? Where is India ? Do you see divided India ?
Where is Bharat ? Where is India ? Do you see divided India ?
Today in India you will see , people from one state fighting with the people of other state
where it will lead ?
If Central Govt do not make strict laws and control it this will be called as a begining of desturction of India and after say 75 years or 100 years there will be no india but again there will different states .
Once there was a country called USSR but today there is only russia ,and other small independant countries ,we hope this do not happen with India .
Today policticians are using this to get elected or show there power but they dont realise once hatred goes deep inside the human heart then no body can remove it .only death will apart it .
Once in a history ,Germany saw this , what hitler started and what it has done,what german peple faced generations after generations.
Today in India ,we see small fights among people of different states,but when this will become like nuclear fire no one say and when it becomes nuclear fire no will be able to control it.
so its better Govt of india acts fast and sees that this type of thoughts,where people of one state are encourged to fight ,oppose other people of state are stopped, immidiately.
Do you see future of india as United states of India .
Do you want it , Where people of one starte will need licence to work in other state.
Do you want it where if u want to visit neighbouring state , you have to get the licence or permit
Think on this and if you dont want this to happen in future then oppose the thoughts where politician only think about there own state,wellbeing and dont think about India .
India needs politicans who will make there own state strong and help other states to become strong and collectively make India strong .
Today in India you will see , people from one state fighting with the people of other state
where it will lead ?
If Central Govt do not make strict laws and control it this will be called as a begining of desturction of India and after say 75 years or 100 years there will be no india but again there will different states .
Once there was a country called USSR but today there is only russia ,and other small independant countries ,we hope this do not happen with India .
Today policticians are using this to get elected or show there power but they dont realise once hatred goes deep inside the human heart then no body can remove it .only death will apart it .
Once in a history ,Germany saw this , what hitler started and what it has done,what german peple faced generations after generations.
Today in India ,we see small fights among people of different states,but when this will become like nuclear fire no one say and when it becomes nuclear fire no will be able to control it.
so its better Govt of india acts fast and sees that this type of thoughts,where people of one state are encourged to fight ,oppose other people of state are stopped, immidiately.
Do you see future of india as United states of India .
Do you want it , Where people of one starte will need licence to work in other state.
Do you want it where if u want to visit neighbouring state , you have to get the licence or permit
Think on this and if you dont want this to happen in future then oppose the thoughts where politician only think about there own state,wellbeing and dont think about India .
India needs politicans who will make there own state strong and help other states to become strong and collectively make India strong .
Saturday, November 1, 2008
UK Beginis a Journey towards Islamic law
UK Beginis a Journey towards Islamic law
ISLAMIC law has been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule
on Muslim civil cases.
The government has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases
ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.
Rulings issued by a network of five sharia courts are enforceable with the full power of the
judicial system, through the county courts or High Court.
Previously, the rulings of sharia courts in Britain could not be enforced, and depended on
voluntary compliance among Muslims.
It has now emerged that sharia courts with these powers have been set up in London,
Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester with the network’s headquarters in Nuneaton,
Warwickshire. Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Now we will go into the deep thinking .
In a future what will happen ?
Following are the just guesses or thoughts This may or may not happen.
uk will start journey towards losing britishness .Uk will lose its britishness.
Uk females have to follow islamic laws including white ,or hindu females.
Come to Kashmir and you will find that even hindu females cover themselves. or go to Dubai or kuwait where on Fridays what happens you will know . Females can not go outings etc. I dont go into deep .
But today if uk do not stop this it will result that Hindus will demand different courts .laws for them, christinas will demand church rules and laws , Sikhs wil demand different rules.
In this major loss will be suffered by females . As all religions only favour UK females should understand this ,oppose the starting of this type of courts based on religion .
If today you do not oppose in future you will not get chance .
This may one day result into becomeing UK into a Islamic nation ,as there populaton will grow day by day.Muslim females dont have any rights This will encourge white and other people to demand same obidience from there females,wives.
One day there will be no union jack but uk will see Green flag with moon.
God bless uk. Hope this does not happen
ISLAMIC law has been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule
on Muslim civil cases.
The government has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases
ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.
Rulings issued by a network of five sharia courts are enforceable with the full power of the
judicial system, through the county courts or High Court.
Previously, the rulings of sharia courts in Britain could not be enforced, and depended on
voluntary compliance among Muslims.
It has now emerged that sharia courts with these powers have been set up in London,
Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester with the network’s headquarters in Nuneaton,
Warwickshire. Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Now we will go into the deep thinking .
In a future what will happen ?
Following are the just guesses or thoughts This may or may not happen.
uk will start journey towards losing britishness .Uk will lose its britishness.
Uk females have to follow islamic laws including white ,or hindu females.
Come to Kashmir and you will find that even hindu females cover themselves. or go to Dubai or kuwait where on Fridays what happens you will know . Females can not go outings etc. I dont go into deep .
But today if uk do not stop this it will result that Hindus will demand different courts .laws for them, christinas will demand church rules and laws , Sikhs wil demand different rules.
In this major loss will be suffered by females . As all religions only favour UK females should understand this ,oppose the starting of this type of courts based on religion .
If today you do not oppose in future you will not get chance .
This may one day result into becomeing UK into a Islamic nation ,as there populaton will grow day by day.Muslim females dont have any rights This will encourge white and other people to demand same obidience from there females,wives.
One day there will be no union jack but uk will see Green flag with moon.
God bless uk. Hope this does not happen
Does word Hindu is Sanskirt ? How the word Hindu came to the land of king Bharat.?
Does word Hindu is Sanskirt ? How the word Hindu came to the land of king Bharat.?
As a hindu did you ever ask this question to your parents or teacher or did you face this
question in your studies ?
Interestingly you will find it very difficult to answer and may be answer is No.
so start to find out the roots of word Hindu . From where does came from word hindu ?
The word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word. It is not found in any of the thousands of native
dialects and languages of India. Neither it is a religious word.
So try to find about this .
It is said that the Persians who were familiar with the Indian subcontinent, used to refer to the Indus river as Sindhu, a major river that still flows in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, partly in India and partly in Pakistan. However due to linguistic barriers, they could not pronounce the letter correctly in their native tongue and mispronounced it as Hindu . Thus, for the ancient Persians, the word Sindhu became Hindu.Dont know is true or not ? But i am trying to find about the word Hindu where does it came
to land of Bhart .
For a long time for the native Indians, the Indian subcontinent was Bharata, the land founded by the famous King Bharata.
It is interesting to note that the word is neither Sanskrit nor Dravidian and did not originate in
India. It was not used by Indians in their descriptions or writings till the 17th century. If we go
by the original definition of the word Hindu, any one who lives in the subcontinent is a Hindu
and whatever religion he or she practices is Hinduism. The word Hindu is a secular word and
literally translated it means Indian and the word Hinduism denotes any religion or religions
that are practiced by the multitude of people living in the land beyond the river Indus.
today's India, the word Hindu is most misunderstood and misused. Many people have no idea how the word came into existence. The Indus river, with which the word is associated, now flows mostly in Pakistan although it originates in India. It is no more part of the native pride. It is almost forgotten or overlooked and its place is being taken over by the river Ganga.
I hope you wil also start to find the origin of word Hindu ?
Hindu word is given to people of Bhart by western nations ,like persians,arabs, and british people also followed it .
I hope you wil also start to find the origin of word Hindu ?
As a hindu did you ever ask this question to your parents or teacher or did you face this
question in your studies ?
Interestingly you will find it very difficult to answer and may be answer is No.
so start to find out the roots of word Hindu . From where does came from word hindu ?
The word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word. It is not found in any of the thousands of native
dialects and languages of India. Neither it is a religious word.
So try to find about this .
It is said that the Persians who were familiar with the Indian subcontinent, used to refer to the Indus river as Sindhu, a major river that still flows in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, partly in India and partly in Pakistan. However due to linguistic barriers, they could not pronounce the letter correctly in their native tongue and mispronounced it as Hindu . Thus, for the ancient Persians, the word Sindhu became Hindu.Dont know is true or not ? But i am trying to find about the word Hindu where does it came
to land of Bhart .
For a long time for the native Indians, the Indian subcontinent was Bharata, the land founded by the famous King Bharata.
It is interesting to note that the word is neither Sanskrit nor Dravidian and did not originate in
India. It was not used by Indians in their descriptions or writings till the 17th century. If we go
by the original definition of the word Hindu, any one who lives in the subcontinent is a Hindu
and whatever religion he or she practices is Hinduism. The word Hindu is a secular word and
literally translated it means Indian and the word Hinduism denotes any religion or religions
that are practiced by the multitude of people living in the land beyond the river Indus.
today's India, the word Hindu is most misunderstood and misused. Many people have no idea how the word came into existence. The Indus river, with which the word is associated, now flows mostly in Pakistan although it originates in India. It is no more part of the native pride. It is almost forgotten or overlooked and its place is being taken over by the river Ganga.
I hope you wil also start to find the origin of word Hindu ?
Hindu word is given to people of Bhart by western nations ,like persians,arabs, and british people also followed it .
I hope you wil also start to find the origin of word Hindu ?
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